Human embryonic stem cell lines with ccr5-del32 allele conferring resistance to HIV


A 32bp deletion in the chemokine receptor 5 (CCR5) gene (CMKBR5) was shown to be linked to HIV resistance. Bone marrow transplantation from the homozygous CCR5-del32 donor to a CDC Stage 2 HIV-positive recipient was demonstrated to confer a HIV resistance, resulting in discontinuation of antiretroviral therapy. In search for an unlimited source of CCR5-del32 cells for transplantation purposes, we tested 137 human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines from the Reproductive Genetics Institute’s hESC lines collection, and report here the finding of 12 hESC lines with the CCR5-del32 allele, one of which represents a unique partenogenetic ESC line containing two copies of this deletion and may be studied for utility in stem cell transplantation treatment of HIV.

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Pomerantseva, E. , Kukharenko, V. , Goodman, A. , Verlinsky, O. , Rechitsky, S. and Kuliev, A. (2011) Human embryonic stem cell lines with ccr5-del32 allele conferring resistance to HIV. Stem Cell Discovery, 1, 67-70. doi: 10.4236/scd.2011.13007.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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