Entrepreneurship Education at the Crossroad in Hong Kong


While Hong Kong is one of the world’s leading financial and business centres in the Asia-Pacific region, a recent survey conducted noted that only 3 out of every 100 people in Hong Kong had started their own business in the previous 42 months. As entrepreneurs are so important to our economy, schools should be responsible for cultivating in students a suitable entrepreneurial spirit and skills. Unfortunately,. entrepreneurial training in secondary school does little to pave the way for students to pursue their future career planning and is unable to match the future needs of society. With the recent introduction of the New Secondary School Curriculum (NSSC), this article questions if entrepreneurship education could be taught through the introduction of a new course: Business, Accounting, and Financial Studies (BAFS). This research was conducted, through the eyes of business subject panel chairs, to determine a) the importance of entrepreneurship education and b) whether the new BAFS initiative can fulfil the role of promoting entrepreneurship education in Hong Kong.

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Cheung, C. (2012) Entrepreneurship Education at the Crossroad in Hong Kong. Creative Education, 3, 666-670. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.35098.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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