Democracy as the Communitarian Ideal


Democracy is distinguished by optimal integration of diverse public values, identifying the most encompassing set of mutually accepted elements defining the contemporary circumstance. Individual orderings are integrated into a continuum by rearranging common elements into conformity with every other ordering. Sequencing common elements differently, translation from individual to individual occurs by reordering elements in an understanding according to sequencing of another understanding. Utilizing the reordering process, apparent contradiction between concepts is eliminated, each smoothly transitioning into its opposite, fusing all into a transmutative whole. By this function, an axiom system can be generated from its constituent axioms in any order.

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Poochigian, D. (2014) Democracy as the Communitarian Ideal. Open Journal of Philosophy, 4, 22-29. doi: 10.4236/ojpp.2014.41005.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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