
Prof. Jens Schuster

Institut für Kunststofftechnik Westpfalz

University of Applied Sciences Kaiserslautern, Germany

Full Professor



1995  Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany

1990 Dipl.-Ing., Mechanical Engineering, Rheinisch-Westfälisch Technische Hochschule, Germany

Publications (Selected)

  1. Schu­ster, J., Schütz, M., Lutz, J. and Lem­pert, L. (2016), Pre­dic­tion of the En­han­ced Out-of-pla­ne Ther­mal Con­duc­ti­vi­ty of Car­bon Fi­ber Com­po­si­tes Pro­du­ced by VARTM, Open Jour­nal of Com­po­si­te Ma­te­ri­als, ac­cep­ted for pu­bli­ca­ti­on
  2. Sri­ni­va­san, M., Glitza, K.W., San­ny, B., Schuh­ma­cher, A., Du­ho­vic, M. and Schu­ster, J. (2016), Out-of-pla­ne Ther­mal Con­duc­ti­vi­ty of Car­bon Fi­ber Rein­forced Com­po­si­tes fil­led with Dia­mond Powder, Open Jour­nal of Com­po­si­te Ma­te­ri­als, 6, 41 – 57
  3. Schu­ster, J., Go­vignon, Q. and Bic­ker­ton, S. (2014), Pro­cessa­bi­li­ty of Bi­o­ba­sed Ther­mo­set Re­sin­s and Flax Fi­bres Rein­force­ments using Vacu­um As­si­sted Re­sin Trans­fer Moul­ding, Open Jour­nal of Com­po­si­te Ma­te­ri­als, 4, 1 – 11
  4. Schuster, J., Duhovic, M. and Bhatacharyya, D. (2012), Manufac­tu­ring and Pro­ces­sing of Po­ly­mer Com­po­si­tes, Syn­the­tic Po­ly­mer-Po­ly­mer Com­po­si­tes, Carl-Han­ser Ver­lag, Mün­chen, Ger­many, 35 – 70.
  5. Schu­ster, J. and Seeg­mül­ler, S. (2010), Bes­se­rer Brand­schutz für Flüs­sig­holz (WPC) durch Be­schich­tung, Holz-Zen­tral­blatt, 136, 19, 490 - 490.
  6. Schu­ster, J.(2010), Me­tho­di­sche Kon­struk­ti­on von Fa­ser­ver­bund­bau­tei­len, GAK Gum­mi Fa­sern Kunst­stof­fe, 63, 4, 231- 235.
  7. Schu­ster, J., Heider, D., Sharp, K, and Glo­wa­nia, M. (2008), Measuring and Mode­ling of Thermal Conduc­ti­vi­ties of Three-dimen­sio­nally Woven Fabric Composites, Me­cha­nics of Com­po­si­te Ma­te­ri­als, 45, 2, 165 – 174.
  8. Schu­ster, J., Heider, D., Sharp, K, and Glo­wa­nia, M. (2008), Thermal Conduc­ti­vi­ties of Three-dimen­sio­nally Woven Fabric Composites´ Compo­site Science and Tech­no­lo­gy, 68, 9, 2085 – 2091.
  9. Schu­ster, M., Peetz, L., Schu­ster, J., Ogale, A. and Mit­schang, P. (2008), Qualitative Analysis of Sewed Preforms by Visual Online-moni­to­ring of Stitch-hole Vari­a­tion under Com­pac­tion, Com­po­si­te Sci­ence and Tech­no­lo­gy, 68, 1, 312 – 320.
  10. Riedler, M. and Schu­ster, J. (2007), Das Echo der Naht, Konstruk­tions­praxis, 6, 76 – 78.
  11. Schu­ster, J. and Neu, C. (2006), Holzfaserverstärkte Ther­mo­plaste: Kein Brand­schutz für alle Fälle, Kunst­stoffe, 96, 9, 182 – 186.
  12. Bender, D., Schu­ster, J. and Hei­der, D. (2006), Flow Rate Control during Vacuum Assi­sted Resin Transfer Molding (VARTM) Processing, Compo­site Science and Tech­no­logy, 66, 2265 – 2271.
  13. Schu­ster, J., Trahan, M., Heider, D. and Li, W. (2003), Influence of the Fabric Ties on the Perfor­mance of Woven-in Optical Fibers, COMPO­SITES: Part A, 34, 855 – 861.
  14. Nowacki, J., Schu­ster, J., Mitschang, P. and Neit­zel, M. (1999), Thermoformen von GFK, Kunst­stoffe, 89, 6, 56 – 60.
  15. Schu­ster, J. und Frie­drich, K. (1997), Modelling of Mecha­nical Proper­ties of Discon­ti­nuous Aligned Fiber Compo­sites after Thermoforming, Compo­site Science and Tech­no­logy, 57, 405 – 413.
  16. Sava­dori, A. und Schu­ster, J. (1996), Thermoplastic Composites, The Poly­meric Mate­rials Ency­clo­pedia: Synthesis, Proper­ties and Appli­ca­tions, The Polymer Science and Tech­no­logy Series, CRC Press, Inc., Boca Raton, USA 8326 - 8343.
  17. Bech­told, G., Schu­ster, J. and Fried­rich, K. (1996), Polymere Verbund­werk­stoffe mit Ultra­schall bei tiefen Tempe­ra­turen prüfen, Mate­ri­al­prü­fung, 38, 4, 139 – 142.
  18. Schu­ster, J. and Fried­rich, K. (1994), Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung von Verbundwerkstoffen, Mate­ri­al­prü­fung, 36, 11 – 12, 468 – 474.
  19. Schu­ster, J., Selzer, R. and Fried­rich, K. (1994), Characterization of Fiber Align­ment and Fiber Volume Content of Long-Fiber Rein­forced Composites, Advanced Com­po­si­te Letters, 3, 1, 21 - 26.
  20. Lauke, B., Schu­ster, J., Schö­ne, A. and Fried­rich, K. (1994), Tempe­ra­ture Pro­fi­le of a FIT Tow Pas­sing a Pre­he­a­ting Chamber, Com­po­si­tes Engi­nee­ring, 4, 3, 309 – 316.
  21. Schu­ster, J., Bauer, C. and Fried­rich, K. (1993), Influences on the Signal/Noise Ratio During Ultra­sonic Inspec­tion of Composites, NDT & E Inter­na­tional, 26, 5, 255 – 260.
  22. Schu­ster, J. and Stei­ner, K.V. (1993), Ul­tra­so­nic Back­scat­te­ring Using Di­gi­ti­zed Full-Wave­form Scan­ning Technique, Jour­nal of Com­po­si­tes Tech­no­lo­gy & Re­se­arch, JCTRER, 15, 2, 143 – 148.
  23. Schu­ster, J. and Fried­rich, K. (1993), Characterization of De­for­ma­tion Sta­tes af­ter Ther­mo­for­ming of Long Di­scon­ti­nu­ous Fi­ber Com­po­si­tes by Using Ultrasonics, Ad­van­ced Com­po­si­te Letters, 2, 1, 18 – 20.
  24. Pfeifer, T., v. Wach­ter, F. and Schu­ster, J. (1990), Back­scat­te­ring - Neu­es Ul­tra­schall­prüf­ver­fah­ren für Faserverbundbauteile, In­ge­nieur-Werk­stoffe, 2, 9, 46 – 49.
  25. Schu­ster, J. and Stei­ner, K.V. (1990), Cor­re­la­tions bet­we­en Ul­traso­nic Wa­ve­forms and Arti­fi­ci­al­ly Im­plan­ted De­fects in Com­po­si­te Materials, Jour­nal of Com­po­si­tes Tech­no­lo­gy & Re­se­arch, JCTRER, 12, 1, 52 – 57.

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Last Updated: August, 2016

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