Engineering, 2013, 5, 88-92
doi:10.4236/eng.2013.55B018 Published Online May 2013 (
Electroenceph alography Analysis Using Neural Network
and Support Vector Machine during Sleep
JeeEun Lee1, Sun K. Yoo2
1Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
2Corresponding Author, Department of Medical Engineering, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Received 2013
The purpose of this paper is to analyze sleep stages accurately using fast and simple classifiers based on the frequency
domain of electroencephalography(EEG) signal. To compare and evaluate system performance, the rules of Recht-
schaffen and Kales(R&K rule) were used. Parameters were extracted from preprocessing process of EEG signal as fea-
ture vectors of each sleep stage analysis system through representatives of back propagation algorithm and support vec-
tor machine (SVM). As a result, SVM showed better performance as pattern recognition system for classification of
sleep stages. It was found that easier analysis of sleep stage was possible using such simple system. Since accurate es-
timation of sleep state is possible through combination of algorithms, we could see the potential for the classifier to be
used for sleep analysis system.
Keywords: Sleep; Electroencephalography; Neural Network; Backpropagation Algorithm; SVM
1. Introduction
Sleeping is defined as a behavioral state where sur-
roundings cannot be perceived and being non-reactive to
stimulus. Study on sleeping is constantly being re-
searched since the 1930s starting with the discovery of
EEG and currently depending on the depth of sleeping,
sleep stage has been divided. From the arousal state
where the voluntary adjustment of eye movement is pos-
sible, to the shallow sleeping state of phase 1 progressing
through phase 4’s deep sleep, then through REM sleep
stage to the dreaming state. During the REM sleep the
status of the brain includes the low voltage EEG and has
similar neural activity as awaken state but body muscles
appears helpless. Humans repeat such sleeping state.
Such sleeping takes up 1/3 of people’s daily lives and are
closely related to biometric activity and countless dis-
eases relating to sleeping is being classified.
Sleeping being closely related to biometric activity
means that sleeping can be expressed by biomedical sig-
nals and such signal can be used to classify the sleep
state. In order to analyze the sleep stage, a biomedical
signal analysis is being performed based on the rules of
Rechtschaffen and Kales, but the calculation process
according to this rule has a vast number of sleeping re-
cords with time consuming problems [1].
EEG measured for sleep analysis is a technique that
records the electrical activity of the brain, which can be
best used as an important standard that distinguishes
most objective classification of the sleep state. In order to
analyze the sleep stage, EEG signal can be best con-
firmed at C3 and C4, and the EEG signal’s frequency
band is different depending on the sleep stage and this
can be used for classifying the sleep stage. EEG fre-
quency by the sleep stage shows that during the arousal
phase alpha frequency (8 - 13 Hz) and beta frequency (14
- 35 Hz) is active and at stage 1 theta frequency (4 - 7
Hz), stage 2 spindle frequency (12 - 14 Hz) and K- com-
plex is shown. At phase 3, 20% - 30% of delta frequency
(2 - 4 Hz) is observed per epoch, and at phase 4, delta
frequency (2 - 4 Hz) pattern of 50 or more is shown.
During the REM sleep, it shows characteristics of pattern
that is all mixed frequencies [2]. Table 1 shows a fre-
quency band by the sleep stage and the Figure 1 shows
EEG signal waveform by the sleep stage.
Currently the accuracy of an algorithm to classify the
sleep state is poor and the measurement is complex, but
in this thesis using the EEG signal as basis through the
signal processing, extracting features and analyzing and
applying it to the neural networks and SVM can help to
accurately classify the patterns according to the sleep
2. Materials and Methods
The data used for this study was obtained from grown
men averaging 6.5 hours of sleep test. This data was
measured at the C4 section sampling at 1000 Hz. Also to
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Table 1. Sleep stage.
Stage Range of Frequency
Awake Alpha(8 - 13 Hz), Beta(14 - 35 Hz)
Stage1 Theta(4 - 7 Hz)
Stage2 Spindle(12 - 14 Hz), K-complex
Stage3 Delta(2 - 4 Hz)
Stage4 Delta(2 - 4 Hz)
REM All of ranges
Figure 1. EEG waveform of different sleep stage.
define the category for the data the rules of Rechtschaf-
fen and Kales was used giving epoch per 30 seconds to
visually check the arousal state, light sleep (Stage 1 and
Stage 2), deep sleep (Stage 3 and Stage 4) and REM state
categorized with a total of 4 stage level[3].
Based on the pattern recognition, the analysis algo-
rithm for sleep stage undergoes a signal processing of
obtained EEG signal data and selects the parameter for
the frequency domain which well indicates the sleep
stage. A classifier used at such time is backpropagation
algorithm for neural network and support vector machine.
The test was configured by using well studied classifier
to input other data to compare the accuracy of the classi-
fier and to evaluate. The overall flow is shown on the
Figure 2.
2.1. Pre-processing and Feature Extraction
The EEG appears due to the chemical changes in the
nerve cells and through the detection of the EEG internal
details on the activities and functions of the brain can be
seen. EEG signals has dozens of μV units, and in the
time domain it can be analyzed by the periodic appear-
ance of the EEG signal and noise, and in the frequency
domain, by separating each band to find the value of the
dominant frequency components to classify the quantifi-
cation of the signal or types of signal. EEG signal is un-
predictable and affected by a microscopic stimulus so
unless the signals are processed it is difficult to interpret
the EEG. Accordingly, the original waveform obtained
from this study was used for the pre-processing of the
EEG signal [4].
First EEG’s largely occur by the movement of the
muscle and eyes causing unnecessary signals to form so
eliminating the total signal’s average value from the
original signal to adjust the baseline. Afterwards in-
creasing and decreasing of the EEG signals due to the
person’s movement can occur so linear detrend was ap-
plied to remove the straight constituents then filtering to
remove the power noise and high frequency constituents
In this thesis, since the sleep stage has a big correlation
with the EEG frequency band, gave frequency analysis of
the EEG signal. In order to classify the EEG signal that
has completed the filtering by band, a Fast Fourier trans-
form was used to separate the EEG frequency band. In
order to find the distinct characteristic vector that
matches the predetermined data level, divided in the units
of 30 seconds, calculating the frequency power per sam-
ple to extract the distinct characteristic vector [5]. A fre-
quency power can relatively have a different values
therefore based on the power value for each band, rela-
tive power value of the total power was obtained, and
extracted relative power was also normalized to have
values of 0 - 1. The Figure 3 shows a distinct character-
istic vector of relative power extracted by each frequency
for 30 minutes and the Figure 4 is an overall flow chart
for the characteristic extraction.
Figure 2. The flow chart of a sleep stage analysis system.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
J. E. LEE, S. K. YOO
010 2030 40 50 60
1delt a
R/ P
sequence per 30 sec
010 2030 40 50 60
sequence per 30 sec
010 2030 40 50 60
sequence per 30 sec
010 2030 40 50 60
sequence per 30 sec
010 2030 40 50 60
1gamm a
sequence per 30 sec
1 2 3 4 56 7 8 910
sequence per 30 sec
Figure 3. EEG relative power per time.
Figure 4. The flow chart of feature extraction.
2.2. Backpropagation Algorithm
The backpropagation algorithm is a learning algorithm
used to study the neural network by imitating the hu-
man’s brain structure. A model of the neural network as
shown on the Figure 5 consists of the input layer, hidden
layer and output layer. The hidden layer combines the
values received from the input layer and transfers the
values to the output layer and through such learning
process renewing the weighted value to make the classi-
To simply summarize the backpropagation algorithm,
first the input date is inserted and calculates the output
according to the input. Next, it finds the error between
the output according to the input and the desired output
to calculate the local error. Next it provides learning by
renewing the weighted value for each neuron and repeat-
ing such process until the error is reduced to the appro-
priate level [6].
In order to structure the multilayer perceptron there are
things to be considered. First is to categorize the input
variables. Next is to determine what to do with the archi-
tecture of the backpropagation algorithm in which the
number of nodes, number of layers and define active
functions to be used. Besides initial weighted value,
learning rate and stop condition should be specified in
order for the user to configure as desired [7].
In this study, for effective use of the backpropagation
algorithm, as previously mentioned, has undergone a
process of categorizing the feature vector. Also for active
function a sigmoid function was used, and by selecting
and changing the number of the hidden layer and the
hidden node, a structure that best accurately analyze the
sleep state was selected. The Figure 6 is a graph showing
that a learning process can reduce the error and in epoch
after the graph confirms the error rate being maintained.
Figure 5. Multilayer perceptron.
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2.3. Suppor
fiers were designed
error rate, the SVM
e, for
t Vector Machine
If previously introduced pattern classi
with a purpose of minimizing the
was designed with a purpose of maximizing the gener-
alization ability by maximizing the margins between
categories. As shown on the Figure 7, two classification
lines are being classified without error. Previous classifi-
ers will repeat the process of reducing the error and will
stop to operate when no errors are found. But SVM will
select the hyperplane having the same distance minimum
value for each category from a large number of classified
lines and will find the second classified lines with excel-
lent generalization ability to maximize the margin.
SVM can solve the conditional optimized problem to
obtain and learn the Lagrange multiplier. Therefor
e SVM classifier the input vector and the support vec-
tor will use nonlinear function to transform into a feature
space and at such moment, an introduction of kernel
function enabling internal calculation of the vector to
simplify the computational difficulties. When a linear
separation is impossible, SVM will introduce mitigation
variables to allow wrong categories to measure how
much margin of range the data has gone out. And by se-
lecting the penalty variables and adjusting the width of
the margin and the error it can structure an excellent
performance classifier [8].
Figure 6. Error decreasing by epoch.
Figure 7. Support vector machine.
In order to structure the SVM, a selection of which ker-
nel function to use and how to adjust the penalty variable
must be made and explain whether the optimized condi-
tion for the termination of the algorithm was satisfied. In
this paper, SVM classifier that uses RBF kernel function
to adjust the value of the variables that best classify the
sleep states was selected.
3. Results
In relation to the extraction of parameter mentioned pre-
viously, backpropagation algorithm and SVM was first
studied then tested. Using the classifier with 5 subject’s
biometric sion the Ta-
neural network. It had
patterns as the neural network but all with
r and had accuracy of 80% or higher during
gnals studied, the result as shown
e 2 was derived. The Table 2 has expressed the accu-
racy of the classifier by each data.
The Figure 8 is an accuracy of the sleep stage. Above
graph have shown accuracies when using the neural net-
work and had less than 50% accuracy during the arousal
state but in light sleep, deep sleep and REM states it had
an accuracy of more than 80%. SVM comparatively had
higher accuracy level than the
similar graph
65% or highe
all other sleep states except for the arousal state and in
light sleep and REM where the accuracy was over 90%.
Table 3 is an organized version of the graph.
Table 2. Accuracy of Classifiers.
Data Neural Network SVM
Data 1 84.9% 89.5%
Data 2 86.8% 88.3%
Data 3 80.2% 90.2%
Data 4 82.7% 88.3%
Data 5 84.3% 89.1%
11.5 22.5 33.5 4
100 N/N - Accuracy per sleep stage
11.5 22.5 33.5 4
M - A cc uracys tag e
Sleep Stage
Figure 8. Accuracy per sleep stage.
per s l eep
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
J. E. LEE, S. K. YOO
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. ENG
Table 3. Accuracy per sleep stage.
Waking Light sleep Deep sleepREM
Neural Network 44.4% 88.8% 82.6% 93.7%
SVM 66.7% 91.0% 83.8% 93.4%
4. Discussion and Conclusions
In this paper, in order to classify the sleep state, assess-
ment of the pattern classifier’s function using the EEG
signal was conducted. Currently, in order to improve the
inefficiencies of vast amount of data analysis and the
EEG data’s ambiguity which are difficult for eye identi-
fication during the sleep analysis, the proposed system
from this study was based on the pre-processing of the
EEG signal measured during the sleeping and the extrac
tion of parn region.
Using selecrule which
is currently widely used and studying the neural network
and SVM algorithfeeore
os lysis of the slee
Using a simpleier hm te -
ting condition has increased the accuracy of an algorithm
result neural net-
olve the ambiguity of biomedical signal can
IEW, Vol. 4, No. 2, 2004.
i, E. Harris, C. L. Nunn, R. A.
ameter from the frequency domai
ted categories bases on the R&K
m to efctively assss the perfmanc
f two classifierfor anap state.
classifalgorito changthe set
than classify the sleep state, and as a
work with an average of 83.8%, SVM with an average of
89.1% was confirmed, and based on this result it was
confirmed that SVM’s performance was higher. Also in
this study, it was confirmed that during the arousal state
the accuracy falls significantly compared to other sleep
states. And the reason is because the results are extracted
during the beginning and the end of the test so it was
speculated that many stimulus unrelated to sleeping was
In this study, by using the EEG signal’s frequency
characteristics it was confirmed that sleep state and EEG
signal had a large correlation, and the algorithm used in
this study is well known classifier therefore more faster
adaptation was expected and this will be convenient and
useful to those people who conduct sleep analysis. Also
for the future studies, this can be used as a material to
improve the algorithm function based on the fundamental
But the system proposed by this study was based on
the extracted biomedical signals from healthy adults so
for the future, the research technique that can normalize
the difference of biomedical signals due to a gender and
age group should be researched and the development of
more generalized algorithm is necessary. Also besides
EEG, using biomedical signals that are easy to measure,
as a combination of biomedical signal, an improved ca-
pability to res
expected as well as increasing the classification accu-
racy for the arousal state. Also for classifiers based on
each assessment, through a system combination more
faster and stabilized performance should be shown.
5. Acknowledgements
This work was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea
government(MEST) (No.2010-0026833)
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