Advances in Chemical Engineering and Science, 2011, 1, 1-8
doi:10.4236/aces.2011.11001 Published Online January 2011 (
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACES
Structural and Crystallographic Features of Chemically
Synthesized Cero- and Titanium Cero- Antimonates
Inorganic Ion Exchangers and Its Applications
Mamdouh M. Abou-Mesalam
Chemistry department, Faculty of Science, Al-Baha University, Kingdo m Saudi Arabia
Nuclear Fuel Technolo gy De p art me nt , H ot Labs . Centre, Atomic Energy Authority, Cair o, E gypt
Received December 25, 2010; revised January 10, 2011; accepted J a nu ary 15, 2011
Chemically synthesized cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate prepared by sol-gel technique was
conducted for the synthesis of a novel ion exchanger. The prepared materials has been characterized by
X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, Fourier transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FT-IR) and Thermograve-
metric analyses. The structures and empirical formula's was identified and found to CeSb4O12·6.19H2O and
TiCeSb4O14·12.22H2O, for cero-antiomate and titanium cero-antimonate, respectively. The data obtained
from X-ray diffraction was analyzed to define the crystallographic feature of cero-antimonate and titanium
cero-antimonate and found both the composites were belong to cubic system with lattice constant 5.15 and
5.149 Å, respectively. The crystallite size and strain of cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate were
determined. By using ChemDraw Ultra program the modeling structures of cero-antimonate and titanium
cero-antimonate were conducted. Finally, application of the prepared materials for the removal of heavy
metals from industrial waste water in terms of capacity measurements was performed.
Keywords: Synthesis, Titanium Cero-Antimonate, Structure, Ion Exchanger, Composite
1. Introduction
The recent technologies in synthesis of ion exchange
materials was attempted to find new materials with
structure suitable for many purposes such as water puri-
fication and heavy metal removal from waste water ef-
fluents. Ion exchangers classified into organic and inor-
ganic materials that were further differentiated into natu-
ral and synthetic exchangers [1-6]. In our previous pub-
lications a new category of a composite that contains
organic and inorganic materials was synthesized such as
magneso-silicate and magnesium alumino-silicate [7],
lithium zirconium silicate [8], silico-antimonate [9], zir-
conium titanate [10], polyacrylamide acrylic acid - doped
with silicon titanate [11], chromium and cerium titanates
[12] and zirconium tin silicate [13]. The studies include
complete characterization with some investigation for its
applicability of inorganic and inorganic/organic materials
for removing heavy metal and radionuclides from waste
The aim of conducting study is to prepare a new com-
posite cero- and titanium cero-antimonates with com-
plete characterization to investigate its structure and
crystallographic features and its applicability to the re-
moval of heavy metals from simulated industrial waste
water. The crystallite size and grain due to doping of
titanium with cero-antimonate was investigated. The
empirical formulas, structures and the ion exchange ca-
pacities of the product materials conducted.
2. Experimental
2.1. Synthesis of Cero- Antimonate Ion
Cero-antimonate was synthesized by the reaction of 1.0
M cerium ammonium nitrate (dissolved in distilled water)
with 1.0 M antimony pentachloride with molar ratio Ce
to Sb equal 1:1. The reaction carried out in water bath
thermostat at 60oC with continuous stirring for 4 h. Dur-
ing the addition process, yellow gelatinous precipitate
formed. After complete addition, few drops of diluted
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACES
ammonia solution were added for complete precipitation
(pH~7) the precipitate left overnight standing for growth
the fine particle. The precipitate separated by centrifuga-
tion at 3000 rpm and washed with 0.1 M HNO3 to re-
move the excess Cl- ions and impurities. Rewash the
precipitate with distilled water to remove NO3- ions. Dry
the precipitate in drying oven at 60oC. The granular solid
poured in near boiling water (70-80oC) to remove the
trapped air. The solids dried, grained, sieved and stored
at room temperature.
2.2. Synthesis of Titanium Cero- Antimonate Ion
Titanium tetrachloride solution with concentration 1.0 M
was used for doped titanium in situ cero-antimonare.
Titanium cero-antimonate solid sample was prepared by
the reaction of 1.0 M titanium tetrachloride with a mix-
ture of 1.0 M cerium ammonium nitrate and 1.0 M anti-
mony pentachloride with volumetric ratio equal 1:1:1.
The reaction carried out in water bath at 60oC with con-
tinuous stirring for 4h. Greenish yellow gelatinous pre-
cipitate formed during the addition process of titanium
tetrachloride to the mixture. After an overnight standing
the precipitate separated by centrifugation at 3000 rpm.
The solids treated by 0.1 M HNO3 to remove impurities
and Cl- ions. Solids rewashed with distilled water to re-
move NO3- ions. After drying in drying oven at 60oC, the
granules solids poured in near boiling water at 70-80oC
to remove the trapped air. Dry, grand, sieve and store
solids at room temperature.
2.3. Characterization of Synthesized Cero- and
Titanium Cero- Antimonates:
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectra (FT-IR) for synthe-
sized materials were measured using Bomem FTIR spec-
trometer model BOMEM, MB-Series. The measurement
carried out by KBr disc method technique from 400 to
4000 cm-1.
X-ray diffraction patterns (XRD) of the synthesized
materials were recorded using Shimadzu XD-D1 spec-
trometer with Cu-K radiation tube ( = 1.5418Å) and
30 Kv, 30 mA. The patterns and the intensity with
d-spacing value tables printed out for calculation of the
crystallite size and strain of the samples. The crystal sys-
tem for the structure was determined.
Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) (loss of ignition
LOI) carried out by heating different samples at different
heating temperatures in muffle furnace for 4 h. The
weight loss (loss of ignition) calculated by the following
% Weight loss % loss of ignitionW
Where Wi and Wf are the initial and final weight after
An elemental analysis for the synthesized materials
investigated by X-ray fluorescence technique, Philips
X-ray Fluorescence PW-2400 Sequential Spectrometer.
Samples were prepared for measurement process as re-
ported earlier [13] by grained 1.0 gram of the solid sam-
ple to very fine particles and mixed with poly vinyl-
metha-acrylate as a binder to facilitate the pressing proc-
ess. The mixture pressed in pressing machine to 20 psi
for 30 sec. The measurement carried out using Super Q-
Quantitative analysis program.
2.4. Applications of Cero- and Titanium
Cero-Antimonates for the Removal of Heavy
Applications of cero- and titanium cero- antimonates for
the removal of heavy metals (Cu2+, Zn2+, Ni2+ and Cd2+)
in terms of the capacity measurements were carried out
by equilibration batch technique. The experiment was
done by shaking 0.1 M chloride salt solutions of the de-
sired cations with a definite weight of the solid (batch
factor V/m = 100 ml/g) for 3 h (time required to attain
equilibrium). After equilibrium, solids separated and the
concentrations of the cations were determined. The ca-
pacity calculated from the following relation;
% 100 o
takeCV mmmol
% Uptake=CCC.
Co and Cf are the initial and final concentrations of the
cations, respectively,
V is the solution volume and m is the mass of the
3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Structural and Crystallographic Features
Infrared data of cero-antimonate and titanium cero-an-
timonate were represented in Table 1. The spectra data
in Table 1 indicated strong and broad bands in the region
3500-2600 cm-1 for cero-antimonate and titanium cero-
antimonate ion exchangers that may related to interstitial
water molecules and OH groups [14-17]. The peaks at
1640 cm-1 and 1640-1440 cm-1 for cero-antiomante and
titanium cero-antimonate, respectively may be due to
free water molecules (water of crystallization) and being
representative of strongly -OH groups in the matrix. Both
cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate ion ex-
changers show strong peaks at 1420 and 1150 cm-1 that
indicates the presence of Sb-OH and -Sb-OH groups
[14-17]. Doping in situ precipitation of titanium ions
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACES
Table 1. IR spectra data of cero- antimonate and titanium cero- antimonate ion exchanger.
Experimental transmittance bands, cm-1
Cero- antimonate Titanium cero- antimonate Groups
Broad band at 3200-2800 Strong broad band at 3500-2600 H2O [14-17]
1640 Strong bands at 1640-1440 H2O [14-17]
1420 1420 Sb-OH [14-17]
1325 1300-1330 Ce-O [14-17]
1150 1100-1250
-Sb-OH [14-17]
700-820 Ti-O [14-17]
650-450 650-450 Metal-Metal [14-17]
with cero-antimonate caused a smaller shift for -Sb-OH
group to 1100-1250 cm-1 in titanium cero-antimonate ion
exchanger [14-17]. Also, the peak related to Ti-O bond
was appeared in the spectra of titanium cero-antiomnate
at 700-820 cm-1 [14-17]. In addition, the peaks at
450-650 cm-1 related to metal-metal (M-M) bonds were
appeared in both spectra of cero-antimonate and titanium
cero-antiomnate ion exchangers [14-17].
X-ray diffraction patterns of crystalline cero-antimonate
and titanium cero-antimonate were shown in Figures 1
and 2. From XRD data in Figures 1 and 2, it is clear that
cero-antimonate has a crystalline structure and the crys-
talinity increased by the deposition of Ti ion with cero-
antimonate (Figure 2). In addition, Figures 1 and 2 in-
dicate pure single phase of crystalline cero-antimonate
and titanium cero-antimonate. According to this data,
there is a clear evidence for the distribution of Ti ions in
cero-antimonate. This clearfield from the peaks related to
titanium (2 1 0) and (2 2 1) that appeared in Figure 2
besides the peaks corresponding to Sb (1 1 1), Ce (2 2 0)
and (3 3 1). Analyses of X-ray diffraction patters in Fig-
ures 1 and 2 with JCPSD indicated that both cero-anti-
monate and titanium cero-antimonate belongs to cubic
phase system.
The patterns in Figures 1 and 2 revealed a number of
peaks corresponding to Ce, Sb and Ti. The pattern in
Figure 1 shows six main peaks increases to eight peaks
by doping of titanium ions in situ cero-antimonate (Fig-
ure 2). The intensity of peaks for cero-antimonate and
titanium cero-antimonate and the peak data of titanium
cero-antimonate were represented in Table 2 and Figure
3, respectively. From these data we found that doping in
situ precipitation of titanium with cero-antiomnate leads
to create a new two peaks at 2θ 45.75 and 52.56.
Analyses of the data obtained according to Joint Com-
mittee for Powder Standard Diffraction (JCPSD) cards
indicated that these peaks are corresponding to Sb (1 1 1),
Ce (2 2 0) and (3 3 1), Ti (2 1 0) and (2 2 1), respectively,
with cubic phase. The peaks related to titanium (2 1 0)
and (2 2 1) are appeared in Figure 2 and leads to in-
creasing the intensity of the peaks related to cero-anti-
The interlayer spacing (d) has a definite relation to its
plane indices with a cubic system of these ion exchang-
ers. Consequently, there is a definite relation between the
lattice plane (h k l) of the crystal and the diffraction an-
gle 2θ. In cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate
ion exchangers the crystals belongs to cubic system. Ac-
cording to Bragg’s equation;
2d sin nl
d is interlayer spacing between two layers.
θ is the diffraction angle.
is the X-ray wavelength used of Cu-K tube.
And in cubic system (n = 1), therefore
then the lattice constant (ao) can be calculated from the
following equations:
sin a
222 2.
a dh k l
This equation indicates the direction of the X-rays dif-
fracted by (h k l) plane in a cubic lattice whose lattice
constant (ao). That is to say, diffractions are determined
solely by the shape and size of the unit cell. On the con-
trary, we can possibly determine the shape and size of its
unit cell about an unknown crystal by measurements of
the directions of diffracted beams. The size and shape of
the unit lattice can be described using the Miller indices
h, k and l as shown in Table 2. These Miller indices de-
fine the lattice and are called the crystallographic axes of
the cell. By analysis the X-ray diffraction data for
cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate, lattice
constant (ao) was calculated and found to 5.15 Å and
5.149 Å for cero-antimonate and titanium cero-anti-
monate, respectively. The data obtained also showed that
the lattice constant (ao) for cero-antimonate (5.15 Å) is
slightly higher than titanium cero-antimonate (5.149 Å).
Attempts made to determine the crystallite size and
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACES
Figure 1. X-ray diffraction pattern of cero- antimonate ion exchanger at 25 ± 1oC.
Figure 2. X-ray diffraction pattern of titanium cero- antimonate ion exchanger at 25 ± 1oC.
Table 2. X-ray data of cero- antimonate titanium cero- antimonate ion exchangers.
Cero- antimonite Titanium cero- antimonate
2θ (deg) D (Å) I/Io H k l a
o (Å) d (Å) I/Io h k l ao (Å)
30.04 2.972 100 1 1 1 5.148 2.972 100 1 1 1 5.148
34.83 2.573 23 2 0 0 5.146 2.573 23 2 0 0 5.146
45.75 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.981 17 2 1 0 5.147
52.56 -- -- -- -- -- -- 1.739 17 2 2 1 5.147
50.07 1.820 55 2 2 0 5.148 1.820 55 2 2 0 5.148
59.46 1.553 44 3 1 1 5.151 1.553 44 3 1 1 5.151
62.33 1.488 11 2 2 2 5.155 1.488 11 2 2 2 5.155
81.31 1.182 13 3 3 1 5.152 1.182 13 3 3 1 5.152
Lattice constant (ao) 5.15 Å Lattice constant (ao) 5.149 Å
strain from the XRD results using Hall equation [18].
bCostK Sin
where, t is the crystallite size, is the X-ray wavelength
used, ps is the angular line width of half-maximum in-
tensity and is Bragg’s diffraction angle and K is the
The crystallite size and strain effect on line broadening
can be separated by plotting ps Cos versus Sin (as
shown in Figure 4) in which slope K is related to the
strain and intercept (/t) is related to crystallite size. The
experimentally determined crystallite size and strain
were calculated and summarized in Table 3.
From data in Table 3 we found that, the crystallite
sizes of cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate
equal 0.792 and 0.841 nm, respectively, and the strain
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACES
Figure 3. Peak data for X-ray diffraction pattern of titanium cero- antimonate ion exchanger at 25 ± 1oC.
Figure 4. Plots of PSCos against Sin for cero-antimonate and titanium cero- antimonite ion exchangers at 25 ± 1oC.
Table 3. Crystallite size and strain of cero-antimonate and
titanium cero-antimonate ion exchangers at 25 ± 1oC.
Ion exchanger Crystallite size
(nm) Strain
CeSb4O12·6.19H2O 0.792 3.55
Titanium cero-antimonate
TiCeSb4O14·12.22H2O 0.841 3.22
equal 3.55 and 3.22 for cero-antimonate and titanium
cero-antimonate, respectively. It can note that the strain
in titanium cero-antimonate are higher these of
cero-antimonate that may be related to doping in situ
precipitation of titanium with cero-antimonate. Also Ta-
ble 3 indicated that the strain in ion exchangers increases
as the crystallite size decreased which is an unusual phe-
nomenon [19]. Owing to the large number of grain
boundaries and the concomitant short distance between
them, the intrinsic strains associated with such interfaces
are always present in nano and crystalline structural ma-
Calcinations of both cero-antimonate and titanium
cero-antimonate carried out by heating of 0.1 g of the
solids at 850oC in muffle furn ace oven. The data ob-
tained indicated that the overall loss of ignition from
cero- antimonite is lower than that obtained for titanium
cero-antimonate. This loss of ignition may attribute to
loss of water and evaluation of some gases that accom-
panied to transformation of the solids. This behaviour
can be interpretation as during the in situ precipitation of
titanium with cero-antimonate, a large cavities can cre-
ated in the matrix and traps a large amount of water that
can pass to outside during the heating process.
The molar ratio of Ce:Sb in cero-antimonate and
Ti:Ce:Sb in titanium cero-antimonate was estimated by
X-ray fluorescence technique. The measurements were
carried out using Semi-Q program as reported earlier
[13]. The data obtained indicated that the percent ratio’s
of Ce to Sb in cero-antimonate equal 1.00 to 4.00, re-
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACES
spectively, while in titanium cero-antimonate the percent
ratio’s of Ti:Ce:Sb found to 1.00:1.00:4.00, respectively.
From the data obtained from IR, XRD, XRF, TGA the
tentative formula’s for cero-antimonate and titanium
cero-antimonate can predict as CeSb4O12·nH2O and
TiCeSb4O14·nH2O, respectively.
From the loss of ignition (X) of two solids at 150oC,
the number of external water molecules (n) can calculate.
As indicated from TG analyses, an X values for cero-
antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate are equal
18.75% and 23.5%, respectively. The values of (n), the
external water molecules, can be calculated using Al-
berti’s equation [20];
18 100
where X is the percent weight loss in the ion exchanger
at 150oC, and (M+18n) is the molecular weight of the
material. The calculation gives the number of water
molecules (n) per molecule of the solid and found to be
6.19 and 12.22 for cero-antimonate and titanium cero-
antimonate, respectively. Then the tentative formula’s
for cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate can
rewrite as CeSb4O12·6.19H2O and TiCeSb4O14·12.22H2O,
By using all data obtained and ChemDraw Ultra pro-
gram software, we can predict construction the modeling
of cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate ion
exchangers as shown in Figures 5 and 6.
The ion exchange capacities for Zn2+, Cu2+, Ni2+ and
Cd2+ ions on cero-antimonate and titanium cero-anti-
Figure 5. Structure of cero- antimonate.
Figure 6. Structure of titanium cero- antimonite.
Copyright © 2011 SciRes. ACES
Table 4. Capacity of cero-antimonate and titanium cero-
antimonate ion exchangers for some heavy metals at 25 ± 1oC.
Capacity, mmol/gCation Ion exchanger
0.25 Cu2+
0.46 Zn 2+
0.55 Cd2+
1.00 Ni2+
0.41 Cu2+
0.62 Zn 2+
0.82 Cd2+
1.11 Ni2+
Titanium cero-antimonate
monate were investigated and the data obtained was rep-
resented in Table 4. This table shows that the ion ex-
change capacity of cero-antimonate for heavy metals are
increased by doping in situ precipitation of titanium ions
with cero-antimonate with the same order of selectivity
in both ion exchangers as, Ni2+ Cd2+ Zn2+ Cu2+.
This selectivity order indicates that changes in the hydra-
tion of metal ion play a dominant ro;e in determining the
selectivity of the exchange. This suggest that the energy
required for the dehydration of the metal ions that can
occupy a site in the ion exchanger plays an important
role in the determining the selectivity series for the heavy
metal ions [21]. On the other hand, according to the
principle of hard and soft acids and bases (HSAB), hard
acids prefer to bind to hard bases and soft acids to soft
bases [21]. The hydrated cero-antimonate and titanium
cero-antimonate can act as a Lewis base and the heavy
metal ions as Lewis acids. The softness of the cations
increases as the ionic radius of the heavy metal ions in-
creases. The interaction of the heavy metal ions with the
hydrated cero-antimonate and titanium cero-antimonate
acting as a soft base, could be expected to increase with
an increase in the ionic radii. Table 4 also, shows a
higher capacity values for the studied heavy metal ions
on titanium cero-antimonate compared to cero-anti-
monate. This behaviour may attribute to the in situ pre-
cipitation of titanium with cero-antimonate leads to cre-
ate large cavities that filled with a large amount of ex-
changeable water molecule. This amount of water a part
of which are replaced with the exchanging cations and
the other make flexibility for the flowing of exchanging
cations inside the pores. From this study, we can con-
clude that, the in situ precipitation titanium with cero-
antimonate leads to improvement of the structure of the
solid and an increase in the capacity of cero-antimonate
ion exchange.
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