Tertiary bone grafting with or without premaxilla osteotomy in adult alveolar clefts—Techniques and early outcome


The outcome of alveolar bone grafting in adult patients is sparsely reported. Here, we present a description of the surgical techniques used in a Nigerian teaching hospital and a preliminary report of the first five cases of adult alveolar cleft bone grafting accomplished with or without repositioning the premaxilla. Although, evidence of bone resorption was observed within 6 months after the operation, satisfactory bone level and aesthetic outcome was recorded in all cases. We concluded that tertiary alveolar bone grafting is desirable for all cases where alveolar clefts have persisted into adulthood to enhance the psyche of the cleft patients and to motivate them for further rehabilitation. Prompt placement of dental implant into the grafted area is recommended to mitigate subsequent resorption of the bone graft.

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Akadiri, O. , Akinbami, B. and Kejeh, B. (2012) Tertiary bone grafting with or without premaxilla osteotomy in adult alveolar clefts—Techniques and early outcome. Open Journal of Stomatology, 2, 122-129. doi: 10.4236/ojst.2012.22022.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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