Communications and Network, 2013, 5, 69-72
doi:10.4236/cn.2013.51B016 Published Online February 2013 (
Review on the Sensor Technology Applied in the
Intelligent Learning Environment
Jinhua Chen1, Ying Li2, Jing Song3
1School of Computer and Information Engineering, Yibin University, Yibin , PRC
2School of computer & information science, Southwest University, Chongqin, PRC
3School of information science & technology, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, PRC
Received 2012
The development of sensor technology promotes the transformation of the intelligent learning environment. Through
the research of the sensor technology application, this paper described the intelligent learning environment application
system of the sensor technology and the management functions, conference organization, a library building, information
collection, monitoring and equipment sharing function the role of sensor technology played in the intelligent learning
Keywords: Sensor; The Intelligent Learning Environment; Application; Review
The sensor technology is one of the rapid development
high techno logy of the world. If we tak e the computer as
the extension of the human brain, then the sensor is the
extension of human facial features.[1]The sensor tech-
nology is the important technical support of the intelli-
gent learning environment construction, the paper com-
ments on the sensor technology applied in the intelligent
learning environment.
1. Overview of Related Concepts
1.1. Sensor Technology
The sensor is the device or devices that can extract and
perceive information, and convert it into usable output
signal in accordance with certain rules. With the rapid
development of science and technology, today's intelli-
gent sensor has the automatic data acquisition, storage,
memory and information processing functions.[2]Such as
the combination of light and color sensors, infrared sen-
sors, ambient light sensor and LED can improve the
comfort feeling of class participation.[3]The picture and
sound sensors are real-time collection and testing of
learners' facial expressions, voice emotion and attitude
and emotional information; The skin current sensor is a
real-time measurement of the learners skin conductivity
coefficient, to measure the tension of the learner through
the changes of conductivity; Pulse pressure sensors mon-
itor learners pulse pressure changes caused by the heart
changes; The sweat sensors monitor learners breathing
and sweat through its telescopic change; Muscle Current
sensor is used to measure the weak voltage values of the
learners’ muscle movement, in order to obtain the pos-
ture emotional information of the learners in interactive
learning,[4] providing intelligent learning environment
for learners.
1.2. Intelligent Learning Environment
We believe that the intelligent learning environment is a
learning place or activity space which can perceive
learning scenarios, identify learner characteristics, pro-
vide appropriate learning resources and facilitate the in-
teractive tools, and automatically record the learning
process and evaluation of learning outcomes, in order to
promote learners for effective learning.[5]Intelligent
learning environment should have the following charac-
teristics: 1) The intelligent learning environment is the
seamless integration of the virtual environment and
physical environment. 2) Intelligent learning environ-
ment emphasizes the records of learners' learning process,
personality assessment, the effect evaluation and content
push. 3) Intelligent learning environment supports both
formal learning and informal learning.
2. Intelligent Learning Environment
Application System of the Sensor
Through the context-aware device such as the embedded
computer and multi-modal sensors, the sensors can aware
learners’ voice, movement, operating practices and per-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CN
sonal preferences, and according to learners' personality,
hobbies, and historical information, the learner can
choose topics and partners in the intelligent learning en-
vironment, providing intelligent recommendation learn-
ing materials for learners. The intelligent learning envi-
ronment application system consists of the following
1) The sensor module: the sensor module aware learner
context information and environmental context informa-
tion, Such as RFID (radio frequency identification) sen-
sors. By analyzing the learner or the surrounding envi-
ronment, such as location, learner behavior, environmental
temperature and humidity, etc, the intelligent learning
environment could be better understand the behavior of
the learners as well as the change of the real-world envi-
ronmental parameters, so as to provide learners resources
and services to meet the situation.[6]
2) The Micro-processing module: Microprocessor with
memory function can be built into any object and equipment.
The memory of each microprocessor is related to the
attached entity information. When learners contact with
these objects or devices, sensors detect their status and
transmit relevant information to learners’ mobile devices.
3) The information processing module: Used to im-
plement signals analog-digital conversion, signal display,
storage and analysis and processing. Including signal
sensing subsystem, and signal acquisition, storage and
processing subsystem. The signal sensing subsystem is
used to convert change signal to analog signals change
over time, for filtered and amplified and sent to the sign al
acquisition, storage, handling and processing subsystem.
4) The intelligent terminal module: In telligent terminal
module with wireless communication technologies and
Internet technology inf ormation perceive the surro unding
environment and interact with devices embedded in the
environment so that students could timely access to
computing services and collaborative learning.[7]
3. Application of the Sensor Technology to
Intelligent Learning Environment
3.1. Sensor Technology Used In Learner
Management of Wisdom Learning
Sensor technology is used in learner management of in-
telligent learning environment. It is important to use
sensors integrating smart card, each learner with a smart
card, used in the intelligent of the learning environment
in and out management, dormitory management, learning
attendance, meeting attendance, etc.[8]
1) In and out management. The distance induction of
antenna of sensor technology can realize contactless au-
tomatic check registration; the system can read and
manage smart card information automatically.
2) Accommodation manag ement. As learners, carrying
the sensor technology card, passed the accommodation
entrances, it can contact less sense the turnover of learn-
ers, statistic the number of accommodation and give
SMS tip, solve the problem of overindulging. At the
same time, it can send information to the manager to re-
alize network visual management.
3) Attendance management. the sensor technology an-
tenna can be installed in teaching building, it can realize
distance induction, it also used in learners’ class atten-
dance, as learners, carrying distance RFID Card, passed
the entrance of teaching building, they are sensed by
recognition system, it can recognize and record learners’
class attendance precisely, to make visualization man-
agement by the way of network.
4) Positioning management. It can realize the orienta-
tion of learners, the guidance of campus lab, the cicerone
of campus, and their method is the same, no longer de-
3.2. Sensor Technology Used in Conference
Organizing of Intelligent Learning
Intelligent conference roo m to install th e digital facilities,
such as the chair with sensors and the white board with
the function of memory, participants can start projector
through the use of PDA (personal digital assistant) in
every corner of the room. The entrance of intelligent
conference room can identify device through sensor
technology, when attendants with sen sor technology card
(electronic card) into the venue, the system will be auto-
matic identification through the reader of sensor tech-
nology, and it can display identity in the display screen,
seat guide ,it also can set the guests welcome message,
welcome speech through the network system.
3.3. Sensor Technology Used in Establishment of
Intelligent Library
In intelligent learning environment, the reader with mo-
bile client (laptop PDA, etc.) into the universal envi-
ronment, through the distributed service sensor, it will be
automatic context awareness, identifying the environ-
ment of user or service request of user, and then the ser-
vice sensor sent a service request to proxy server with
corresponding function, and proxy server will service
request for forwarding to intelligent library, and asking
intelligent library provide corresponding service results
according to service request, and service results will be
back to the sensor through the proxy server, and finally
service results will be feedback to the mobile client of
user by sensor.
3.4. Sensor Technology Used in Information
Monitoring of Intelligent Learning
The classroom by decorated sensor node can monitor the
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temperature and light of every corner of the classroom,
and according to the predetermined threshold to adjust
the brightness of classroom’s floodlight and air-condition
temperature automatically, according to the outdoors
light intensity to adju st curtain height, etc., they can pro-
vide a comfortable study environment to learners, and
promote learners to learn it well. In addition, the lig ht, air
conditioning, computer equipment of classroom and la-
boratory can control the power switch according to per-
sonnel entrances automatically. The supply load of the
learners’ dormitory can realize real-time remote moni-
toring through campus network, it quickly found that the
great change of electricity load, prevent fire, electric
shock, etc. [9]
3.5. Sensor Technology Used in Information
Collection of Intelligent Learning
The method of collecting information of intelligent
learning environment includes automation and artificial:
automation is to collect data way from the objective en-
vironment through the sensor equipment, such as the
physical environment information, audio and video mon-
itoring information and various sensor information re-
lated to the learners at the even t site. [10] The method of
collecting information of automation information in-
cludes data crawling, the sensor technology and the de-
sign of human-computer interaction. Data crawling is
often used in acquisition and analysis of related data in
massive dataset. The feasibility of method of data acqui-
sition depends on a direct or indirect relation between
data collected and learning activities, and the data scale.
For example, in order to analysis learning process of
learners in online learning situation, collecting learners
keywords retrieval records from study system, and anal-
ysis of keywords trend of learners through the text min-
ing algorithm.
3.6. Sensor Technology Used in Equipment
Sharing of Intelligent Learning Environment
The wireless sensor network and sensor technology
equipment can be used for real-time monitoring, bearing
the RFID label to the various types of equipment or sen-
sor installation, distribution of personal management to
carry out unified management and scheduling. When the
equipment idle, wireless sensor first time can inform
management center, remind administrator, see the posi-
tion of the equipment from the screen, and let the re-
quester use; When the equipment is in use state, the sen-
sor technology read equipment information, and match
carriers identity information (prior to equipment owner
distribution identity information sensor technology,
combined with the smart card), matching information
show that equipment is in use state, and equipment own-
er receive message through the SMS platform, providing
visual management for manager.
4. Conclusions
Along with the development of the sensor technology
and the promoting of “intelligent city”, intelligent learn-
ing environment construction will become the main de-
velopment direction of future information, intelligent
learning environment construction, as a new things,
many schools will feel lost in planning and watching,
because there is no successful case can reference, there is
no authoritative saying to the understanding of “intelli-
gent”. This paper has exploration and research to the
sensor technology in the intelligent of learning environ-
ment management, organization, the learners library con-
struction, information collection, information monitoring
and equipment sharing application of, for intelligent
learning environment construction planning for reference,
according to the “intelligent the earth” and “intelligent
city” idea of constructio n.
5. Acknowledgements
The paper, the Department of Yibin University pedagogy
first discipline funded
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