
Dr. Giustino Tonon

Faculty of Science and Technology

University of Bolzano, Italy

Associate Professor





2000  Ph.D., Bologna University, Italy

1991  M. Sc. Padua University, Italy


Publications (Selected)

  1. Tonon G., Kevers C., Gaspar Th. (2001) Changes in polyamines, auxins and peroxidase activity during in vitro rooting of Fraxinus angustifolia shoots: a auxin-independent model. Tree Physiology. 21: 655-663.
  2. Tonon G., Capuana M., Di Marco A. (2001) Plant regeneration of Fraxinus angustifolia Vahl by in vitro shoot organogenesis. Scientia Horticulturae. 87: 291-301.
  3. Tonon G., Berardi G., Rossi C., Bagnaresi U. (2001) Synchronised somatic embryo development in embryogenic suspensions of Fraxinus angustifolia. In Vitro Cell Development Biology – Plant. 37: 462-465.
  4. Tonon G., Capuana M. Rossi C. (2001) Somatic embryogenesis and embryo encapsulation in Fraxinus angustifolia Valh. The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 76: 753-757.
  5. Tonon G., Kevers C., Rampant O.F., Graziani M., Gaspar Th. (2004) Effect of NaCl and Mannitol iso-osmotic stresses on proline and free prolyamine levels in embryogenic Fraxinus angustifolia callus. Journal of Plant Physiology. 161: 701-708.
  6. Grassi G., Minotta G., Tonon G., Bagnaresi U. (2004) Dynamics of Norway spruce and silver fir natural regeneration in a mixed uneven-aged management. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 34: 141-149.
  7. Zamboni A., Dondini L., Tonon G. (2005) Study of genetic expression during somatic embryogenesis in Fraxinus angustifolia Vhal. using cDNA-AFLP technique. The Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology. 80: 240-244.
  8. Tonon G., Boldreghini P., Gioacchini P. (2005) Seasonal changes in microbial nitrogen in an old broadleaf forest and in a neighbouring young plantation. Biology and Fertility of Soils. 41: 101-108.
  9. Tonon G., Panzacchi P., Grassi G., Minotta G., Cantoni L., Bagnaresi U. (2005) Spatial dynamics of late successional species under Pinus nigra stands in the northern Apennines (Italy). Annals of Forest Science. 62: 669-679.
  10. Tonon G., Ciavatta C., Solimando D., Gioacchini P., Tagliavini M. (2007). Fate of 15n derived from soil decomposition of abscised leaves and pruning wood from apple (malus domestica) trees. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. 53: 79 - 86.
  11. Tagliavini M., Tonon G., Scandellari F., Quinones A., Palmieri S., Menarbin G., Gioacchini P., Masia A. (2007). Nutrient recycling during the decomposition of apple leaves (Malus domestica) and mowed grasses in an orchard. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 118: 191 -200.
  12. Scandellari F., Tonon G., Thalheimer M., Vittori Antisari L., Gioacchini P., Aber J., Tagliavini M. (2007) Assessing nitrogen fluxes from roots to soil associated to rhizodeposition by apple (Malus domestica) trees. Trees. 21: 499-505.
  13. Baronti S. Tognetti R, Lanini, G.M. Tonon G., Raschi A. (2008) Soil respiration and microbial activity in a Mediterranean grassland exposed to Free Air CO2 Enrichment (FACE) Community ecology: 9 (suppl):65-73.
  14. Dezi S. Medlyn B.E., Tonon G. Magnani F. (2010) The effect of nitrogen deposition on forest carbon sequestration: a model-based analysis. Global Change Biology: 5:1470-1486.
  15. Tonon G., Sohi S., Francioso O., Ferrari E., Montecchio D., Gioacchini P., Ciavatta C., Poulson D. (2010) Effect of soil pH on the chemical composition of organic matter in physically separated soil fractions in two broadleaf woodland sites at Rothamsted, UK. Journal of European Soil Science 61, 970–979.
  16. Panzacchi P., Tonon G., Ceccon C., Scandellari F., Ventura M., Zibordi M., Tagliavini M., Net primary and ecosystem productivities in apple trees (Malus domestica) as affected by soil water availability. Agricultural Ecosystems and Environment (submitted).
  17. Ponchia G., Tonon G. (1993) Risultati preliminari di ricerche sulla micropropagazione del noce. Rivista di Frutticoltura. 1: 91-94.
  18. Ponchia G., Tonon G., Fedele P. (1994) Fenotipi di pregio di noce per l’arboricoltura da legno nelle Prealpi Tevigiane. Cellulosa e Carta 5/6: 50-55.
  19. Tonon G., Capuana M. (1997) Primi risultati sul potenziale rigenerativo in vitro di Fraxinus oxycarpa Wild. Ann. Ist. Sper. Selv. XXV XXVI 169-178.
  20. Minotta G., Tonon G. (2001) L’arboricoltura da legno con latifoglie di pregio. Monti e boschi. 6: 39-44.
  21. Magnani F., Grassi G., Tonon G., Cantoni L., Ponti F., Vicinelli E., Boldreghini P., Nardino M., Georgiadis T., Facini O., Rossi F. (2005) Quale ruolo per l’arboricoltura da legno italiana nel protocollo di Kyoto? Indicazioni da una “Kyoto forest” della pianura emiliana Forest@ 2: 333-344.
  22. Vacchiano G., Tonon G., Panzacchi P., Muzzi E., Motta R. (2006) Confronto tra tecniche di ripresa ottiche e digitali per la descrizione del clima luminoso nella foresta di Paneveggio (TN) Forest@ 3: 191-204.
  23. Panzacchi P., Scandellari F., Tonon G., Tagliavini M. (2008) Contributo della decomposizione della lettiera alla nutrizione minerale delle colture arboree Italus Hortus 15 : 1-12.

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