Wireless Sensor Network, 2013, 5, 52-60
http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/wsn.2013.53007 Published Online March 2013 (http://www.scirp.org/journal/wsn)
Malicious Node Detection Using Confidence Level
Evaluation in a Grid-Based Wireless Sensor Network
Min-Cheol Shin, Yoon-Hwa Choi
Department of Computer Engineering, Hongik University, Seoul, Korea
Email: yhchoi@cs.hongik.ac.kr
Received December 19, 2012; revised January 21, 2013; accepted January 28, 2013
In this paper, we present a malicious node detection scheme using confidence-level evaluation in a grid-based wireless
sensor network. The sensor field is divided into square grids, where sensor nodes in each grid form a cluster with a
cluster head. Each cluster head maintains the confidence levels of its member nodes based on their readings and reflects
them in decision-making. Two thresholds are used to distinguish between false alarms due to malicious nodes and
events. In addition, the center of an event region is estimated, if necessary, to enhance the event and malicious node
detection accuracy. Experimental results show that the scheme can achieve high malicious node detection accuracy
without sacrificing normal sensor nodes.
Keywords: Sensor Networks; Malicious Node Detection; Grid-Based WSN; Faults; Confidence Levels
1. Introduction
Sensor networks consist of a large number of small sen-
sor nodes with sensing, computation, and wireless com-
munication capabilities to monitor various environments
and detect events of interest [1]. Due to the limited re-
sources of sensor nodes, the networks are vulnerable to
faults and malicious attacks. Malicious nodes may gen-
erate arbitrary reports regardless of the actual sensor
readings, leading to an incorrect decision, resulting in
reduced network lifetime and loss of network connec-
tivity. Hence it is important to identify malicious nodes
in the presence of events and faults and isolate them
upon detection.
Several faults, anomaly, or outlier detection schemes
for wireless sensor networks have been presented in the
literature [2-7]. Most of them focus on detecting faulty
sensor nodes or removing anomalous sensor readings in a
distributed manner, assuming that majority of the sensor
nodes report correctly. Some efforts have also been made
to distinguish events from faults by exploiting the notion
that measurement errors due to faults are likely to be
uncorrelated, while measurements in a target region are
spatially correlated [8-13]. In [11] a secure event bound-
ary detection scheme was presented to correctly identify
event boundaries in adversarial environments. Event de-
tection using decision tree classifiers running on indi-
vidual sensor nodes and applying a voting scheme to
reach consensus among detections made by various sen-
sor nodes has been proposed for disaster management
In fault, event, or anomaly detection in wireless sensor
networks, malicious nodes are often ignored or lightly
treated, although they are likely to appear in the networks.
In the case where malicious nodes generate arbitrary
readings that do not conform to the defined fault model,
the resulting performance might be poorer than the esti-
mated one. Moreover, if they behave intelligently, it
would be more difficult to detect events in the presence
of wrong reports and distinguish events from false alarms
due to the malicious nodes.
Several schemes for detecting malicious nodes in
wireless sensor networks have been proposed [14-18].
Curiac et al. [14] presented a detection scheme using
autoregression technique. In [15] signal strength is used
to detect malicious nodes. A message transmission is
considered suspicious if the strength is incompatible with
the originator’s geographical position. Xiao et al. deve-
loped a mechanism for rating sensors in terms of correla-
tion by exploring Markov Chain [16]. A network voting
algorithm is introduced to determined faulty sensor
readings. Atakli et al. [17] proposed a malicious node
detection scheme using weighted trust evaluation for a
three-layer hierarchical sensor network. Trust values are
employed and updated to identify malicious nodes be-
having opposite to the sensor readings. Ju et al. [18] pre-
sented an improved intrusion detection scheme based on
similar weighted trust evaluation. The mistaken ratio of
each individual sensor node is used in updating the trust
values. Trust management schemes have been proposed
in routing and communications [19]. Some efforts have
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also been made to combine communication and data
trusts [20]. However, malicious node detection in the
presence of events and various types of misleading sen-
sor readings due to the compromised nodes have not
been deeply investigated. In addition, the problem of
distinguishing malicious nodes from events has not suffi-
ciently been taken into account.
Meanwhile, clustering schemes in wireless sensor
networks have been investigated for energy efficiency
and scalability in routing and data aggregation. Grid-
based schemes, where network areas are divided into
small grids, have also drawn special attentions due to
their simplicity [21-23]. In [24] an energy efficient
framework for detecting events in clustered sensor net-
works was presented. A cellular approach to fault detec-
tion and recovery in sensor networks is presented in [25],
where a virtual grid structure is used to detect en-
ergy-depleted nodes.
In this paper, we present a malicious node detection
scheme using confidence level evaluation in a grid-based
wireless sensor network. Inter-grid communications are
employed, if necessary, to distinguish events from false
alarms due to malicious nodes. Confidence levels of
member nodes are updated to reflect their behavior in
decision-making. The scheme is designed to identify
malicious nodes even in the presence of relatively small
event regions.
2. Background
In this section, we briefly introduce the network model
for our malicious node detection scheme and define the
behavior of malicious node to be identified.
2.1. Grid-Based Sensor Networks
Grid-based sensor networks have been proposed for en-
ergy efficient data aggregation and routing [21]. Our ma-
licious node detection scheme is developed to conform to
the protocol of the hierarchical networks. The sensor
field in a grid based sensor network is assumed to be
divided into
N square-shaped grids as illustrated
in Figure 1, where there are nine grids, A through I, and
l is the side of a grid. Sensor nodes are assumed to be
deployed randomly. Each sensor node is also assumed to
know its own location. Immediately after deployment,
the sensor network carries out grid construction process,
and each sensor node figures out the grid it belongs to.
Sensor nodes in each grid form a cluster, where a cluster
head is selected dynamically. All other nodes in the clus-
ter communicate directly with the cluster head. Two
types of communication are defined here for malicious
node detection: one for communication between the
cluster head and cluster members and the other for com-
munication between neighboring cluster heads.
Figure 1. A sensor network with nine grids.
The decision made at a cluster head alone based on the
sensor readings of its member nodes might not be accu-
rate due to the difficulty in distinguishing between false
alarms and events, especially for a relatively small event
region located across multiple grids as illustrated in Fi-
gure 1 (see R1). Each grid, in that case, has insufficient
number of event-nodes to apply a threshold test, such as
the well-known majority voting. Consequently, lowering
the threshold might be needed to achieve high event de-
tection performance, causing a considerably high false
alarm rate, unless the number of malicious nodes is neg-
ligibly small.
In order to cope with the expected poor performance,
we estimate the event region, if necessary, with inter-grid
communication, by finding the center of the nodes re-
porting an alarm, and then apply a threshold test to the
estimated event region.
2.2. Modeling Malicious Nodes
In this paper, we assume that each sensor node is aware
of the range of normal readings. For clarity, we name
acceptable sensor data in case of no-event as “normal”
readings. Any readings outside the normal range are
called “unusual” readings for convenience. In other
words, correct sensor readings in an event region are also
called unusual readings. Hence each sensor node can
make a binary decision on its own sensor reading, where
a “1” indicates an unusual reading. Sensor nodes in an
event region are expected to report a 1, unless the nodes
are faulty.
We also assume that malicious nodes can change the
sensor readings arbitrarily. In addition, they have some
intelligence to report 0’s and 1’s alternately, to break
down the network while remaining undetected, unless
some sophisticated techniques are used to detect them.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. WSN
In order to detect malicious nodes, we define a model
for their behavior. We assume that all the sensor nodes
become malicious randomly and independently with the
same probability m. In addition, each malicious node
sends its report inconsistent with the actual sensor read-
ing with the probability ma . If , for example,
malicious nodes report 1(0) with a probability of 0.4
when the actual reading is 0(1).
In addition, normal sensor nodes in the network are
also assumed to report against their readings, randomly
and independently, with the same probability t. Hence
malicious nodes have to be detected and isolated in the
presence of such faults and events.
2.3. Event Model
The most important part in detecting malicious nodes is
how to distinguish false alarms due to malicious nodes
from events and identify malicious nodes in an event
region. We thus define the event model to be used
throughout the paper. An event region is assumed to be a
circle with radius r, although the proposed scheme can be
applied to event regions of other shapes with minor
In selecting a threshold for event detection in the face
of faults and malicious nodes, the size of an event region
plays an important role. Suppose that the side of a grid is
l. Then the average number of sensor nodes in an event
region, , can be written as
 ,
where d is the average number of sensor nodes in a grid.
For a relatively large event region, it is easy to set the
threshold since at least one grid is likely to pass the
threshold. For a relatively small event region compared
to a grid, however, each grid might contain only a small
number of event nodes, especially when the region lies
across multiple adjacent grids. In that case, choosing a
proper threshold is difficult or might be impossible to
satisfy both high event detection accuracy and low false
alarm rate.
3. Malicious Node Detection
In detecting malicious nodes, we employ confidence lev-
els (weights) of sensor nodes to reflect the trustworthi-
ness of their reports in decision-making. A sensor node
with its weight below a preassigned lower bound is de-
termined to be malicious, and it thus is logically isolated
from the rest of the network. In addition, the center of an
event region is estimated, if necessary, to achieve high
event/malicious-node detection performance, while main-
taining low false alarm rate.
3.1. Confidence Level
Malicious nodes are assumed to arbitrarily modify their
readings without being easily detected. To monitor their
behavior we define confidence level of a sensor node to
represent its reliability, measuring its past behavior in
reporting sensor readings. For a grid with n sensor nodes,
12 and vn, the cluster head maintains 12
and n, as their weights (confidence levels), respec-
tively, where
, and updates them each time a
decision on the correctness of their reports is made. Ini-
tially all the weights are set to 1. At the time the weight
reaches a predefined lower bound (0 in this paper), the
corresponding node is determined to be malicious and
logically isolated thereafter.
3.2. Decision Based on Center Estimation
In a grid-based sensor network, the decision made at
each grid alone without inter-grid communication for
receiving data from neighboring grids might be inaccu-
rate when a relatively small event region is located across
multiple adjacent grids. As the event region increases,
however, at least one grid may have sufficient number of
event nodes to pass a threshold test, such as the well-
known majority voting. To cope with this problem, we
apply a threshold test, if needed, to an estimated event
region, computed based on the aggregated data obtained
from the neighboring cluster heads.
In Figure 2, for example, an event region E is located
across four grids, A, B, C, and D, such that each grid has
insufficient number of event nodes to pass majority vot-
ing. The event can possibly be detected if the threshold is
lowered. It, however, causes significant false alarms,
especially for a fault-prone sensor network with a large
number of malicious nodes.
Figure 2. Estimation of the center of an event region.
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The center of the alarms in the grid A, RA, is defined
here as the weighted average of the positions, i
, of the
nodes reporting a “1” (i.e., an alarm), and it thus can be
expressed as
where each alarm node in the grid A contributes to the
estimated center as long as its weight is not zero.
Similarly, the overall center of the alarms from the
four grids, , can be written as
wR wR wR wR
 (2)
where A represents i of the sensor nodes re-
porting a “1” in the grid A. Once the center is computed,
a threshold test, such as weighted majority voting, will be
applied to a circle centered at with radius r,
where .
3.3. Updating Confidence Levels
In the proposed detection, the decision on an event is
made at the cluster head based on two threshold tests to
be detailed in the next subsection. Once the decision is
made, the cluster head needs to update the confidence
levels of its member nodes accordingly. For each mem-
ber node vj the cluster head maintains two weights, 1
and 0
w, where 1
w and 0
wrepresent the weights of vj
in case of no-event and an event, respectively. That is, a
malicious node reporting a 1 in a no-event cycle loses its
weight 1
w, while a malicious node reporting a 0 in an
event region loses its weight 0
w. The weight wj defined
in the previous subsection is the smaller one between the
two, i.e.,
In case of no-event, the cluster head updates the
weights as follows.
min 0,for1
max 1,for0
 (4)
where sj denotes the sensor reading of node vj .
Malicious nodes reporting a 1 in the case of no-event
lose their weights, 1
w, by α. Otherwise, they gain
weights by β. The two parameters, α and β play an im-
portant role in distinguishing between malicious and
normal nodes. If α = 0.2 and β = 0.05, for example, a
sensor node reporting a 1 every five cycles recovers its
weight to 1.0. That is, for the chosen values of α and β a
normal sensor node with some transient faults remain in
the network unless the probability pt is greater than 0.2.
Malicious nodes reporting alarms more frequently than
this gradually lose their weights, and will eventually be
detected at the time the weights reach 0.
In the case of an event, the weights of the nodes within
the event region need to be lowered if they have reported
a 0. Due to the inaccuracy of the center estimation, how-
ever, we apply the updates only to sensor nodes within a
circle of radius
centered at the estimated
center, not to sacrifice normal nodes. The following up-
dates are done at the cluster head.
min 0,for0
 (5)
max 1,for1
 (6)
A malicious node in an event region loses its weight if
it is within the reduced circle. As a result, the detection
latency might increase. Such a node, however, can also
be identified during no-event cycles if it reports a 1.
3.4. Malicious Node Detection in a Grid-Based
In the proposed scheme, malicious nodes in a grid-based
sensor network are detected using threshold tests along
with confidence level evaluation. In addition, malicious
nodes are distinguished from events by estimating the
center of an event, if necessary. Our malicious node de-
tection scheme can be described as follows:
Malicious Node Detection in a Grid-Based WSN
1. Each sensor node vj sends a 1 (alarm) to the cluster head if
2. Each cluster head computes
3. If 1
, then E = 1(i.e., an event) and update
confidence levels accordingly
If 1
22 1
, then estimate the
center of alarms using inter-grid communication, and apply
weighted majority voting to the estimated event region. If E = 1,
update confidence levels accordingly
If 1
, then E = 0 (i.e., no-event) and update confi-
dence levels accordingly.
4. Determine the nodes with to be malicious.
Inter-grid communication is needed only for the sec-
ond case in Step 3, where the center of alarms is com-
puted to apply weighted majority voting within the esti-
mated event region. In the simulation later, we choose θ1
= 0.5 (i.e., majority voting) to make a decision locally in
a grid alone. The value of θ2, however, has to be care-
fully chosen to achieve both high event detection accu-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. WSN
racy and low false alarm rate.
Let Pf represent the probability that the report from a
sensor node is incorrect due to faults or malicious attack.
Let d denote the average number of nodes in a grid. Then
for given l and r, the average number of event nodes in a
grid, ne, when an event region is located across four grids
as illustrated in Figure 1, is
  (7)
At least one grid is likely to have more event nodes
than the average in practice, unless the event nodes are
equally divided into the four grids. In the case of no
event, the average number of alarm nodes in a grid, Nne,
ne f
NdP (8)
In the case of an event, the average number of alarm
nodes, Ne, in a grid is given by
ee feffef
NnP dnPdPnP 12 (9)
Hence the ratio e
d is
 
From the above expressions (8) and (9), we can see
that e
dis greater than
d until Pf reaches 0.5.
For a sensor network functioning correctly, Pf is expected
to be much smaller than 0.5, and we thus assume that Pf
lies between 0 and 0.3 for a working sensor network.
Since malicious nodes identified are logically isolated
from the network, Pf can be controlled to be lower than
0.3 unless a large number of nodes become malicious at
the same time.
For 0.6
l, e
d is greater than 0.3 for the entire
range of Pf under consideration. Hence setting θ2 to 0.3 in
those cases can remove most of the false alarms while
achieving high event detection accuracy. For a relatively
small event region, however, it would be necessary to
lower θ2 to maintain high event detection performance. If
land ,
for example,
Even if Pf increases to 0.1, the ratio is still less than 0.3.
Since Pf is unknown and might change over time, we
choose the threshold θ2 to be effective for a wide range of
Pf . In this paper, we choose θ2 to be
min, 4
where u
P denotes an upper bound on Pf for a function-
ing sensor network. In other words, if the malicious node
detection scheme can control Pf below 0.3 by properly
isolating malicious nodes upon detection, for example,
P can be set to 0.3, and the resulting
min0.3, 4
Lowering θ2 causes more false alarms, requiring un-
necessary inter-grid communication. Our scheme, how-
ever, quickly lowers the weights of malicious nodes, and
it thus effectively reduces the number of false alarms.
We can extend the proposed malicious node detection
scheme to cover malicious cluster-heads by employing
spare node(s) in each grid for monitoring the behavior of
the cluster-heads [26]. Since spare node(s) in a grid can
also receive reports from the member nodes and perform
the same function as the cluster head, each report from a
malicious cluster head to its neighboring cluster heads or
base station can be checked to see if there is any mis-
match. Moreover, inter-grid communication to estimate
the center of alarms for a relatively small event region
allows adjacent cluster heads to compute the center of
alarms at the same time. Such a redundancy makes it
possible to immediately detect a malicious cluster head
since cluster heads can monitor each other’s behavior.
4. Simulation Results
Computer simulation is performed in a sensor network
where sensor nodes are randomly deployed in a square
area. The network area is divided into grids of the same
size, each of which has 20 nodes on average. Four met-
rics, malicious node detection rate (MDR), misdetection
rate (MR), event detection accuracy (EDA), and false
alarm rate (FAR), are used in the performance evaluation.
MDR is defined to be the ratio between the number of
detected malicious nodes and the total number of mali-
cious nodes in the network. MR is defined as the ratio of
the number of good nodes determined as faulty to the
number of good nodes. Event detection is also important
since malicious nodes have to distinguished from event
nodes. Hence to indicate the accuracy of event detection,
EDA is defined to be the number of events detected to
the total number of events generated. Finally, FAR is
used to denote the ratio of the number of false alarm cy-
cles to total number of no-event cycles operated.
We first evaluate MDR and MR for various values of
pma when 0.1,0.2,0.1
, and 0.02
50, 100, 300, and 500 cycles of operation. The results are
shown in Figures 3 and 4, respectively.
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Figure 3. MDR for various values of pma when α = 0.1 and
β = 0.02.
Figure 4. MR for various values of pma when α = 0.1 and β
= 0.02.
MDR for is almost perfect after 500 cycles.
Since α = 0.1 and β = 0.02 are chosen for the simulation,
a malicious node reporting a 1 every 6 cycles can still
retain its weight. Hence for a smaller value of pma (e.g.,
pma = 0.05) malicious nodes remain undetected. Further
improvements in MDR can be made by changing the
values of α and β unless malicious nodes behave similar
to normal nodes (i.e. pma 0). If pma = 1.0, malicious
nodes might form a group to pass the threshold tests,
although the probability is low, resulting in a small deg-
radation in MDR.
We have also observed that the required time to detect
malicious nodes depends on pma, α, and β. If pma = 0.5,
for example, malicious nodes are almost surely detected
within 50 cycles. If pma is 0.2, on the other hand, most of
the malicious nodes are detected after 500 cycles.
MR is controlled to be less than 0.002 for a wide range
of pma as shown in Figure 4. It increases to 0.006 when
pma = 1.0 due to the false alarms caused by malicious
nodes. Although the experiments are conducted for a
small event region to see the worst case performance,
some notable improvements in MDR and MR can be
made as the size of events increases.
False alarms may occur if malicious nodes form a
group to pass the thresholds. Such unwanted alarms
cause unnecessary communication and computation, and
they might shorten the network lifetime. FAR for a grid,
when pt = 0.1, pm = 0.2, and r = 0.5l, is shown in Figure
5(a), where it increases with pma. A significant reduction
in FAR is made as the number of cycles increases. This
is due to the fact that the weights of malicious nodes are
lowered with time.
In Figure 5(a), we can observe a sudden increase in
FAR even after 50 cycles when pma = 1. In that extreme
case, all the malicious nodes send wrong reports to the
cluster head. As a result, about 30% of the sensor nodes
on average generate an alarm. Such an increase in FAR
Figure 5. FAR for a grid for various values of pma when r =
0.5l, (a) pt = 0.1 and pm = 0.2; (b) pt = 0.05 and pm = 0.1.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. WSN
disappears as pt and pm decrease as illustrated in Figure
5(b), where pt = 0.05 and pm = 0.1 are chosen for com-
parison. Significant reductions in FAR are also observed.
Moreover, FAR in that case is stable and persistent re-
gardless of the values of pma, and is very close to 0 after
50 cycles. Since θ2 increases with r up to u
P, FAR de-
creases as the size of the event region increases. We
conducted the same simulation for r = 0.7l when pt = 0.1
and pm = 0.2. The results are shown in Figure 6, where
FAR becomes negligibly small with time regardless of
the values of pma.
In malicious node detection, distinguishing malicious
nodes from event nodes is also important to achieve high
detection accuracy. Moreover, malicious nodes should be
detected and isolated without sacrificing EDA. We thus
evaluated EDA in the presence of malicious nodes. All
the malicious nodes are generated simultaneously at the
time the simulation starts. We then generated events at
various different cycles to see the impact of weight
changes over time. The resulting EDA are shown in
Figure 7, where a weighted majority voting is applied
within a circle with radius = 0.7r. EDA is very close
to 1 when r 0.7l as shown in Figure 7. High EDA is
achieved even for a relatively small event region. In ad-
dition, some marginal improvements in EDA are also
observed with time.
Finally, we comment on the accuracy of the estimation
of an event center and the resulting accuracy in identify-
ing malicious nodes in the corresponding event region.
For convenience we first define Dcenters to be the distance
between the center of an event region of radius r and the
center of alarms in four adjacent grids, i.e.,
. Then the ratio,
centersalarms event
dist ,DRR
Figure 6. FAR for a grid for various values of pma when r =
0.7l, pt = 0.1, and pm = 0.2.
for various cycles of operation when r = 0.5l, is shown in
Figure 8. The ratio slowly decreases with time and ap-
proaches 0.4 when pt = 0.1 and pm = 0.2. The ratio for pt =
0.05 and pm = 0.1 approaches 0.3 instead due to reduction
in the number of fault induced alarms. Our weighted
voting applied within the circle centered at the estimated
center can tolerate the inaccuracy of the estimation, re-
sulting in high EDA as already shown in Figure 7.
Malicious nodes reporting a 0 when an event has oc-
curred can be detected if they are in an event region.
However, it is difficult to find the exact boundary of an
event region locally in a distributed manner, without sig-
nificant overhead in computation and communication. A
normal node close to the event boundary might be deter-
mined to be suspicious. Such an incorrect decision low-
ers the weight of the normal node, and it might lead to
the loss of network connectivity. Hence we use a con-
servative approach in updating the weights in case of an
event, not to sacrifice normal nodes. In the simulation we
Figure 7. EDA for r = 0.5l and various values of pma after
different cycles of operation when (a) pt = 0.1, pm = 0.2, (b) pt
= 0.05, pm = 0.1.
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Figure 8. D
centers for r = 0.5l (a) pt = 0.1, pm = 0.2, (b) pt =
0.05, pm = 0.1.
use a circle with radius 2r (i.e., δ = 0.5) centered at
the estimated center as the region where the weight up-
dates are applied. To see the accuracy of the updates, we
also obtain the distribution of sensor nodes in the reduced
region. The ratio of the number of event nodes in the
reduced region to the total number of nodes in the region,
when r = 0.5l and pma = 0.7 are shown in Figure 9, where
two different values of pm and pt are selected for illustra-
tion. For both cases the accuracy improves over time and
an over 95% accuracy has been achieved after 20 cycles
of operation. Although the updates are made for the sen-
sor nodes within a limited region, the effect is positive in
achieving high event and malicious node detection per-
Event detection accuracy may change with the event
region size. Since the simulation results are shown for a
relatively small event region to see the worst case per-
formance, we can claim that the scheme performs better
as the event region increases.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, we developed a malicious node detection
scheme for a grid-based wireless sensor network. The
network area is divided into square grids and malicious
nodes are detected locally in a distributed manner. For a
relatively small event region located across multiple ad-
jacent grids, inter-grid communication is partially em-
ployed to enhance the event detection accuracy. Confi-
dence levels (weights) are used to reflect the behavior of
sensor nodes in reporting their readings in decision-
making. Once the weights reach a predefined lower-
bound, the corresponding nodes are logically isolated
from the rest of the network. Thresholds are properly
chosen to achieve high malicious node detection accu-
racy without sacrificing normal nodes. The simulation
Figure 9. Distribution of normal and event nodes in a re-
duced region for r = 0.5l and pma = 0.7, when (a) pt = 0.1, pm
= 0.2; (b) p t= 0.05, pm = 0.1.
results are shown for relatively small event regions to see
the worst case performance. Hence the proposed scheme
is expected to perform better as the event region in-
6. Acknowledgements
This research was supported by the National Research
Foundation of Korea (NRF) Grant funded by the Korean
Government (NRF-2011-0007187).
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