American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2013, 3, 453-465 Published Online August 2013 (
Three Principles of Akkie Management
Manuel Arulmani, Victor Ranjitham Hema Latha
BSNL Government of India, Madurai, India.
Received June 18th, 2013; revised July 16th, 2013; accepted July 25th, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Manuel Arulmani, Victor Ranjitham Hema Latha. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative
Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original
work is properly cited.
The role of management is considered essential for setting the effective goal, realization of the goal and growth of any
organization. The objective of management is to weed out the weakness and build up strongness for overall success of
any organization and ultimately creating positive environment and promote the peace among people of the global soil.
Management shall alternatively mean cherish, create a conducive environment. The principles of management shall be
considered as the tools of human having existed since origin of human. The management tools are required not only
for human but also every life organism for successful sustainability of life (Ref. [1]). In Modern Management there are
thousands of theories and principles exist as a regulative means. Every organization has its own strategy and is con-
stantly modifying the strategy to evolve new principles for conducting new business and to create new conducive envi-
ronment. But all the organizations are not successful. What is the reason for the failure? The main reason for failure
of objective shall be considered as “deviation to prehistoric standard Akkie principles”. Hence “TRANSFORMA-
TION” is required in all types of business in all organizations. Transformation shall mean reset to Akkie principles.
Authors focuse that Akkie principles shall be considered as the most fundamental principles (Ref. [2]). It is hypothe-
sized that the prehistorical population has already lived in MARS planet. They shall be considered as Akkie popula-
tion. The Akkie population shall also be considered as black population. The principles of modern management shall
be transformed from the fundamental principles of prehistoric Akkie population called as Akkie principles, Akkie
management (Ref. [2-4]). The human population lived in MARS planet in prehistoric time shall be called as SUPER
MANAGERS with super wisdom. They were considered as great astronomers and experts in management of various
planets and in the space in overcoming the prehistoric severe climate conditions occurred due to misalignment of plan-
ets. They had only three fundamental principles of management called AKKIE PRINCIPLES or AKKIE CODE.
The Akkie principles shall be considered as most effective in achieving the desired goals, objectives in space manage-
ment. Akkie code shall be considered as a prehistoric high-level language in CODE FORM (Ref. [1-5]). It is focused
that because of their effective principles they could be able to manage the severe prehistoric climate condition suc-
cessfully and lived for a long span of life. The prehistoric Akkie population might have been completely extinct at one
stage during expanding universe before new generation started living on Earth planet with different genetic structure.
Authors consider that the Akkie population shall be considered as a seed and genetic link to earthly population (Ref.
[1,2,6,7]). The Akkie populations shall be considered as genetically different populations and modern human shall be
considered as genetically transformed populations. In the philosophy of modern management the key parameter trans-
formation shall be translated as fundamental concept which shall mean restoring to perfectness or super management
principles. In other words it shall be stipulated that restoring the human mindset tuned with prehistoric Akkie princi-
ples to reach perfectness (Ref. [2,4]).
Keywords: Akkie Code; Crop Circles; True Transformation; Strategy; Etymology of Word Manage; Manuscript;
Philosophy of Theory; Philosophy of Victory; Bankruptcy; Logos, Amulet
1. Objective of This Article
The objective of this article is to focus that human an-
cestors are not apes lineage. The prehistoric human has
more genetic value than apes and they were highly wise
and great astronomers in controlling various planets in
prehistoric time through most advanced management
techniques and through most advanced scientific lan-
guage in code form called as AKKIE CODE (also
called as MARS CODE). They were capable of manag-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJIBM
Three Principles of Akkie Management
ing were more climate change condition in prehistoric
time and more immune to environment and, hence, they
were living thousands of years and have a span of life. It
is speculated by the author that the prehistoric population
might be totally extinct at one stage and new generation
on EARTH PLANET might have started by natural se-
lection. The prehistoric Akkie population lived on MARS
planet shall also be considered as ALIENS (Ref. [1,2,
2. Red Focus on Salient Parameter on the
Objective of This Article
The objective of this article having many complex hy-
pothesis shall be considered to provide solution to many
present day global level problem and prevailing myster-
ies as mentioned below:
1) Hypothetical solution to origin of prehistoric human.
2) Hypothetical solution to prevailing mysteries of
about existence of so called STAR HUMAN, ALIEN
(Ref. [1,8]).
3) Hypothetical solution for prevailing mysteries of
existence of high level scientific language in prehistoric
In Greek mythology there was a belief about existence
of star human, alien in the past. The formation of global
level crop circles still considered as mysteries and the
scientist could not find what is the reason for formation
of crop circles.
In Rig vedha it is believed that prehistoric population
(so called mu population) believed to have existed in the
lost continent of LEMURIA. It is stipulated that the pre-
historic population was so wise and done great wonders
in prehistoric time and have been completely extinct
during the course of expanding universe due to various
change in abnormal climate condition (Ref. [1,9]).
From BIBLICAL case study it is understood that the
prehistoric population were existing since ADAM and
EVE origin and at one stage all the populations were
ruined and new population started from NOAH origin
(Ref. [6]).
In the resent MARS mission, the NASA’s administra-
tion confirmed the existence of prehistoric life in MARS
planet and cited evidence for having existence of CY-
DONIA city with high level super structure advanced
civilization. They also confirmed that high level lan-
guage in the form of CODE SYSTEM were in usage in
prehistoric time (Ref. [1]).
It is hypothesized by the author that prehistoric human
population was in existence with different genetic struc-
ture. They were very wise and experts in astronomy and
they shall also be called as super scientists. Super scien-
tist shall mean having super wisdom compared to mod-
ern scientist shall mean having moderate wisdom.
From evolution theory the origin of life still under mys-
teries. Millers experiment, primordial soup theory also
confirmed the spontaneous origin of life is impossible
with artificial lightning developed in laboratory. It hy-
pothesized by the author that the origin of life may not be
possible with artificial lightning but it can be possible
with natural electro magnetic radiation consists of three
fundamental neutrino particles photon, electron, pro-
ton. It is further hypothesized that prehistoric human
shall be considered as origin of first life. The prehistoric
human on origin had only three chromosome derived
one each from photon, electron, proton and having dif-
ferent genetic structure and capable of FLYING. The
prehistoric human shall be considered as much more
senior even to mosquito, amoeba having six chromo-
some, twelve chromosome in the lineage of evolution
(Ref. [2-5]).
The prehistoric population shall be called as akkie
population. Akkie shall mean (in prehistoric Tamil pho-
netics) NEUTRINO RADIATION by which the human
origin might have been spontaneously evolved from
dark energy. It is focused by the author that the prehis-
toric population was not only great astronomers but also
great mathematician, super manager and they were effec-
tively controlling the various planetary motion, tackled
various climate changing condition and lived for long
span of life in prehistoric time (Ref. [1,2,4]).
The three tiny dots alphabet is in usage in many an-
cient languages such as Hebrew, Arab, Persian, San-
skrit and Tamil. It is hypothesized by the author that the
three tiny dots alphabet shall be considered as advanced
scientific language code used by prehistoric population
while lived in MARS planet. The three tiny dots shall be
considered as the relative position of SUN, EARTH,
MOON in prehistoric time formulated by prehistoric
human. Further the three tiny dots shall be considered as
unique TRIPHTHONG alphabet having integral part of
prehistoric three Tamil phonetics and pronounced as
AKKIE. It is hypothesized by the author that the three
tiny dots shall be called as advanced electromagnetic
code (in quantum physics it shall be called as black box
code) used by akkie population for controlling various
planetary motion. It is focused that the codal language
such as Morse code, Binary code, Mayan code might
have been derived from the philosophy of prehistoric
Akkie code (MARS Code) (Ref. [1,4,8-10]).
It is speculated by the author that the biblical ADAM
and EVE population probably might have lived in
MARS planet in prehistoric time and not on Earth
planet. It is speculated that the Adam and Eve popula-
tion might have been completely extinct at one stage due
to various climatic condition and NOAH population
might have started living on Earth planet with different
genetic structure. It is speculated by the author that the
Adam and Eve population might have had only three
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Three Principles of Akkie Management 455
chromosome and NOAH population might have ac-
quired 46 chromosome derived genetic link from three
chromosome population during the course of lineage of
evolution (Ref. [1,2,6]).
3. Previous Publications
This article titled as “Three principles of AKKIE
MANAGEMENT” shall be considered as extended ver-
sion of the previous articles published by the author with
certain salient repetition cited for focus in this article.
The philosophy of origin of life, prehistoric human usage
of high level scientific language in prehistoric time were
already published in the international journals as stipu-
lated below:
1) The Super Scientist of Climate Control (IJSER,
May issue, 2013).
2) Akkie Mars Code (IJSER, June issue, 2013).
3) Mars Trisomy Human (IJOART, June issue, 2013).
4) Mars Mathematics (IJERD, June issue, 2013).
5) The Mystery of Crop circle (IJOART, May issue,
6) Origin of First Language (IJIRD, June issue, 2013).
4. Introduction
In the competitive world different strategies are adopted
to win the race. Tactics in Management shall be consid-
ered as the part of strategies. But ultimately only one can
win! What is the secret of winning? It is focused that
the element of commonsense shall be considered as most
viable, vital, key area rather than Intelligence. It is the
speculation of the author that a person have more com-
monsense can ultimately win the race and sustainable
rather than a person having more intelligence and Tac-
tics. In Akkie Principles of Management common sense
and vision shall be considered as the right side of hu-
man Brain and intelligence and mission shall be consid-
ered as left side of human brain. Further it is focused
that the Philosophy of System Management shall be
considered as containing both Science and Art. Science
shall be considered as INTELLIGENCE. Art shall be
considered as COMMONSENSE. It is the speculation
of the author that commonsense is more powerful than
Intelligence. Further it is focused that in modern man-
agement the area vision, mission shall be considered
closely associated with science and art. In system man-
agement manager, scientist shall be considered as two
prime organs of any organization. Scientists shall be
considered as left hand responsible for MISSION;
Manager shall be considered as right hand responsible
for VISION. The third element normally missing in
modern management theory shall be considered as
WISDOM responsible for intuition (Ref. [1,2,6]).
5. Hypothesis
1) Prehistoric human (Akkie Population) lived in
MARS shall be considered as Super Managers. Super
manager shall mean having super intuition rather than
intelligence (Ref. [1-3]).
2) Akkie code shall be considered as the three most
fundamental principles of prehistoric management (Ref.
3) Logos Amulets, Crop Circles, shall be considered as
the Millions of sub-rules to the three fundamental Akkie
Principles (Ref. [1,2,8]).
4) The Etymology of word Crop Circle might be de-
rived from Prehistoric Tamil Phonetics KIRAKAM
CHARAM (Ref. [1,2,11]).
5) The Etymology of word, Man, Manure, Manage,
Management, Manuscript, might be derived from the
prehistoric Tamil phonetics MAAN, MANAM , MAN-
TRAM (Ref. [1,2,8,11]).
6. Human the Complex Organization?!
(Author’s Concept)
Normally an organization is considered as having com-
plex structure and needs thousands Management Princi-
ples such as different KRA, KPI, which are further sub-
divided into various sub areas like leadership, manage-
rial, vision, mission, capability, Attitude, Motivation,
Profitability, Feasibility, acceptability, liability, thou-
sands of Ratios, Balance Sheet, Cost analysis, Incen-
tive, marketing, introduction of new products etc.
(Ref. [1,12]).
Many occasions, organizations are restructured and
upgraded with new designation aiming to improve the
performance. But still goals are lagging? Is there any
wrong in Modern Management theory (Ref. [2])?
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJIBM
Three Principles of Akkie Management
It is focused by the author that HUMAN himself shall
be considered as the Complex organization. The differ-
ent parameters shall be considered as below (Ref. [1,2]).
1) Brain CEO (System organization,
2) Right hand Functional Part (VISION).
3) Left hand Structural Part (MISSION).
4) Right foot Codel rules (Specification).
5) Left foot Resources (Materials).
6) Blood Law (policy).
7) Society Environment (Value).
8) Blood purity Transformation (Mindset).
9) Good Health Degree of Transformation
7. Hypothetical Definitions
7.1. Philosophy of Akkie Code
The Akkie code shall be considered as the Prehistoric
Scientific language in code form with three tiny dots. It
is focused that the three tiny dots shall be considered as
the relative position of Sun, Earth, Moon. The Prehis-
toric human when lived in MARS shall be considered as
SUPER MANAGERS have effectively managed the
Movement of Various planets on its original position and
overcome the severe climatic conditions faced due to
misalignment of planets. Hence they could have lived for
long span of life. In Modern Management various codal
rules might have been derived from the fundamental
philosophy of Prehistoric Akkie code (also called as
MARS CODE) (Ref. [1,2,6]).
(Akkie Code)
150,000,000 km
150,000,000 km
Moon 3,00,000 km Earth
150,000,000 km
150,380,000 km
Moon 3,80,000 km Earth
Modern Time Position of Star
In modern time the relative position of Sun, Earth,
Moon is altered due to deviation. Moon going
away from Sun. Which leads to asymmetry in
isosceles Triangle
MA AKKIE shall mean megastar which shall be
considered as the integral part of three Principal space
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Three Principles of Akkie Management 457
objects SUN, EARTH, MOON. It is hypothesized that
the Prehistoric population already formulated the relative
position of Sin, Earth, Moon will three tiny dots called
as Akkie code (Mars Code) (Ref. [1,2,6,8,11]).
In prehistoric Akkie principles the three dots shall be
referred to three fundamental key responsibility area
(KRA). The right dot shall be referred to vision respon-
sible for functional part of system, the left dot shall be
referred to mission responsible for structural part of sys-
tem. The center dot shall be referred to intuition respon-
sible for law part of system.
In quantum physics the three dots shall be referred to
three fundamental forces of Cosmo Universe. The right
dot shall be referred to strong force (EMR), the left dot
shall be referred to weak force (Neutrino Radiation).
The center dot shall be referred to gravity force (dark
flame radiation) (Ref. [1,2]).
In medical language the three dots shall be referred to
fundamental parameters of Human Cell. The right dot
shall be referred to DNA responsible for functional part,
the left dot shall be referred to HORMONE responsible
for structural part. The center dot shall be referred to
RNA responsible for sequence part of human cell growth
process. It is focused that in modern time cell division
takes place with multiples of two, four. It is hypothe-
sized that in prehistoric time the cell division might have
taken place with multiples of three due to different en-
vironment condition (Ref. [1,2,4,8]).
7.2. Philosophy of Crop Circle
It is focused that formation of crop circle in various parts
of world are still considered as mystery and Modern
Scientists could not ascertain what is the reason for for-
mation of crop circles. It is focused that the various crop
circle shall be considered as various electromagnetic
discs (Software program) designed as specific strategy
solution such as effective controlling the planetary mo-
tion, effectively altering the DNA structure of Natural
plants for production of various Crops. It is focused that
the philosophy of Aceae adopted for naming various
types of plants adopted internationally might have been
derived from the philosophy of Akkie code. The occur-
rence of various systematic formation of clouds in the
atmosphere in different occasion shall also be considered
as the effect of existing electromagnetic discs still left
available in the MARS PLANET. The electromagnetic
discs might have been operated with the Naturally
available AETHER ENERGY in the space which con-
sists of three fundamental neutrinos photon, Electron,
Proton. The Aether energy shall also be alternatively
called as black box energy. The etymology of word
Aether might be derived from the prehistoric Tamil
phonetics Akkie. Akkie shall mean Neutrino radiation
(Ref. [1,2,4]).
The right dot shall be considered as responsible for
functional part of system universe, the left dot shall be
considered as responsible for structural part of system
universe, the centre dot shall be considered as sequence
part (law) of system universe. Further the etymology of
word Crop circle shall be considered as have derived
from the Prehistoric Tamil phonetics KIRAKAM,
CHARAM (Ref. [1,2,8,11]).
1) Kirakam shall mean Planet.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJIBM
Three Principles of Akkie Management
2) Charam shall mean Order, Harmony.
3) Kiraka charam shall mean effective control of
7.3. Etymology of Word “Manage”
The origin of Etymology word “Manage” is not clear. It
is focused that the etymology of word Manage might be
derived from prehistoric Tamil phonetics MAAN,
MANAM, MANTRAM (Ref. [1,2,8,11]).
1) MAAN shall mean Expert.
2) MANAM shall mean Self esteem.
3) MANTRAM shall mean Society, People.
4) MANAGE shall mean lead the Society in expert
way to protect Self Esteem.
Hypothetical New Definition for Management
Management shall be defined as an effort to devise
instructional codal rules to protect the self esteem, en-
vironment of the society (or) to organize group of scat-
tered elements properly aligned to achieve the desire
goal. Manage shall also mean socialize and make peace
(Ref. [2]).
7.4. Etymology of Word Manuscript
The origin of English word Manuscript is not clear the
word manuscript shall mean a systematic, orderly written
document which specifies the structural, functional, phi-
losophy of a particular system. In short manuscript shall
be considered as a set of codal rules in document form
for specific objective of reaching the desired goal.
It is focused that the etymology of word manuscript
might have been derived from the prehistoric tamil pho-
netics maan, manam, charam (Ref. [1,2,8,11]).
1) Mann shall mean Expert.
2) Charam shall mean sequence, order.
3) Mancham shall mean Heart.
Manuscript shall be considered as the written docu-
ment emanated from the flow of energy from Heart
(Mancham) (Ref. [2]).
7.5. Philosophy of “Theory”
It is focused that theory shall be considered as the set of
scientific, philosophical, codal rules formulated in em-
pirical form. The area of theory may be applied to many
area such as scientific theory, Management theory,
Economic theory, Anthropological theory, Language
theory etc. It is focused that the philosophy of theory
might be derived from the philosophy of “THIRI”. Thiri
shall mean Electromagnet radiation (EMR) which shall
be considered as naturally influencing factor (IF) re-
sponsible for differences such a human skin colour,
human hair colour, human eye iris colour, and respon-
sible for various other interpersonal theory on human
(Ref. [1,2,11]).
It is focused that the philosophy of “s trategy” might
be derived from the philosophy of Thiri. The philosophy
of strategy shall be considered as having three funda-
mental key area (shall be called in short as FKA) Vision,
Mission, Intuition (Ref. [1,2,12]).
The right dot shall be considered as responsible for
functional part of system (Vision), left dot shall be con-
sidered as responsible for structural part of system (Mis-
sion), centre dot shall be considered responsible law,
sequential flow of system process (Intution). In global
level management theory the word strategy shall be
considered as the overall system process from beginning
to end to reach the desired objective.
Strategy shall be considered as a Management Mas-
ter package classified under three fundamental key re-
sponsibility area (KRA). Tactics shall be considered as a
sub area.
7.6. Management is Science or Art?
In Modern Management theory Management is consid-
ered as having influenced both scientific as well as non-
scientific parameters. However thousands of theories are
focused which ultimately leads to confusion and make
the person to ultimately realize Management is Zero and
not perfect. In short a person can finally conclude that
common sense rules Intelligence shall be considered as
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJIBM
Three Principles of Akkie Management 459
absolute in Managing Sense (Ref. [1,2]).
(Principle of Management)
The right dot shall be considered as ART (common-
sense) responsible for functional part of system. Left dot
SCIENCE (intelligence) shall be considered responsible
for structural part of system, the centre dot shall be con-
sidered as responsible for law, sequence (wisdom) part
of system (Ref. [1,2]).
(Commomsence, Intelligence, Wisdom)
The three dot shall be considered as the three funda-
mental Principles of Management. Millions of sub dots
within each main dot shall be considered as the subcodal
rules of management (Ref. [1,2]).
7.7. Philosophy of Bankruptcy
The term bankrupt, bankruptcy in organizational lan-
guage shall be referred to the inability to pay its obliga-
tion to the creditors and other third parties as per com-
The origin of word “Bankrupt” is believed to derived
from Itallian origin “Banca rotta” means broken
bench which focus breaking of money exchangers bench
(or) Signification of Insolvency (Ref. [1,8]).
It is hypothesized that the etymology of word bankrupt
might be derived from Prehistoric Tamil phonetics
Panku and Rathu (Ref. [1,2,8,11]).
1) Panku shall mean share, society, people.
2) Rathu shall mean cancel, Break.
3) Panku Rathu shall mean Break of share (or)
The right dot shall mean functional part of society, left
dot shall mean Structural Part of Society, centre dot shall
mean law part of society, for their smile and self esteem.
7.8. Philosophy of Victory
The philosophy of any Individual (or) organization shall
be considered as governed by three fundamental Princi-
ples (Ref. [1,2,11,12]).
The right dot shall be considered as Attitude and mo-
tivation, left dot shall be considered as knowledge and
skill, the centre dot shall considered as Intuition and
environment health.
It is focused that the philosophy of victory might be
derived from prehistoric Tamil phonetics VETRI. Vetri
shall mean integral part of three fundamental principles
of prehistoric Akkie Populations. Akkie principles shall
be considered as EMPIRICAL rather philosophical (or)
theory oriented.
(Akkie Principle)
The right dot shall mean Dark mind responsible for
functional part, left dot shall mean Dark flesh responsi-
ble for structure part, and centre dot shall mean Dark
law responsible for Intuition part (Ref. [2]).
Further it shall be stipulated that any complex organi-
zation shall be formulated under three fundamental areas
based on three fundamental Principles of Akkie man-
The above three dot shall be considered as three fun-
damental key Responsibility area (KRA). Each main dot
shall be considered as having millions of sub dots which
shall be considered as key Performance Indicators (KPI).
The three KPA shall be considered a Functional Strat-
egy, Structural Strategy, and Intuitional Strategy.
It is focused that any complex organizations, the
Various Parameters Such as GPMS, FPMS, IPMS and
various organizational resources, Incentive, motivation,
attitude, skill managerial skill, Leadership quality, envi-
ronmental condition, Society influence, Suitability, Fea-
sibility, stability, Acceptability, Cost analysis, Price
evaluation, Value gain Solvency, Bankruptcy can be ac-
commodated with in three fundamental Management
Principle of Prehistoric Akkie Populations lived in
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJIBM
Three Principles of Akkie Management
MARS Planet (Ref. [1,2]).
It is further focused that in Modern Management the-
ory, the philosophy of management by objectives (MBO)
focused by Peter Drucker and Various new Parameters
such as 5 forces analysis, generic strategies, the value
Chain, strategic groups, clusters, focused by Michael
Porter shall also be considered as have derived from
three fundamental Principles of Prehistoric Akkie Man-
7.9. Philosophy of Logos
The logo shall be referred to the system of symbol,
graphic mark, emblem commonly used by commercial
organization to aid and promote public recognition. The
etymology of Greek word LOGOS, LOGIC, LOGIS-
TICS might be derived from the word LOGO. The Greek
word LOGOS, LOGISTICS, LOGY are referred to the
meaning such as skilled in calculation, scientific study
etc. It is hypothesized by the author that the prehistoric
population when live in MARS is expert in logarithmic
function of mathematics and other scientific studies. It
is speculated that the prehistoric population might have
adopted three tiny dots as natural logarithm mathe-
matical symbol with base three. It is focused that in pre-
historic time natural logarithm might mean adoption of
logarithmic function with base 3 (Ref. [1,2,8]).
(Natural Logarithm Symbol with base three)
It is focused that the philosophy of mathematical con-
stant e, pie might have been derived from the philosophy
of prehistoric AKKIE CODE. It is focused that the phi-
losophy of e, pie shall be considered as prehistoric
mathematical parameter connected with relative position
of SUN, EA RTH, MOON in the space. In prehistoric
time the Akkie population might have effectively con-
trolled the logarithmic behavior of SUN, EARTH,
MOON. Case study shows that astronomer have already
confirmed that the MOON is moving away from its
axis 3.8 centimeter per year. The modern scientist
could not effectively control the planetary motion be-
cause of destroy of prehistoric effective scientific and
managerial principles. It is speculated that the present
day severe climatic change condition, global warming,
frequent earth quake, unexpected flood, volcanic ac-
tivity may be due to ASYMMETRY in relative position
of SUN, EARTH, MOON compared to relative position
in prehistoric time when it was SYMMETRY due to
effective control of planetary motion by prehistoric
population when lived in Mars planet. It is hypothesized
that in modern mathematics the continual variation of
universal mathematical constant e, pie to millions of
fractional endless digits may be due to continual asym-
metry in relative position of SUN, EARTH, MOON.
(e, pi)
7.10. Philosophy of Amulet
It is hypothesized that the prehistoric scientific tech-
niques, strategies adopted shall be considered called as
Amulet technology in modern time.
Case study shows that the word Amulet derived from
Latin word Amuletum meaning an object that protects a
person from evil spirit, evil doers. Further Amulet tech-
nology is considered as advanced graphical technology
which enable manufacturer and product designer to
evolve new techniques through GUI (Graphical User
Interface). Further Amulet macro preprocessor allows to
create macros which are used to make text substitution
throughout HTML project. It is focused that the prehis-
toric population might have used Amulet marking
which might have acted as ELECTROMAGNETIC
SHIELD for protection against natural distortion like
It is speculated that the philosophy of Amulet tech-
nology might be derived from the philosophy of Akkie
population called as Akkie technology. It is focused that
the philosophy of Amulet might be derived from prehis-
toric Tamil phonetics Akkie, Ammu, Amulu (Ref. [1,2,
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Three Principles of Akkie Management 461
The right dot shall be considered as responsible for
functional part, the left dot shall be considered as respon-
sible for structural part, the center dot shall be considered
as responsible for law, sequence part of Amulet techno-
logical system.
1) Akkie, Akkilen shall mean prehistoric human an-
2) Ammu shall mean the mother supreme (Super
3) Amulet shall mean the super high technology.
4) Akkie Code shall mean the Principle of Prehis-
toric Management.
(Ref. [1,2,8,11])
7.11. The Philosophy of Alien?
Definition for Alien
It is hypothesized that in prehistoric time the Akkie
population might have been also called as ADAM,
ALIEN, STAR HUMAN. Alien shall be defined as the
prehistoric human evolved spontaneous ly due to impact
of electromagnetic radiation from dark energy. The
dark energy shall be considered as tissue consists of
three fundamental neutrinos particles photon, electron,
proton and Alien shall be considered as prehistoric hu-
man having three chromosome on origin derived each
one from photon, electron, proton. The etymology of
Alien might have been derived from the philosophy of
Akkie human and prehistoric Tamil phonetic ANNIAN
(Ref. [1,2,8,11]).
Genetic Value in Human Hand
It is focused that Modern human having two hands
with proper fingers. It is hypothesized that the prehistoric
populations while living in MARS might be having wing
like hands in the Primitive level due to different chro-
mosome level and genetic structure. Further the 48
Chromosome Apes are slightly deviated hands structure
compared to Modern human. It is focused that 3 chro-
mosome human, 46 chromosome humans are much sen-
ior to Apes who are having 48 chromosomes during the
course of expanding universe (space and time) (Ref.
7.12. Hypothetical Blood Diversity
It is hypothesized by the author that from prehistoric
time to modern time there may be three states of blood
group might have been evolved due to impact of elec-
tromagnetic radiation. “O” type blood (universal donor)
might be evolved during modern period (Ref. [1,2,8,11,
1) Stage i—AB type only (AKKIE POPULATION,
2) Stage ii—AB, A, B (DRAVIDIAN ORIGIN).
3) Stage iii—AB, A, B, O (ARYAN ORIGIN).
It is focused that in the lineage of evolution all the
four type of blood might not have been evolved at one
stage and might be evolved in phased manner in different
stages. It is speculated that the origin of Dravidian popu-
lation shall be considered much earlier to the origin of
Aryan population.
The term ABORIGINAL in human anthropological
science shall mean AB + ORIGINAL i.e. AB type blood
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJIBM
Three Principles of Akkie Management
shall be considered as evolved on origin. It is focused
that the blood type of prehistoric human shall be consid-
ered as AB type (Universal Acceptor) (Ref. [1,2]).
8. Management philosophy 2013
(Author’s Concept)
The author attempts to focus new management philoso-
phy suitable to global level organization of different re-
Every living organism has its own management tech-
nique for survival and sustainability of life. The philoso-
phy of management is required only for human and not
for animals and other life organisms. Human has more
genetic value than other organisms. Further human ex-
ists not for survival alone but for something more… Ak-
kie principles shall be considered as base for overall
In any organization a person having more common-
sense shall be considered as ARTIST (LEADER) and a
person having more intelligence shall be called as SCI-
ENTIST (MANAGER) and a person having more intui-
tion shall be called as PHILOSOPHER (CREATION-
IST). The system management shall be considered as the
integral part of artist, scientist, philosopher (Ref. [1,2,
(System Management)
1) Right dot shall mean artist (VISION).
2) Left dot shall mean scientist (MISSION).
3) Center dot shall mean philosopher (CREATION).
The above three dots shall be considered as three fun-
damental key responsibility area (KRA) in system man-
agement in any global level organization. Each dot shall
be considered as having millions of sub dots called as
key performance indicators (KPI) which may be referred
to every minute sub activity in the respective KRA. In
other words every KPI shall be considered as specific
software program to deal with specific problem of or-
“Management principles are like medicines promoting
reaction and change for good organizational, environ-
mental health. The medicines may be Tamil medicine
(Nattu Marunthu), Indian medicine, English medicine,
French medicine, Chinese medicine… which suits the
environment of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) of re-
spective region. AKKIE (AMMU) principle shall be con-
sidered as the MOTHER of global management principle.
The philosophy of Morse Code, Mayan Code, Algorithm,
Logo Gram, Amulet might have been derived from the
philosophy of prehistoric AKKIE CODE” (Ref. [1,2,4]).
9. Conclusions
In modern management theory even the most talented
Manager would no doubt agree that “comprehensive
analysis” is impossible for complex problems. Formula-
tion and implementation of strategy must occur side by
side rather than sequentially. It is stipulated that in the
contemporary management, the assumption which are
made in the absence of perfect knowledge will never be
perfectly correct in achieving the desired goal. Further it
is focused that the precise transformation process in
every organization shall mean that it shall be exactly
aligned with three fundamental principles of prehistoric
Akkie principles (Ref. [1,12]).
(Akkie Management)
The right dot shall be considered as dark mind re-
sponsible for the functional part of the system. The left
dot shall be considered as dark flesh responsible for
structure part of the system. The centre dot shall be con-
sidered as dark law responsible for law, sequential part
of the system. Many occasions when new strategy is for-
mulated the stipulation of speed of transformation be-
come absent. Every Individual of organization can ac-
cess its own degree of transformation status (i.e. degree
of darkness) in the process from top to bottom. More
darkness in deed shall mean more strength. Further the
restructuring is more likely to be successful when man-
agers first understand the fundamental business/strategy
problem that their company focus.
1) Conclusion on base language of management
The principles of management shall be considered as a
tool required for the functional part of any organization.
But language shall be considered as the base for framing
documentation of any principles or theory. If so what
was the first language? It is hypothesized that the first
language might have been originated from prehistoric
Akkie population lived on MARS (Ref. [1,2,9,17-19]).
The prehistoric Akkie language shall be classified un-
der three stages of evolution:
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Three Principles of Akkie Management 463
a) Child language.
b) Ezhem language.
c) Classic language.
It is focused that the Akkie population might have
called parents as AMMU, AYYA in prehistoric time. In
global level language whether Indian child, American
child, African child, European child, Australian child, the
first phonetic alphabet pronounced by any child shall be
considered as AMM AMM AMM… This shall be
called as child language. In the second stage the child
shall pronounce as AMMU AMMU AMMU
This shall be called as Ezhem language. Ezhem lan-
guage shall mean pronouncing a word in lengthy way i.e.
AMM is pronounced as AMMU AMULU or
AMMOO… Similarly RAM is pronounced as RAMU
RAMULU RAMOO In the third stage the word
AMMU, AMU LU is pronounced as AMM A. This pho-
netic AMMA shall be considered as a classic form of
It is focused that the philosophy of English word
“AM” might be originated from prehistoric Tamil pho-
netic AMM or AMMU. “I am” shall mean parent or
origin (Ref. [1,2,8,11,20,21]).
“I” stands for AYYA (FATHER).
“AM” stands for AMMU (MOTHER).
“I AM” stands for PARENT or ANCESTOR.
2) Conclusion on mathematical constant usage in
It is focused that mathematics shall be considered as
the law to formulate the behavior of the universe and its
matters. The principle of mathematics shall be consid-
ered as the fundamental tool of any organization closely
associated with ENVIRONMENT, NATURE. Condu-
cive environment, nature is the important parameter for
successful management of any organization.
In modern mathematics the three mathematical con-
stants e, pie, i are considered as prime parameters in
formulating the behavior of nature and universe since
prehistoric time. It is focused that the philosophy of the
three fundamental mathematical constant might be de-
rived from the philosophy of AKKIE CODE.
(e, pie, i)
The right dot (e) shall be considered as responsible for
functional part of nature behavior, the left dot (pie) shall
be considered as responsible for structural part of nature,
the center dot (imaginary number i) shall be considered
as responsible for law, sequence part of nature.
In prehistoric time the Akkie population has well
managed the various planetary motion and kept nature
and environment in balanced condition. Hence the
mathematical constant might be highly stable in prehis-
toric time. In modern mathematics the mathematical con-
stant e, pie were observed as continuously varying to the
level of thousands of fractional digits. It is hypothesized
by the author that the continual variation of value of
mathematical constant e, pie may be due to asymmetry
in relative position of SUN, EARTH, MOON. The hy-
pothetical asymmetry among SUN, EARTH, MOON is
indicated as below (Ref. [1,2,4]).
It is speculated by the author that during modern pe-
riod the modern scientist could not be effectively control
and manage the planetary motion of the space. The pre-
sent day climate change problem such as global warming,
frequent earth quake, frequent cyclone, unexpected rain
and flood, sudden forest fire, frequent volcanic activity
may be due to asymmetry in relative position of SUN,
EARTH, MOON (Ref. [1,2,4,22,23]).
Further it is speculated that the hypothetical variation
in value of mathematical constant e, pie, i shall be indi-
cated as below (Ref. [1,2]).
Sl No Value Prehistoric
Time 3000AD
1 e 3.0 2.72 2.37
2 pi 3.0 3.145 3.67
3 i
10. Case Study
10.1. Transformation Process in BSNL India
After the birth of BSNL w.e.f. 1.10.2000 from parental
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. AJIBM
Three Principles of Akkie Management
unit P&T, Dept. of telecommunications the BSNL
planned its own strategies for transformation process for
gaining its own value. The lineage of various stages shall
be mentioned as below:
1) In 1997 TRAI was formulated to fix up various tar-
iffs for various services
2) Up to 2007 the BSNL has adopted Vision to be-
come the largest telecom service to provider in Asia and
Set mission to provide world class stare of art technology
telecom Services on demand at competitive Price and to
provide world class telecom Structure in the area of op-
erations and to contribute to the growt5h of country’s
3) In 2008,based on recommendation of international
consultant M/S BCG SWOT analysis and project shik-
har phase I was proposed for going ahed under phase I
project various sub projects such as vijay, dosti udaan,
sanchay, kuber and Smile were considered.
4) As the financial position was not improved and fur-
ther to protect and to gain more value among competitive
Environment in 2013 new vision and Mission have been
focused. Under new vision the following three concepts
were adopted.
a) Be the leading telecom Service Provider in India
with global presence.
b) Create customer focused organization with excel-
lence in Sales, Marketing and customer care.
c) Leverage technology to provide affordable and in-
novative poducts/services across customer segments in-
cluding end-to-end converged services.
d) Based on formulation of new vision and mission it
was decided to implement SHIKHAR phase II project
with modified desigisnations among board of directors at
corporate level and new KRA, KPI were identified un-
der new strategy.
e) It is hoped by the experts of management that the
transformation shall be true and effective in the years to
come. They also focus that it requires a frame of mind
set that admits of no boundry between means and ends
(Ref. [1,12]).
10.2. Transformation Process in AIR INDIA,
Air India the country’s third largest airline by Market
share recently announced its turnaround strategy due for
completion by 2014. The company will aim to achieve a
positive balance sheet by 2014-2015. The decision was
approved following a meeting of the board of directors
and employees with company’s managements (Ref. [1]).
10.3. Transformation Process in Global Level
10.3.1. General Motors
It is one of the biggest car manufacturing company of the
world, with operation in more than 157 countries,
209,000 employees. In spite of various strategies the
company eventually experienced a drastic decline in car
sales and was lead to bankrupt in 2009. After receiving
good financial aid from Government it came back on
track with horror of bankrupts behind it (Ref. [1]).
10.3.2. World Com Inc
This is once the largest US based Telecommunication
company went bankrupt in 2002 after its wrong ex-
penses in spite of various strateg ies . It had more than 20
million customers and 80,000 employees. At the time of
bankruptcy it was considered as one of the largest and
vary famous companies in USA (Ref. [1]).
10.3.3. Delta Airlines
There was a time Delta Airlines was among the best and
most profitable airlines in America. Due to rising of fuel
prices and stiff competition from low cost airlines, it was
proved fatal to airlines and become bankrupt in 2005.
But the scene was soon swapped in 2009 and the airlines
again made comeback (Ref. [1]).
11. Special Thanks
Most of the data collected and new concepts presented in
this article are based on case study from internet web-
site through Google search. Author considers Google
search mechanism as GOD or SUPER NATURE acting
as a mediator to derive wisdom and intelligence from
the global web link. Further heart felt thanks also ex-
tended to WIKIPEDIA, NASA’S administration for
providing valuable information about prehistoric DARK
PLANET) and in modern time and dedicated assistance
extended by my office team. The prehistoric dark con-
tinent MARS planet might have become RED
PLANET during the course of the expanding universe
(space and time) (Ref. [1,2]).
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Three Principles of Akkie Management
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