The Study of Teachers’ General Cynicism Inclinations in Terms of Life Satisfaction and Other Variables


This research aims to examine teachers’ general cynicism inclinations in respect to some variables and life satisfaction level and the relevance of these inclinations with gender, relationship status and membership of a union. Research is carried out using relational inquiry module and the study group of it constituted of 395 primary school teachers who are working in Ankara during academic year of 2012-2013 and selected with the help of modeling of inordinate set. The data are collected with “The Scale of Life Satisfaction” and tested by making use of multiple regression technique. Whether the differentiation levels of teachers’ general cynicism inclinations are related with their genders, relationship status and their membership of a union are analyzed using T test. As a result, male teachers have higher degree of cynicism in cognitive dimension than female teachers. Moreover, these general cynicism inclinations in cognitive, affective and behavioral dimensions do not differ greatly according to teachers’ membership of a union and relationship status. It is observed that the cognitive and affective dimensions of general cynicism inclinations have negative-sided relation with teachers’ life satisfaction rates.

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Aslan, H. and Yilmaz, E. (2013) The Study of Teachers’ General Cynicism Inclinations in Terms of Life Satisfaction and Other Variables. Creative Education, 4, 588-591. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.49084.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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