
Prof. Vitalii D. Rusov

Odessa National Polytechnic University, Ukraine



1992 Doctor of Science, Physics Institute

1983 Ph.D., Physics Institute

Publications (Selected)

  1. Rusov V.D., Tarasov V.A., Litvinov D.A. Reactor antineutrinos physics, Мoscow, URSS, 2008, 408 p.
  2. Rusov V.D., Zelentsova T.N., Tarasov V.A. et al. The inverse problem of remote neutrino diagnostic of intra-reactor processes. J. of Appl. Phys. 2004. V. 96. P. 1734-1739.
  3. RusovV.D., PavlovichV.N., VaschenkoV.N., TarasovV.A., etal. Geoantineutrino spec-trum and slow nuclear burning on the boundary of the liquid and solid phases of the Earth’s core. J. Geophys. Res., 2007, vol. 112, B09203, doi: 10.1029/ 2005JB004212, P. 1-16.
  4. Rusov V.D., Tarasov V.A., Litvinov D.A., Shaaban I.The inverse problem of remote neutrino diagnostic of intra-reactor processes. Atomic Energy (Russia), 2003, N6, P.3-12.
  5. Rusov V.D., Litvinov D.A., Mavrodiev S. Cht. et al. The KamLAND-experiment and Soliton-like Nuclear Georeactor. Part1. Comparison of the theory with experiment, (in press);arXiv:1011.3568.
  6. Pavlovich V.N., Rusov V.D., Khotyaintseva E.N. Slow traveling wave reactor. Atomic Energy (Russia), 2007, V. 102, № 3, P. 151 - 158.
  7. Rusov V.D., Sharf I.V. One – parameter cascade model of multiple hadrons production in inelastic hh – processes at high energies. Nuclear Phys. –2006. Vol. A764. – P. 460-475.
  8. Rusov V.D., Zelentsova T.N., Kosenko S.I., Ovsyanko M.M., Sharf I.V. Cascade parametrization of multiplicity distributions in inelastic  and  - interactions on energy interval in c.m.s.  GeV. Phys. Lett. B.- 2001, Vol. B504. – P. 213 – 217.
  9. Sharf I.V., Rusov V.D. Mechanism of hadron inelastic scattering cross – section growth in the multiperipheral model within the framework of perturbation theory. // hep – ph/0605110.
  10. V.D. Rusov, E.P. Linnik, K. Kudela et al. Solar axions as an energy source and modulator of the Earth magnetic field, arXiv:1008.1461.
  11. V.D. Rusov, E.P. Linnik, K. Kudela et al. Axion mechanism of the Sun luminosity and solar dynamo - geodynamo connection, arXiv:1009.3340.
  12. V.D. Rusov, S. Cht. Mavrodiev, M.A. Deliyergiyev, D.A. Vlasenko. Quantization in classical mechanics and diffusion mechanism of alpha-decay, cluster radioactivity, spontaneous fission. In book: Quantum theory. Reconsideration of foundations.- New York, 2010, Vol. 1232, P. 213-221.
  13. V.D. Rusov, D.S. Vlasenko, S.Cht. Mavrodiev, Quantization in classical mechanics and reality of Bohm's Y-field. Ukr. J. of Phys.- 2009.- Vol.54, No 11.- P.1132-1138.
  14. V.D. Rusov, S. Cht. Mavrodiev, D.A. Vlasenko, M.A. Deliyergiyev, The Schrodinger-Chetaev Equation in Bohmian Mechanics and Diffusion Mechanism for Alpha Decay, Cluster Radioactivity and Spontaneous Fission. – Preprint E4-2009-83 (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russia).
  15. V. D. Rusov, D.S. Vlasenko On the Quantization Procedure in Classical Mechanics and Problem of Hidden Variables in Bohmian Mechanics, (in press), is available arXiv: quant-ph/0806.4050.
  16. V. Rusov, A. Glushkov, V. Vaschenko et al.Galactic Cosmic Rays - Clouds Effect and Bifurcation Model of the Earth Global Climate. Part 1. Theory. J. of Atmos. and Solar-Terrest. Physics.- 2010, Vol. 72, P. 398-408.
  17. V. Rusov, A. Glushkov, V. Vaschenko et al.Galactic Cosmic Rays - Clouds Effect and Bifurcation Model of the Earth Global Climate. Part 2. Comparison of Theory with Experiment. J. of Atmos. and Solar-Terrest. Physics.- 2010, Vol. 72, P. 380-397.
  18. V. Rusov, A. Glushkov, V. Vaschenko, Astrophysical model of global climate of the Earth, Kiev, Nauka, 2003, 212 pp.
  19. Glushkov A.V., Rusov V.D., Khokhlov V.N., Loboda N.S., Vaschenko V.N. Orbital forcings of the Earth’s climate in wavelet domain. Climate of the Past Discussions.-2005.-N1.- P.193–214.
  20. V. Rusov, A. Glushkov, V. Vaschenko et al. Galactic cosmic rays - clouds effect and bifurcation model of global climate of the Earth, In: Stamenov J, Vachev B., editors, “Global Change, Environment, Sustainable Development of the Society and High Mountain Observatories Network”, 21-25 March 2007, Gyulechitza, Bulgaria, Observatoire de montagne de Moussala OM2, INRNE, Sofia, 2007; 12, pp.80-91.

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