Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 2011, 4, 350-355
doi:10.4236/jsea.2011.46040 Published Online June 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
Management of Mobile Phone Community in
Monther Kanan1, Ziad Al-Asmer2
1Department of Me chantoncis Eng ineering, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Al Balq’a Applied University, Amman, Jordan; 2De-
partment of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineeri n g Technology, Al Balq’a Applied University, Amman, Jordan.
Email: {kananmonther, Ziad_alasmer}
Received April 19th, 2011; revised May 18th, 2011; accepted May 27th, 2011.
The need of a fast and global communication service has increased the competition among mobile phone companies.
Therefore, those companies started adapting new methods to satisfy the needs of their customers. The Information
Technology system proposed in this work is believed to provide an effective trading and managing tool for mobiles
community in Jordan .
Keywords: System Management, SMS Mobiles Serves, Server Replay the SMS
1. Introduction
The need of a fast and reliable global communication
service has increased the competition among mobile
companies. For the past few decades, communication
technology has been widely and continuously devel-
oped. Worldwide, mobile companies needed to develop
new methods to keep on providing the quality service
expected by their customers. Information Technology
(IT) solutions can reduce time and cost for companies
by automating the systems connecting the companies
with different marketing stores using Internet services.
The proposed IT solution is integrated with a server
side application. The server side application will be
responsible for managing companies marketing stores,
products, product’s type, offers and announcements.
The Short Message Service (SMS) will be used to
query about what product is needed from specific
company thought the system.
The system proposed in this work is composed of
different parts, which are not found in the current sys-
tems used by the mobile companies in the Hashemite
Kingdom of Jordan. It joins all different companies
through one system making it easy for the customer to
find the product of interest.
The idea of this work started after conducting a
questioner that covers the different aspects of mobile’s
trading. The questioner and IT system developed for
this work could be conducted and applied for different
types of compan ies, agencies and organ izations. The IT
solution can be applied with some variations in the
system specification based on the company’s type.
Nowadays, Internet services and mobile phone services
are the most widely used communication technology.
Therefore, the proposed system is based on using those
services, which will provide convenience to the cus-
tomers in locating their product of interest. The pro-
posed system allows the user to search for the product
of interest using the World Wide Web (WEB) and the
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) pages. This re-
quires having access to both or either one of those two
services. In general the system provides the user with
the information of interest without the need of having
Internet access. The user sends a special coded SMS to
the server; in return the server reads, analyzes and re-
plies to the sender with the required information as an
2. Business Context
When looking at the current systems found in mobile
companies trading process, it is noticed that each com-
pany has its own website, and sometimes different mar-
keting stores have their ow n websi t e t oo .
When a potential customer wants to buy a specific
product, usually the best solution is going to the nearest
store and asking about the product of interest, or some-
times consulting a friend about the best place to find that
product. This process is timing consuming and may not
lead the potential customers in finding the product of
Management of Mobile Phone Community in Jordan351
interest. However, if the search was done using an auto-
mated system it is believed that the customer will reach
to the product of interest more convenien tly. Mo reover, it
increases trading performance, it saves time, and it pro-
vides more connections between the companies and their
marketing stores.
3. Product Function
The proposed system is expected to cover the mobile’s
trading operation from selling, buying and announcing
more accurately than the current system. It starts when a
potential customer wants to buy a specific product from a
nearby store or company. The proposed system will pro-
vide the store or company with an effective tool to locate
the customer ’s product of int erest.
The proposed system allows the system user to search
for the product of interest by using either the WEB or
WAP services. This will require the user to join one or
both of these services. The main function of this system
is that it provides the means to search for a product
without the need to have internet access. It allows for the
search in the database by only sending an SMS to the
server with a special code message. In return the server
reads and analyzes the message, and reply to the same
mobile phone that in itiated the request with the results of
the query.
4. Data Collection
The main task of the proposed work directs the issues
concerning the mobile sales manager, customers, service
centers and related governmental agencies. The first step
taken was closely examining functionality of the existin g
systems and determining their weakness. After that, a
questionnaire was conducted. The questionnaire carried
out the demands, suggestions and opinions of mobile
sales managers in general. The feedback received from
these questioners was used to construct the proposed
The objects in this work are the mobile stores, mobile
companies and customers; they are the kernels of any
mobile market system.
4.1. Questionnaire Approaches
Similar systems to the proposed system exist. Such sys-
tem is the function of mobile management software
products. Even though the presented work serves and
solves most encountered problems in the mobile market,
it is difficult to use in our country because of the follow-
They don’t cover the problem of safety in our coun-
They cannot serve the users, unless they are con-
nected to the Internet.
They do not cover services at our country.
For these reasons, our society demands were divided
for analysis based on questions classified into four ap-
First approach
The existence of personal computers (PC) and com-
mutation facilities, and their application in mobile's mar-
This approach have been covered by the following
Q1. The presence necessity of PCs, network and In-
ternet in the company.
Q2. The presence of PC in the store.
Q3. The presence of Internet in the store.
Second approach
The necessity of soft ware develo p i n g.
Q4. The presence of an application, which serves mo-
bile stores and service centers.
Q5. The necessity of an application, which serves the
Q6. The necessity of an application, which serves
government and related agencies in mobile market.
Third approach
Comparing the proposed system with the existing one
using the following,
Q7. Orientation.
Q8. Market compatibility.
Q9. Country agreement.
Q10. Simplicity.
Fourth approa ch
Recommendations. The work presented in this project
is limited to the sales managers’ recommendations.
4.2. Questionnaire Formation
All questions presented on the questionnaire could be
answered by one of the following,
1) Always
2) Often
3) Sometimes
4) Rarely
4.3. Results and Data Analysis
First approach
Results (see Tab le 1)
Table 1. Questioners results of the first approach.
Question Always Often SometimesRarely
Q1. The presence necessity
of network and Internet in the
company 70% 14% 10% 6%
Q2. The presence of PC in
the store 42% 23% 15% 18%
Q3. The presence of Internet
access in the store 23.2% 3.2% 18% 61%
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
Management of Mobile Phone Community in Jordan
Personal computers (PC’s) takes a great place in our
daily activities and so does the Internet access. The first
approach had covered the presence of PC according to
social and material conditions of mobile sales manager,
the presence of Internet service according to geographi-
cal places and life conditions.
The result shows that the ex isted system does not hold
the connectivity and simplicity. It was found that a large
percent, 61%, of the stores do not have Internet access.
Also, the results indicated that 70% of the companies
prefer always using computers and network connections.
10% indicated that they could sometimes use such con-
nections, while 6% showed that they would rarely use
such co nnection.
The developed system would be a perfect solution for
the stores to which will allow them to use internet
through sending SMS to the server without connecting to
Second approach
Results (see Tab le 2)
The advantages of the proposed system are discussed
and presented according to the feedback received from
mobile stores, service centers and customers,
1) High-level security while selecting and traveling
form one file d t o anot her.
2) Internet disconnection problem could be solved by
sending an SMS to the server.
Internet dependency, which means that the user must
have the skills to use a PC and surf the Internet. To avo id
this issue which is a problem to lot of the users, sending
an SMS requesting a product could be the solution.
Third approach
Results (see Tab le 3)
Table 2. Questioners results of the second approach.
Question Always Often SometimesRarely
Q4. The presence of an
application which serves mo
stores and serves centers 21.9% 25% 47.1% 5%
Q5. The necessity of an
application which serves the
customer 45%27.4% 18% 9.6%
Q6. The necessity of an
application which serves gov-
ernment and related agencies in
mobile market
90%7% 2.2% 1.8%
Table 3. Questioners results of the third approach.
Question AlwaysOften SometimesRarely
Q7.Oriantation 10.9%18.7% 29.6% 39.5%
Q8. Market compatibility 29.6%19.7% 20.8% 20.6%
Q9. Country agreement 24% 45% 23% 7.7%
Q10. Simplicity 15.4%28.5% 28.6% 26%
The proposed system provides the following features,
1) It includes integrated database system for the com-
panies, stores and customers.
2) Connection with companies, stores and customers
via SMS and site.
3) Flexible and simple user interface for data entry,
which eliminates errors during data entry for companies
and stores.
Supplemented features could be recommendation for
producing the next generation of sug gest e d software.
5. User Problem Statement
The users of the current system face several problems,
such problems include,
Difficulty and lack of communication between mobile
stores, service centers, and companies.
Difficulty and lack of communication between stores
and customers.
The delay in finding the product of interest, which is
needed by the c ust omer.
Lack of data integrity and secu rity.
Waste of time.
6. Proposed System
6.1. Description of the Proposed System
The system proposed in this work provides the company,
store and their customers with a trading Internet webs ite.
It is also provides services by sending an SMS to a server
inquiring about a product of interest. This will result in
cutting down, cost, time and wasted efforts.
The system is divided into two main parts,
1) Server side (accessed by the administrator and au-
thorized companies)
2) Clients Side (used by stores and customers).
The administrator will use the server to,
Store the database of the companies, stores, custom-
ers, announcements, offers, products and product’s
Control and facilitate the distribution of customers
and stores among different regions of the country.
Make statistics study to show the store, the products
and product’s type distribution within a certain area.
6.2. Objectives of the Proposed System
Facilitate the communication between company and
Facilitate the communication between customer and
Facilitate the communication between customer and
Organize workflow.
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Management of Mobile Phone Community in Jordan
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
Back up databases and transaction logs.
Save effort, time and human resources.
Manage tables, views, stored procedures, triggers,
indexes, rules, defaults, and user-defined data types.
The Database modeling is a modeling language, which
is based on lines connecting tables with each other by
foreign keys. Figure 1 shows the database modeling of
the proposed system. It shows all the different tables and
connection lines u s ed [3].
Eliminate paper work.
Achieve data integrity.
Achieve high level of security.
Retrieve data efficiently.
Reduce inputs faults.
Higher means of control.
Simple process and steps to follow for each process.
Electronic system so it will be fast and accurate sys-
tem. 7.2. Use Case Modeling
The Use Case model is a unified modeling language (U M L)
notation. Lines connecting actors with use cases are bi-
directional associations, which represent the interaction
between the actor and the use case.
7. Modeling
7.1. Database Modeling
Database is the data structure used for storing organized
information. A database is typically made up of many
linked tables and their rows and columns [1,2].
The dashed lines between use cases are dependencies
or instantiations. They represent either an extension or
inclusion that shows the relation between the connected
use cases [4,5]. Figure 2 shows the use case model used
in the system proposed in this work.
Structured query language (SQL) [3] server enterprise
manager is a graphical tool that allows for easy, enter-
prise-wide configuration and management of Microsoft
SQL Server and SQL Server objects [4]. SQL Server
enterprise manager can be used to, 8. Conclusions and Future Work
It is believed that the proposed system will save a lot of
time, effort and overhead costs. It will achieve data
Manage logins, permissions, and users.
Manage devices and databases.
Figure 1. Data Base modeling for the work.
Management of Mobile Phone Community in Jordan
Figure 2. Use Case model.
integrity; replace th e boring long procedures with a more
flexible and secure one. It should be taken into account
The system will constantly undergo changes and up-
dates to accommodate the pressure and the navigation
of the program and increasing system users.
The system should be integrated with a WAP applica-
tion. This will ease the search of a product of interest
by using SMS from mobiles and handheld PCs.
One of the key benefits of such a system is that it pro-
vides the stores and companies with the necessary statis-
tic results of the trading process. This could be an effec-
tive tool for day-by-day improvement to compete with
the different companies in this co untry and in some cases,
the competition with out of country companies.
Some of the future work recommend could include,
New methods to allow the server to accept analyze
and reply to calls.
The applications of the SMS service may develop
allow the store to request specific charging card
numbers based on type and amount.
Using the SMS service for activating and requesting
different features on the mobile phone.
Applying the proposed system will increase the com-
panies and stores trading process resulting in more profit,
while in the same time saving the customer time and
9. Recommendations
The system proposed in this work is recommended for
the different sectors and agencies in our community. It
could be used to connect the different branches of an
organization whether it is governmental or is the pri-
vately owned.
For its application in the mobile companies’ area, the
current system will be a more effective tool if each mo-
bile company had its own trading website. This will in-
crease the database of the system and provide the cus-
tomers and marketing store owners with a wider selec-
tion of products and services.
All different companies, agencies and institutes that
are still depending on obsolete methods such as paper
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA
Management of Mobile Phone Community in Jordan355
filing should start considering such systems for all the
benefits presented in this work. Conducting such a method
is believed to improve the trading performance, which
will have a positive effect on our economy.
[1] Era soft (Computerized Solutions for your Business),
“SQL Lecture 1,” 5 May 2007.
[2] Online Help for Microsoft SQL Enterprise Manager, Mi-
crosoft Corporation, Version: 7.0.
[3] E. S. Zhou, C. X. Xu, H. Wu, J. Zhang, Y. H. Lin, J. Q.
Wang and J. Gray, “E-R Modeler: A Database Modeling
Toolkit,” Barrett Bryant Department of Computer and In-
formation Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham,
Birmingham, 2-3 April 2004.
[4] Terry Quatrani, Visual Modeling with Rational Rose 2000
and UML, Addison-Wesley Professional, 27 October
[5] E. F. Codd, “A Relational Model of Data for Large
Shared Data Banks,” Communications of the ACM, Vol.
13, No. 6, 1970, pp. 377-387.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. JSEA