Indexed Learning: Protagoras’s Computer


Information technology and communication in education have transformed the traditional school in digital classrooms. The adaptability of technological tools as teaching-learning resources facilitates the rationalization of educational work. Operate with a network computer, through digital information flows, allows us to opening choices for preparing and presenting educational contents. The practical utilities are perhaps the most visible aspect of this new form that takes the contemporary education. Deepening on changes that occur in schools, it is necessary ask ourselves on the model of learning that information and communication technologies (ICT) trigger. It is also necessary to realize the need of adjusting the educative offer to the student’s ways of receiving information, linking teaching contents to the learning style of students. This paper reflects on this topic of discussion, introducing as a debate the new learning styles that raise the digital technologies. Such a learning style is called here indexed.

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Dopico, E. and Fernández-Urquiza, M. (2012) Indexed Learning: Protagoras’s Computer. Creative Education, 3, 1301-1306. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.38190.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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