Energy and Power Engineering, 2013, 5, 1043-1047
doi:10.4236/epe.2013.54B199 Published Online July 2013 (
A Reliability Impact and Assessment of Distributed
Generation Integration to Distribution System
Atthapol Ngaopitakkul1, Chaichan Po t hi s ar n1, Sulee Bunjongjit1, Boonlert Suechoey2,
Chaiyo Thammart2, Auttarat Nawikavatan2
1Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, King Mongkut’s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang,
Bangkok, Thailand
2Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, South-East Asia University, Bangkok, Thailand
Received April, 2013
The main purpose of this paper is to study the reliability due to the employment of distributed generations (DG) inte-
grated to distribution system. The system under this study is from Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA) that is a part
of Thailand’s distribution system. Data of geographic information systems (GIS) including the distance of distribution
line and location of load that are parameter of PEA is simulated using digital simulation and electrical network calcula-
tion program (DIgSILENT) to analyze the impact of reliability with the installing DG into the distribution system. The
system average interruption frequency index (SAIFI), the system average interruption duration index (SAIDI) and in-
terruption cost are assessed as index of reliability by comparing the SAIFI, SAIDI, and interruption cost between the
base case (no DG) and the case that DG connected to the distribution system. The results can be summarized by focus-
ing on location of DG, the capacity of DG, the size of load, and the distance of load which are factors able to impact to
SAIFI, SAIDI, and interruption cost.
Keywords: Reliability; Distributed Generation; Interruption Cost; Distribution System; SAIFI; SAIDI
1. Introduction
Nowadays, the distributed generation (DG) is connected
into the distribution system; there are many issues [1-10]
that may cause the technical impacts to the distribution
system. Reliability is one of problems that are interested
based on studies research papers related to this subject.
In the literature [1, 2], this paper proposed a method to
analyze and evaluate the reliability of the transmission
equipment in the electrical system when installing the
generator to a distributed system as a case study. The
value of the damage (Failure Rates) is calculated in [3-8]
which analyzes and compares the reliability of the power
system in the different case studies. In the literature [9,
10], the authors use a Monte Carlo Simulation to random
the location of generator in distributed system, and then
determine the reliability of the power system.
The paper mainly focuses on analyzing and evaluating
the reliability in order to improve the reliability of power
system but not for analyzing in terms of the interruption
cost in case of power failure. This paper studies the im-
pact of reliability when a distributed generator (DG) is
installed into the distribution system. The system under
this study is from Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA)
that is a part of Thailand’s distribution system. DIgSI-
LENT power factory is employed to simulate and ana-
lyse the SAIFI, SAIDI and interruption cost when dis-
tributed generation (DG) is connected to 22kV distribu-
tion system.
2. Distribution Reliability Indices
Because of customer satisfaction, the utility of individual
customers to get the best service with the least amount of
power failure is important. The majority of customer
reliability problem is caused by distribution system. Util-
ities often monitor the reliability of customers by using a
reliability index. Therefore, calculating the reliability
index is interesting for their customers. The use of index
to indicate the average number of times of the power
failure and power outage per year per one customer
makes it possible to compare between different systems
and can also be targeted. The most common customer
reliability indices are:
System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI)
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. EPE
System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI)
Interruption Cost
nh nk
khk h
LC r
 (3)
λ is the failure rate or interruption events
Ni is the number of customers served of node i
Ui is the restoration time or customer interruption
durations of node i
nk is the total number of load points in the study area
nh is the total number of outages that lead to power in-
terruption at load point k
Lk is the magnitude of the load curtailed in MW at
load point k
rh is duration of the contingency h
Chk is the cost of an outage contingency of duration rh
λh is the failure rate of the equipment
3. Power System Simulation using
The scheme under investigation is part of Thailand’s
electricity distribution system. DIgSILENT powerfactory
is employed to simulate and analyse the reliability when
distributed generation (DG) is connected to 22 kV dis-
tribution systems as shown in Figure 1. Data of geo-
graphic information systems (GIS) including the distance
of distribution line and location of load that are parame-
ter of PEA are shown in Table 1.
Figure 1. A simple radial system with DG connected.
Table 1. The length of transmission line and load in each
bus which is connected in distribution syste m.
Bus Distance (km) Load (MW)
Substation and 1 4.4 0.14
1 and 2 16.6 2.47
1 and 3 13 1.11
2 and 4 28.5 1.35
4 and 5 16.87 1.42
4 and 6 18 0.62
5 and 7 10 0.58
6 and 8 18.52 0.69
From Figure 1, it can be seen that there are 8 buses
from substation (Sub_Chokchai) and load of each bus
that is connected between distribution lines. To study the
reliability, simulations were performed with various
changes as follows:
- A number of distributed generators are no DG and
with DG.
- The location of distributed generators are designated
on any bus of distribution system and installed between
buses of distribution system.
- The capacity of DG is 2 MVA, 4 MVA, 6 MVA, and
8 MVA installed at the distribution system.
4. Impact of DG for Reliability
The objective of this paper is to study the impact of reli-
ability when distributed generation is connected to dis-
tribution system. The impact of DG is divided into 3 in-
dices in order to evaluate the reliability of system. The
SAIFI, SAIDI and Interruption cost of the base case (no
DG) and with DG is compared. The results are shown in
Table 2 and Table 3.
The first index, the SAIFI of base case (no DG) is
16.7464 times/customer/year while the SAIFI of PEA
regulation must be changed lower than 17.34 times/cus-
tomer/year. So the SAIFI will be compared with DG at
each bus as shown in Table 2. The results shown that,
when location of DG is considered by installing at bus 1,
2 and 3, the SAIFI is equal to the case of the base case
(no DG). Likewise, when the DG is installed at bus 4,
bus 5, bus 6, bus 7, and bus 8, it can be seen that the
SAIFI decreases. This indicates that utility has benefit
from employing DG.
In addition, when capacity of DG is considered with 2
MVA, 4 MVA, 6 MVA and 8 MVA that is installed at
each bus, the SAIFI is lower than the base case (no DG)
except for the case that the capacity of DG is 8 MW and
installation location is at bus 5 and bus 7. It is noticed
that, when the capacity of DG is increased, SAIFI tends
to decrease so reliability of distribution system will be
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. EPE
improved. This also indicates that capacity of DG and
location of DG play an important role for reliability in
such a system.
Table 2. The reliability index in case of DG installed at any
buses of distribution system.
Cost ($)
no DG 16.7464 21.064 147,351
Bus 1
2 MVA 16.7464 21.055 150,904
4 MVA 16.7464 21.05 148,641
6 MVA 16.7467 21.044 150,863
8 MVA 16.7462 21.039 148,608
Bus 2
2 MVA 16.7464 20.104 161,765
4 MVA 16.7464 19.316 149,031
6 MVA 16.7464 18.52 156,261
8 MVA 16.7462 18.233 137,887
Bus 3
2 MVA 16.7464 21.055 147,958
4 MVA 16.764 21.05 147,819
6 MVA 16.7464 21.044 148,095
8 MVA 16.7462 21.039 147,595
Bus 4
2 MVA 16.7464 19.629 157,973
4 MVA 12.15112 12.412 105,919
6 MVA 12.15112 11.776 103,279
8 MVA 12.15094 11.582 94,909
Bus 5
2 MVA 15.137 18.29 143,088
4 MVA 10.2316 10.763 90,727
6 MVA 10.1089 10.217 87,322
8 MVA 29.6436 35.897 287,294
Bus 6
2 MVA 15.5458 18.69 148,283
4 MVA 10.9371 11.529 98,434
6 MVA 10.9371 10.494 95,722
8 MVA 10.9369 10.722 87,345
Bus 7
2 MVA 15.1368 18.315 143,182
4 MVA 9.6705 10.03 83,771
6 MVA 9.5021 9.695 80,711
8 MVA 29.1259 35.202 293,903
Bus 8
2 MVA 15.5457 18.699 148,379
4 MVA 10.3671 10.831 90,350
6 MVA 10.3677 10.505 88,827
8 MVA 10.3677 10.303 83,115
Table 3. The reliability index in case of DG that is installed
between buse s of distr i bution system.
Cost ($)
no DG 16.7464 21.064 147,351
Bus 1 - Bus 2
2 MVA 16.7464 20.087 163,000
4 MVA 16.7464 19.316 160,038
6 MVA 16.7464 18.545 156,858
8 MVA 16.7462 18.233 138,892
Bus 1 - Bus 3
2 MVA 16.7464 21.055 147,881
4 MVA 16.7464 21.05 147,760
6 MVA 16.7464 21.044 148,122
8 MVA 16.7462 21.039 147,536
Bus 2 - Bus 4
2 MVA 16.7464 21.064 150,918
4 MVA 13.1397 15.377 119,819
6 MVA 12.4914 14.301 112,710
8 MVA 12.1509 13.845 102,520
Bus 4 - Bus 5
2 MVA 16.7464 19.633 158,115
4 MVA 12.1511 12.4 106,089
6 MVA 12.511 11.795 103,250
8 MVA 12.509 11.582 94,909
Bus 4 - Bus 6
2 MVA 15.5458 18.689 148,267
4 MVA 10.9506 11.557 98,669
6 MVA 10.9505 10.95 95,723
8 MVA 10.9504 10.729 87,430
Bus 5 - Bus 7
2 MVA 15.1368 18.301 143,122
4 MVA 10.4714 11.081 92,509
6 MVA 10.0205 10.181 86,285
8 MVA 35.624 44.109 352,909
Bus 6 - Bus 8
2 MVA 15.5458 18.695 148,322
4 MVA 10.937 11.522 98,166
6 MVA 10.8112 10.88 94,342
8 MVA 10.5175 10.413 84,228
The second index, the SAIDI of base case (no DG) is
21.064 hour/customer/year while the SAIDI of PEA reg-
ulation must be changed lower than 19.55 hour/cus
-tomer/year. Similarly, capacity of DG and location of
DG is considered so the behavior of SAIDI is shown in
Table 2. The results show that, when location of DG is
considered by installing at bus 1, 2 and 3, the SAIDI is
equal to the case of the base case (no DG). Likewise,
when the DG is installed at bus 4, bus 5, bus 6, bus 7 and
bus 8, it can be seen that the SAIDI is also decreased as
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. EPE
same as SAIFI. This indicates that utility has still benefit
from employing DG.
The capacity of DG is also considered; it is noticed
that when the capacity of DG is increased, SAIDI tends
to decrease as same as SAIFI. This also indicates that
capacity of DG, location of DG, location of load, and
size of load play an important role for reliability.
The third index, the interruption cost of base case (no
DG) is 147,351 U.S. Dollar /year. Similarly, capacity of
DG and location of DG are also considered; the obtained
results for interruption cost are given in Tabl e 2.
The results show that, when capacity of DG and loca-
tion of DG is considered by installing at bus 1 to bus 3,
the interruption cost is increased and more than the base
case (no DG) due that the size of load is large so average
hours service availability of customer is decreased and
the failure rate of the equipment (λ) in equation 3 will be
increased. Likewise, when the DG is installed at bus 4,
bus 5, bus 6, bus 7 and bus 8, it can be seen that the in-
terruption cost is decreased except for the capacity of DG
is less than 2 MVA. This also indicates the slight mis-
match between DG capacity and size of load. It is clearly
seen for the cases that, when interruption cost is consid-
ered and the capacity of DG is 8 MVA which is installed
at bus 7 and the size of load is 0.58 MW, the interruption
cost is significantly increased.
From Table 3, it can be seen that the reliability index
obtained from the base case as same as case of DG is
installed on any bus will be compared with DG that is
installed between bus. The first index, the SAIFI of base
case (no DG) is still 16.746 times/customer/year and the
SAIFI of PEA regulation is also 17.34 times/customer/
year. The results show that, when location of DG is con-
sidered by installing between bus 1-bus 2, bus 1-bus 3,
the SAIFI is equal to the base case (no DG) and case of
DG installed on any bus. Likewise, when the other case
of DG in Table 3 is considered, it can be seen that the
SAIFI is decreased and less than the base case but has
value nearby the case of DG installed on any bus for the
most cases except for the case that the capacity of DG is
8 MW and DG location is between bus5-bus 7 with load
of 0.58 MW. This also indicates that capacity of DG,
location of DG, location of load, and size of load play an
important role for reliability.
The second index, the SAIDI of base case (no DG) is
still 21.064 hour/customer/year while the SAIDI of PEA
regulation is also 19.55 hour/customer/year. Similarly,
capacity of DG and location of DG are considered and
the behavior of SAIDI is shown in Table 3. The results
show that, when location of DG is considered and in-
stalled at bus 1, 2 and 3, the SAIDI is equal to that of the
base case (no DG). Likewise, when the DG is installed at
bus 4, bus 5, bus 6, bus 7 and bus 8, it can be seen that
the SAIDI is also decreased as same as SAIFI. This indi-
cates that utility has still benefit from employing DG. In
addition, when capacity of DG is considered, it is noticed
that when the capacity of DG is increased, SAIDI tends
to decrease as same as SAIFI.
The third index, the interruption cost of base case (no
DG) is still 147,351 U.S. Dollar/year. Similarly, capacity
of DG and location of DG are also considered and the
obtained results from interruption cost are shown in Ta-
ble 3. The results show that, the interruption cost tends to
decrease as same as the case of DG installed at bus.
However, when the interruption cost is compared be-
tween DG installed at bus and installed between buses, it
can be seen that the interruption cost of DG installed
between buses is lower than that of the DG installed at
bus. This also indicates the slight mismatch between DG
location and size of load.
5. Conclusions
This paper focuses on the analysis of reliability with the
inclusion of DG. The system average interruption fre-
quency index (SAIFI), the system average interruption
duration index (SAIDI), and interruption cost are as-
sessed as index of reliability by comparing the SAIFI,
SAIDI, and interruption cost between the base case (no
DG) and the case that DG connected to the distribution
system. The results can be summarized by focusing on
the location of DG, the capacity of DG, the size of load,
and the distance of load which are factors able to impact
to SAIFI, SAIDI, and interruption cost as shown in Ta-
bles 2-3. Both the location of DG and the capacity of DG
must take into account to reach optimal condition in or-
der to create the suitability and fairness for both utility
and DG.
6. Acknowledgements
The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge financial
support for this research from the King Mongkut’s Insti-
tute of Technology Ladkrabang Research Fund, Thailand
and the energy policy and planning office (EPPO), Min-
istry of Energy, Thailand. They would like also to thank
for the DIgSILENT presented in this paper which is
supported by Provincial Electricity Authority (PEA).
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