Creativity & Innovation: Four Key Issues from a Literature Review


This paper is about creativity and innovation in the educational field. Through a literature review, we describe the results of two decades of research on creativity and innovation in the educational and organizational field, to underline what seemed to work and what did not, to enable these processes functioning effectively. In this literature review, a search of publications dealing with the issues of innovation and creativity and the links between these two issues has been made. We decided to put these studies in four theoretical, ex-post created, dimensions: organizational structures, individual characteristics, training methods and pedagogical practices and training content. The content of this article is based on one of the outputs of the European Commission funded project, named CLEAR (Creativity and innovation: pedagogical framework for the learning chain).

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Pisanu, F. & Menapace, P. (2014). Creativity & Innovation: Four Key Issues from a Literature Review. Creative Education, 5, 145-154. doi: 10.4236/ce.2014.53023.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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