
Prof. Inmaculada Failde

University of Cádiz, Spain



1995 Especialist in Preventive Medicine and Public Health, University Hospital “Puerta del Mar” Cadiz, Spain
1990 Doctor in Medicine. Doctoral Thesis: Morbidity and Mortality in Spanish population in France, University of Cádiz, Spain
1990 Master in Public Health, Public Health School University of Puerto Rico
1981 M.D. (Summa cum laude). School of Medicine, University of Cádiz, Spain

Publications (Selected)

  1. Agüera-Ortiz L, Failde I, Mico JA, Cervilla J, López-Ibor JJ. Pain as a symptom of depression: Prevalence and clinical correlates in patients attending psychiatric clinics. J Affect Disord. 2010; 0165-0327. [Epub ahead of print
  2. Branco J, Bannwarth B, Failde I, Abelló- Carbonell J, Blotman F, Spaeth M, et al. Prevalence of fibromyalgia: A survey in five European countries. Semin Arthritis Rheum 2010; 39 (6): 448-453
  3. Agüera L, Failde I, Cervilla JA, Díaz-Fernández P, Mico JA. Medically unexplained pain complaints are associated with underlying unrecognized mood disorders in primary care. BMC Fam Pract. 2010; 3: 11-17
  4. Failde I, Medina P, Ramirez C, Arana R. Construct and criterion validity of the SF-12 health questionnaire in patients with acute myocardial infarction and unstable angina. J Eval Clin Pract. 2010; 16(3):569-73.
  5. Masa JF, Jiménez A, Durán J, Carmona C, Monasterio C, Mayos M, Terán J, Barbé F, Rubio M, Failde I, Mota M, Montserrat JM. Visual analogical well-being scale for sleep apnea patients: validity and responsiveness: A test for clinical practice. Sleep Breath. 2010; 1520-9512 [Epub ahead of print]
  6. González E, Elorza J, Failde I. Fibromyalgia and psychiatric comorbidity: their effect on the quality of life patients. Actas Esp Psiquiatr. 2010; 38(5):295-300.
  7. Failde I. Home mechanical ventilation and quality of life measures. Handbook of disease burdens and quality of life measures. Preedy VR Ed. Springer- Verlag: Heidelberg 2009, pp. 289 - 296.
  8. Failde I, Medina P, Ramírez C, Arana R. Assessing health-related quality of life among coronary patients: SF-36 vs SF-12. Public Health. 2009; 123:615-617.
  9. García -Hernandez R, Failde I, Pernía A, Calderón E, Torres LM. Prevalencia de dolor neuropático en pacientes con cáncer sin relación con el tratamiento
  10. oncológico previo. Rev Soc Esp Dolor 2009; 16: 386-398
  11. López-Campos JL, Failde I, Masa JF, Benítez-Moya JM, Barrot E, Ayerbe R, León- Jiménez A. Factors related to quality of life in patients receiving home mechanical ventilation. Res Med. 2008; 102:605-12.
  12. López-Campos JL, Failde I, Masa JF, Benítez-Moya JM, Barrot E, Ayerbe R, León- Jiménez A, Windisch W. Transculturally adapted Spanish SRI questionnaire for home mechanically ventilated patients was viable, valid, and reliable. J Clin Epidemiol. 2008; 61: 1061-66 FI: 2.956
  13. Failde I. Epidemiologia del dolor tan básica como necesaria Rev Soc Esp Dolor. 2008; 4: 207
  14. Failde I, Soto M. Changes in Health Related Quality of Life 3 months after an acute coronary syndrome. BMC Public Health. 2006 Jan 27;6:18
  15. Failde I.Ramos I, Fernandez-Palacín F, Gonzalez-Pinto A. Women, Mental Health and Health- Related Quality of Life in Coronary Patients. Women & Health. 2006; 43 (2):35-49
  16. López-Campos JL, Failde I, Masa JF, Benítez JM, Barrot E, Eyerbe R, León A. Health-related quality of life of patients receiving home mechanical ventilation: the Spanish version of the severe respiratory insufficiency questionnaire Archivos de Bronconeumología. 2006; 42 (11): 583-588
  17. Hernández A, Hermana T, Hernández R, Cambra FJ, Rodríguez A, Failde I and SECIP Group. Ethical attitudes in Spanish pediatric critical care units Anales de Pediatria (Barc). 2006; 64(6): 542-549
  18. Muriel C, Failde I, Mico JA, Neira M, Sanchez-Magro I. Effectiveness and tolerability of the buprenorphine transdermal system in patients with moderate to severe chronic pain: a multicenter, open-label, uncontrolled, prospective, observational clinical study. Clinical Therapeutics. 2005; 27(4):451-62.
  19. Soto M, Failde I, Márquez S, Ramos I, Barba A, López F, Physical and mental component summaries score of the SF-36 in coronary patients Quality of Life Research. 2005; 14(3):759-68.
  20. Gonzalez-Pinto A, Failde I, Rodríguez C, Fernández-Corres C, Enjuto S, Ramírez F, López P.
  21. Purging behaviours and comorbidity as predictive factors of quality of life in anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorders.2004; 36: 445-450.
  22. Soto M, Márquez S, Ramos I, Barba A, López F, Failde I. Health related quality of life in coronary heart disease compared to norms in Spanish population Quality of Life Research.2004;13:1401-1407
  23. Ramos I, Fernandez-Palacín F, Failde I. Predictive factors of mental disorders in patients with
  24. suspected ischaemic cardiopathy. European Journal of Epidemiology. 2001; 17: 835:840.
  25. Failde I, Ramos I. Validity and reliability of the SF-36 health survey questionnaire in patients with ischaemic cardiopathy. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 2000; 53: 359-365.
  26. Failde I, Ramos I, Fernandez-Palacín F. Comparison Between the GHQ-28 and the SF-36 (MH 1-5) for the assessment of the mental health in patients with ischaemic heart disease. European Journal of Epidemiology 2000; 16: 311-316.
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