Computational Water, Energy, and Environmental Engineering, 2013, 2, 77-82 Published Online July 2013 (
Modeling and OLAP Cubes for Database of Ground
and Municipal Water Supply
Taskeen Zaidi1, Annapurna Singh2, Vipin Saxena1*
1Department of Computer Science, B. B. Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India
2Department of Environmental Science, B. B. Ambedkar University, Lucknow, India
Email: *
Received March 13, 2013; revised April 13, 2013; accepted April 20, 2013
Copyright © 2013 Taskeen Zaidi et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License,
which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Modeling plays an important role for the solution of the complex research problems. When the database became large
and complex then it is necessary to create a unified model for getting the desired information in the minimum time and
to implement the model in a better way. The present paper deals with the modeling for searching of the desired infor-
mation from a large database by storing the data inside the three dimensional data cubes. A sample case study is con-
sidered as a real data related to the ground water and municipal water supply, which contains the data from the various
localities of a city. For the demonstration purpose, a sample size is taken as nine but when it becomes very large for
number of localities of different cities then it is necessary to store the data inside data cubes. A well known ob-
ject-oriented Unified Mode ling Language (UML) is used to create Unified class and state models. For verification pur-
pose, sample queries are also performed and corresponding results are depicted.
Keywords: Modeling; Database; Object-Oriented; Unified Modeling Language; OLAP Data Cubes; Wat er S up ply
1. Introduction
In the current scenario, modeling becomes an integral
part of the solution of any kind of research problems
whether it is related to life sciences, medical sciences,
engineering sciences, etc. An object-oriented modeling
language is most popular language because of the evolu-
tion of the Graphical User Interface (GUI) applications in
the computer science filed. On the basis of object-ori-
ented technology, Ob ject Manage ment Group (OMG) [1]
has launched the various version of one of the most
powerful platform independent modeling language i.e.
Unified Modeling Language (UML). It contains various
kinds of symbols for drafting a design on a piece of paper.
In this connection, Booch and Rambaugh [2] have de-
signed various diagrams for Unified Modeling Language.
By the use of UML, the present work is based on the On
Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) by designing the
OLAP data cubes. The research on the design of three
dimensional the d ata cubes is available in [3]. By the use
of the various tools, one can design the OLAP data cubes.
In the data cubes information in the form of data is stored
along th e th re e a x es i.e. x, y an d z ax is and it su pports the
object-oriented and structured technologies.
In this work, the data were taken from the observations
related to the ground water and municipal water supply
of different localities of a city. Let us describe some of
the important references related to the status of supp ly of
water. In the current scenar io, surface water has polluted
due to the various reasons overall known as the weather
pollution. The different reasons and challenges in the
water technology are described by Barua [4]. Drinking
water standards are available in BIS [5], but in the dif-
ferent localities of different cities, the drinking water is
going to be polluted daily. This is because of unbalanced
chloride and nitrate concentration. The sample database
was analyzed on the basis of physiochemical parameters
based on standard methods for analysis of water de-
scribed by Clesceri et al. [6]. World Health Organization
[7] has released the various guidelines for the drinking
The present work deals with the storage of database
related to ground and municipal water supply of drinking
water. A concept of UML modeling is us ed for ex tracting
the information called as Knowledge Discovery in Data-
base (KDD) and it is useful when size of data becomes
complex. A three dimensional representation of database
in the form of data cubes is designed for storing the large
*Corresponding author.
opyright © 2013 SciRes. CWEEE
database of ground water and municipal water supply.
For demonstration purpose, a sample size of nine is con-
sidered for storing this database in data cubes and sample
queries were performed for the verification purpose.
2. Background
2.1. Unified Modeling Language
UML is one of the powerful modeling languages and it is
a platform independent. One can develop the code very
easily by using the object-oriented programming lan-
guage. It has two views of the problem called as the
static and dynamic views. Both contains different types
of the diagrams namely class, object diagrams represent
the static view of the problem while activity, sequence
and state diagrams show the dynamic view of the prob-
lem. This modeling language has been developed by Ob-
ject Management Group.
2.2. Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) Cube
It is a multidimensional database which is used by soft-
ware professionals for optimization of dataware houses.
From the dataware houses, data cubes are designed and
from the literature it is observed that three dimensional
axes are used to design the data cubes and each cell
represents the data which may be in the form of text,
string or numerals forms. Multidimensional Expression
(MDX) Language is used for representing the multidi-
mensional database. The idea of OLAP cube is that it can
work faster on the Local Area Network (LAN) or the
distributed Wide Area Network (WAN) on which het-
erogeneous collection of devices can work together. One
can get the desired information within fraction of sec-
onds. Really this is a great achievement in the field of the
large database and anyone can perform any query and
can get result quickly.
2.3. A Sample Database
Database is a collection of the information and a real
database is taken for ground and municipal water supply
of the different localities of a city. For demonstration
purpose, a sample size of nine is considered for the data-
base related to ground and municipal water supply and
observations [8] are based on the physical chemical cha-
racteristics of ground and municipal water quality of va-
rious localities of a city. The data is based upon the vi-
cinity of the temperature 20˚C.
PH was estimated using a potentiometer and it was
calibrated using a buffer solution of PH 9.2, PH4 and
PH7. Later about 100 ml of sample was taken in a 250 ml
beaker and the electrode was dipped to get the PH value
of the sample. For computation of total hardness as per
following formula, about 25 ml sample was taken in a
100 ml flask and a pinch of Erichrome black-T was
added to get a vine red colour. The sample was titrated
with 0.01 M ethylene diamine tatra aceti Acid to a blue
Total hardness mglT1000xDV; (1)
T = ml of EDTA used.
D = mg of CaCo3 equivalent to 1 ml EDTA titrant (1
mg for 0.01 m EDTA used hear) therefore D = 1.
V = Volume of water sample.
For computation of alkalinity, 50 ml of sample was
taken and 2 drops of phenolphthalein indicator was
added. An absence of colour showed the presence total
alkalinity but absence of phenolphthalein alkalinity. The
sample was further titrated with 0.025% H2SO4 using
mixed indicator. The colour of the solution became
pinkat at end poin t.
Total al k alinity asmglCaCO
TN501000 volume;  (2)
T = Volume of titrant used in ml.
N = Normality of H2SO4.
For computation of chloride, 10 ml of sample was
taken in a 100 ml flask and 3 drops of k2CrO4 solution
was added to give a yellow colou r. The sample was them
titrated with (0.025 N) AgNO3 to get a brick red colour at
end point.
Chloride mglTN35.451000V
  (3)
T = Volume of titrant used.
N = Normality of titrant (AgNO3).
V = Volume of Sample in ml.
For estimation of Nitrate, 0.2 ml of clear sample was
added with 0.5 ml 5% salicylic acid and 19 ml of 20%
NaOH. A greenish yellow colour indicates the presence
of nitrate which is estimated using a spectrophotometer
at 410 nm wavelength.
On all these aspects the practical results are computed
and given in Tables 1 and 2, respectively for the ground
and municipal water supply.
3. UML Modeling for KDD
3.1. UML Class Diagram
In the object-oriented technology, UML class diagram
shows the static behavior of the system. It can be drawn
on a piece of paper and errors can be uncovered during
the early stage of software development. Generally,
software designer designs such type of diagram for im-
plementation in the object-oriented programming style. A
class is defined as group of attributes i.e. variables and
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Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CWEEE
Table 1. Database of ground wat e r supply (table name: tblgws.ldf).
Temperature (Kelvin) PH Total hardness (mg/lit) Total suspended solidsChloride (mg/lit)Total alkalinity (mg/lit) Nitrate (mg/lit)
293.15 7.77 180 0.035 42.5 190 33.4
294.15 7.76 180 0.032 28.4 200 16.4
294.65 7.7 200 0.035 85.1 214 18.1
294.95 7 180 0.03 28.4 192 53.2
295.15 7.05 220 0.035 70.9 234 37.9
295.15 7.3 140 0.28 121 198 26.6
294.15 7.6 180 0.36 21.3 228 12.7
294.15 7.5 160 0.34 35.5 180 31.1
294.44 7.46 180 0.1434 54.2 205 28.7
Table 2. Database of municipal water supply (table name : tblmws.ldf).
Temperature (Kelvin) PH Total hardness (mg/lit) Total suspended solidsChloride (mg/lit)Total alkalinity (mg/lit) Nitrate (mg/lit)
294.15 8.25 60 0.02 14.18 110 20.36
295.15 8.1 216 0.043 14.18 196 25.17
295.55 7.98 200 0.036 21.27 192 25.17
295.55 7.53 200 0.032 21.27 180 24.6
296.55 7.1 180 0.03 70.94 212 23.19
296.15 7.3 180 0.3 121.4 210 27.9
295.15 7.99 200 0.39 21.27 196 14.9
295.15 8.09 160 0.32 21.27 204 17.81
294.44 7.792 174.5 0.1464 38.22 184.5 22.39
the methods applied on the attributes. The accessing of
the attributes and methods may be private, public or pro-
tected. AUML class diagram for accessing of the desired
information is shown in the Figure 1. There are six
classes namely User, Storage, Handheld devices, KDD,
Data cubes and Search pattern. KDD class stands for the
Knowledge Discovery Database. By the use of User class,
user may login on the handheld device which may be
laptop, I-pad, mobile, etc. The user desires to search
knowledge database from a large database which is con-
trolled by the class KDD. Search pattern class is respon-
sible for the optimized search technique from the de-
signed data cubes. The searching of the database is faster
in comparison of the direct access from the database
which is controlled by the Storage class as shown in the
Figure 1.
3.2. UML State Diagram
The dynamic behavior of the system is represent by the
state diagram and in the object-oriented technology,
UML state diagram represents the functioning of the
clock of handheld device in which the events are hap-
pening as per the forward clock of the device. Figure 2
shows the state diagram for the display of the desired
information by the use of data cubes. Initially u ser enters
its id and password on the hand-held device. A large da-
tabase is converted into the Knowledge Discovery Data-
base (KDD) and thereafter data cubes are designed and
user can found the display of the desired database on the
4. Design of OLAP Cube
The physiochemical characteristics of ground water and
municipal water supply are stored in a three dimensional
cubes. The three axis x, y, z are represented as hardness,
chloride and nitrate, respectively. The database is re-
corded in each cell of the cube represented along x, y and
z axes. The cells can be increased for the finite values of
hardness, chloride and nitrate. The above database is
represented in the following data cubes for the ground
User Storage
direct ac c ess
designed *
*extract fo r
Figure 1. UML class diagram for storage of large database.
U ser enters id and
Stored _database
U ser search for desired
information in stored
U ser extract pattern and
K now ledge from
D esigned da ta cubes
for optimized search
Display e x tra c te d
from database
R esults transfer
Figure 2. UML state diagram for KDD.
water and municipal water supply in Figures 3 and 4,
respectively. These cubes support both kind of technol-
ogy i.e. structured and object-oriented technologies. The
implementation can be extracted by using object-oriented
Unified Modeling Language.
On the above database, sample queries have been per-
formed for the verification of the data from the database
and these are described below briefly by the use of SQL
Sample Query-I
Select Temperature, PH from tblgws where Total-
hardness = “180”.
The output of the above query is shown in Table 3.
Sample Query-II
Select Temperature tblmws where Totalhardness =
“180” having Chloride = “70.94”.
The output of the above query is shown in Table 4.
5. Conclusion and Future Scope of Work
From the above work, it is concluded that the modeling
of the research problem is necessary for getting the solu-
tion of the problem in optimized way. UML is a powerful
modeling language as shown above used to design the
models for the ground and municipal water supply. If the
database is large, then it can be stored inside the data
cubes and user can extract the desired database within a
fraction of seconds as shown above. Three dimensional
storage of database is an excellent way for storing the
large and complex database and one can extract the de-
sired data in a few seconds. The data presented in the
tables are real data which can be further extended for the
number of localities and then transformed in the form of
data cubes and one can get the desired information within
a few seconds after executing the SQL queries. The other
techniques like co- relation , entropy, Gin i indexing can be
applied for further interpretation of the results.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CWEEE
33.4 16.4 18.153.2 37.9
Figure 3. Data cube for ground w a ter supply.
20.36 25.1725.1724.1623.9
Figure 4. Data cube for municipal water supply.
Table 3. Result of sample query-I.
Temperature (Kelvin) PH Total hardness (mg/lit) Total suspended solidsChloride (mg/lit)Total alkalinity (mg/lit) Nitrate (mg/lit)
293.15 7.77 180 0.035 42.5 190 33.4
294.15 7.76 180 0.032 28.4 200 16.4
294.95 7 180 0.03 28.4 192 53.2
294.15 7.6 180 0.36 21.3 228 12.7
294.44 7.46 180 0.1434 54.2 205 28.7
Table 4. Result of sample query-II.
Temperature (Kelvin) PH Total hardness (mg/lit) Total suspended solidsChloride (mg/lit)Total alkalinity (mg/lit) Nitrate (mg/lit)
296.55 7.1 180 0.03 70.94 212 23.19
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CWEEE
6. Acknowledgements
Thanks are due to University Grants Commission, New
Delhi, India for providing financial assistance to carry
out the above work.
[1] Object Management Group, “Unified Modeling Language
Specification,” 2012.
[2] G. Booch and J. Rambaugh, “The Unified Modeling Lan-
guage,” User Guide Addison Wesley, Reading, 1999.
[3] Wikipedia, “OLAP Cube,” 2013.
[4] A K. Barua, “Water Technology Management Challenges
and Choices in Sustainability of Water Use,” Dominant
Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 2001, pp. 2-3.
[5] Bureau of Indian Standards, “Indian Standard Specifica-
tions of Drinking Water,” B.S. 2001.
[6] J. A. Camargo and A. Alonso, “Ecological and Toxico-
logical Effects of Inorganic Nitrogen Pollution in Aquatic
Ecosystems: A Global Assessment,” Environment Inter-
national, Vol. 32, No. 6, 2006, pp. 831-849.
[7] L. S. Clesceri, et al., “Standard Methods for the Examina-
tion of Water a nd Waste Water,” American Public Health
Association, Washington DC, 1998, p. 19.
[8] A. Singh, et al., “Status of Ground Water and Municipal
Water Supply of Lucknow Region U.P.,” International
Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences,
Vol. 2, No. 4, 2012, 4 Pages.
Key Points
Modeling is necessary to uncover the errors before
implementing the so lution.
UML is an object-oriented technique which can be
applied in the biological systems also.
UML shows the static and dynamic behavior of the
OLAP data cubes are used to store the large amount
of database as it supports LxMxN data storage for fi-
nite values of L, M and N.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. CWEEE