Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2013, 3, 79-84
Published Online March 2013 (
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
Large-scale Surveillance System based on Hybrid
Cooperative Multi-Camera Tracking
Xiao Yan/s per1, Dan Xu/s per1, Bo Yao/s per1,2
1School of Information Science and Engineering, Yunnan University, Kunming, China
2School of Computer Science and Electronic Engineering, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom
Received 2012
In this paper, we proposed an optimized real-time hybrid cooperative multi-camera tracking system for large-scale au-
tomate surveillance based on embedded smart cameras including stationary cameras and moving pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ)
cameras embedded with TI DSP TMS320DM6446 for intelligent visual analysis. Firstly, the overlapping areas and
projection relations between adj acent cameras' field of view (FOV) is calculated. Based on the relations of FOV ob-
tained and tracking information of each single camera, a homography based target handover procedure is done for
long -term multi-camera tracking. After that, we fully implemented the tracking system on the embedded platform de-
veloped by our group. Finally, to reduce the huge computational complexity, a novel hierarchical optimization method
is proposed. Experimental results demonstrate the robustness and real-time efficiency in dynamic r eal-world envir o n-
ment s and the computational burden is significantly reduced by 98.84%. Our results demonstrate that our proposed sys-
tem is capable of tracking targets effectively and achieve lar ge -scale surveillance with clear detailed close-up visual
features capturing and recording in dynamic real-life environments.
Keywords: Embedded Systems; Distributed Smart Cameras; Cooperative Visual Tracking
1. Introduction
The last few years have witnessed a widespread of smar t
cameras [1] in public places for surveillance purposes.
However, it remain huge challenge for traditional sur-
veillance system based on the framework of single cam-
era and stationary cameras since the task of automated
surveillance for public locations, which are usually
crowded and wide-area, such as public transport stations,
by using independent smart cameras almost impossible
due to the limitation of cameras’ field of view [2] and the
heavy target occlusion problems [3]. Hence, scene sur-
veillance using a cooperative multi-camera network [4]
is becoming the preferred solution for surveillance cam-
era users, as will not require major hardware upgra d e .
Therefore, a hybrid multi-camera tracking system based
on embedded smart cameras including stationary CCTV
cameras and moving PTZ cameras is introduced in this
paper, specifically in our proposed system, stationary
cameras are used for continuous and wide-area monitor-
ing to detect events in important spots or in high places,
and once abnormal events are detected via the large-scale
view from the fixed cameras, PTZ camera is used for
long -term tracking to obtain a close-up capture of the
target and record the detailed information and featur es .
In this way, by using our proposed framework, a visual
surveillance system for large-scale monitoring with de-
tailed close-up visual information capturing is con-
structed. Nevertheless, due to the computing limitation of
the processing unit in each smart camera, advanced video
processing algor ith ms which are usually of high compu-
tational complexity, cannot be performed without opti-
mization. Consequently, in this paper, a novel hierar-
chical optimization paradigm with several practical tech-
niques for common opti mization is presented. According
to our results, the performance is remarkably boosted
using our proposed optimization methods.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In sec-
tion 2, we provide the proposed multi-camera tracking
system. Section 3 presents the proposed hierarchical op-
timization methodology. Section 4 presents the experi-
ments and results and finally the conclusions are pre-
sented in section 5.
2. The Proposed Multi-Camera Tracking
In order to cooperatively track and monitor moving tar-
gets in large-scale view together with detailed and
close-up view, hybrid multiple cameras including statio-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
nary CCTV cameras and moving PTZ cameras with
overlapping FOV are utilized to observer wide-area sur-
veillance sc e ne s from different views .
The block diagram of the proposed system is shown in
Figure 1. Firstly, in the initial stage of our system, mul-
ti-camera calibration based on the ASIFT control points
[5] for image (background) mosaic, as shown in Fig ure
2, is done to gain the image plane correspondence rela-
tionship between the adjacent cameras by homography
transformation [6] for target hand-off. After that, mul-
ti-objects tracking is performed continuously in each
single smart camera to obtain the trajectories of the
moving targets. Based on trajectories from single camera
tracking and the homo gr ap hie s o btained , trajectory
transformation is carried out to hand-off moving targets
between two adjacent views by computing projection
error for multi-camera tracking. PTZ cameras without
tracking object are calibrated using the uniform homo-
graphy based calibration paradigm as the stationary
cameras. Once a target is detected by a fixed CCTV cam-
camera, PTZ camera tracking is performed by tracking a
fixe d-size template from the target. The location of the
template is initially obtained by transforming the
id of the moving object tracked in the stationary camera
using homog raphy.
The entire embedded system is consisted of two com-
pone nt s, a CCD color sensor providing NTSC or PAL
video is used for capturing raw video data, and an em-
bedded video analysis agent which is designed by em-
ploying a DaVinciTMS320DM6446 [8] dual-core device
with an ARM9 and C64+ DSP
Figure 1. Block diagram of the proposed hybrid multi-camera tracking system.
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2. Multi-camera calibration. (a)Two camera views with corresponding control points (highlight with dark landmarks)
on the overlapping FOV area; (c) image mosaic generated after homography transformation.
2.1. Single Stationary CCTV Camera Tracking
In multi-camera network surveillance, single stationary
camera tracking is the fundamental module to obtain the
information of the moving targets such as position, mo-
tion trajectory, shape, etc. Therefore, in our system, we
utilized the tracking paradigm in [6]. Specifically, Gaus-
sian Mixture Models (GMM) is employed to compute the
background images of the sur ve i llance scenes. Then,
foreground objects (Blob) extraction is done to gain the
bounding boxes and centroids of the moving targets. Fi-
nally, object tracking is performed based on Mean -shift
and Kalman filter to analyze the motion history and tra-
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
2.2. Single Moving PTZ Camera Tracking
Once a moving target enters the overlapping FOV be-
tween the PTZ camera and the fixed camera, a robust
target tracking algorit hm [7] is carried out to cont i nua l ly
track a fixed-size (48×48) template. The initial location
of the template is obtained by transforming the centroid
coordinate of the moving target tracked in the stationary
camera based on homography. Experiment result is
shown in Figure 3 below, as can be seen, the target is
successfully tracked in the moving PTZ camera for
close-up capture of the clear and detailed features.
2.3. Multi-Camera Tracking
When moving objects enter the overlapping area between
adjacent cameras including the stationary camera and
static PTZ camera without target tracking, ground plane
homo gr a p h y mapping is e mployed to create the view-
point correspondence by mapping and ma tch ing target
centroid positions between neighboring cameras, which
is defined as follows:
11 1213
21 2223
31 3233
y hhhy
 
 
= ×
 
 
 
whe re H(h11~h33) denotes 3
3 homography matrix de-
scribing the projection relationship of the two cameras
( )
( )
represent the corresponding
centroids of the moving targets in each camera.
To calculate the homography matrix, in the initial
stage of our system, we extract four best pairs of feature
points from background images of the two adjacent sur-
veillance scenes by using ASIFT [5] which is robust in
dynamic real-world environments. Finally, based on the
feature points extracted, Levenberg -Marquardt (L-M) [8]
is performed to compute the homography with Proje c-
tion Error (PE) minimization equation defined as fol-
11 1213212223
31 3231 32
ii ii
ii i
ii ii
hxhyh hxhyh
PEx y
hx hyhx hy
 
++ ++
=−+ −
 
++ ++
 
Then, based on the homography, target hand-off is
done by examining PE between the centroid of two tar-
get candidates. If
, wh ere T
is a parameter
which can be dynamically set, then the two candidates
are corresponding targets and marked the bounding box
and trajectory in a unique color, shown in Figure 4.
3. DSP performance optimization
To achieve the real time performance of the embedded
DSP system, in this paper, a hierarchical optimization
method is proposed based on DM6446 are used. Ac-
cording to the performance evaluation done by Code
Composer Studio (CCS) profiling module, main per-
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 3. Experiment result of moving PTZ tracking.
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 4.Target hand-off for multiple camera tracking, (a)(b) before corresponding; (c)(d) after corresponding.
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
formance bottlenecks are found, which are GMM for
background reconstruction and moving object (Blob)
extraction, respectively. Therefore, the proposed hierar-
chical optimization method is primarily concentrated in
these two modules using pro ject-level optimization, al-
gorithm-level optimization and code-level optimization.
3.1. Project-level optimization
To maximize C/C++ compiler performance, the DSP
code can be optimized comprehensively by using proper
compiler setting [9]. Firstly, software pipelining is used
to schedule instructions in a loop so that multiple in-
structions of the loop are executed in parallel. In C6000
compiler, we use “-o2” and “-o3” compiler options to
arrange software pipelines for the codes automatically.
Then, -pm”, “-mt” and “-op3”compiler setti ngs are em-
ployed in our compiler to reduce the performance cost in
loop iterations. Additionally, to boost the efficiency, in
the proposed system, the data which is frequently visited
and processed are stored in internal DSP memory and
important functions and p rocedures are executed in
CACHE which is supreme fast memory.
3.2. Algorithm-level optimization
Since the detailed information of moving target such as
text ur e, shape, etc. is not significantly essential for GMM
and blob extraction, therefore before these two proce-
dures, input video signal can be down-sampled to a
smaller resolution for computational complexity reduc-
tion. So in our system, we resized the input video from
D1 (720
576) to CIF (360
288) using resizer module
in Video Processing Subsystem (VPSS) which is a stan-
dalone peripheral device on DM6446 for resizing video
without any computational cost in DSP. Then, the re-
sized video is analyzed by GMM and blob extraction to
obtain the positions and bounding boxes of the moving
objects. After that, the gaine d positio ns are re-mapped to
D1 coordinate for the on-going procedures such as
tracking, classification and recognition. Furthermore, for
the purpose of better pipelining the algorithm to achieve
higher performance, we divide the GMM function into
three stages include background model initialization,
updating and comparison, and performed separately. And
after our algorithm-level optimization, according to the
profiling result, the performance is greatly enhanced
since the software pipeline is generated successfully.
3.3. Code-level optimization
Generally, the generation of software pipeline is a key
step for code-level optimization. However, there are sev-
eral common situations hi nd er producing software pipe-
lines, i.e., loops nesting, in-loop function callin g, jump
instructions etc. Therefore, we examined and divided
large loops into small loops to increases instruction-level
parallelis m guaranteeing the effective creation of soft-
ware pipeline by using the instruction
MUST_ITERATE” in our system. After that, as the pixel
value is 8-bit length, to f ur ther improve the quality of the
software pipeline, we utilized data packing techniques to
pack and parallel process multip le pixels in one 32-bit
pack by executing the packing and unpacking instruc-
tions such as _memd8_const”, _packl4, _hi, _lo,
_subabs4, _cmpgtu4, “_itoll”, etc.
By utilizing our proposed hierarchical optimization
met ho d , the system performance is increased signifi-
cantly as described in the Table 1.Since the performance
of DSP core is at a clock rate of 810 MHz (810 million
clock cycles per second), the overall computational
budge t is reduced by 98.84% and the system perfor-
mance is boosted from 2.03 frames per second to 30
frames per second reaching the maxim um frame rate.
Table 1.System performance comparison by using our proposed hierarchical optimization method
Module Name
Before Optimization
clock cycl e s frames/s
After Optimization
clock cycl e s frames/s
Optimization Ratio
clock cycl e s
GMM Background
Reconstruction 379672557 2.13 f/s 3387548 30 f/s 9 9.11 %
Moving Object
(Blob) Extraction 1921828 8 30 f/s 1249312 30 f/s 9 3.49 %
Overall Perfor-
mance 3988 90845 2.03 f/s 4636860 30 f/s 98.84%
4. Experiments and results
To demonstrate the robustness and effectiveness of our
proposed system, we have built a test-bed environment
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
around our campus by deploying multiple distributed
cameras and performed several real-world experiments
in various environments. Exp eriment results for coopera-
tive stationary cameras tracking are shown in F igure 5 (a)
(b) (c) (d), the images demonstrate two result set of our
multi-camera tracking system in an outdoor scene. Fig-
ure 5 (a) (c) are the snapshots from the left camera view,
while Figure 5 (b) (d) are from the right camera view.
Specifically, real-time multiple objects tracking is per-
form continuously on each individual camera to analyze
the trajector ies and bounding boxes of the moving targets,
as displayed in Figure 5, each surveillance target is
tracked succe ss f ul l y and marked with bounding box and
trajectory in unique color to distinguish from others. Af-
ter that, once moving targets enter the overlapping area
between two adjacent cameras, object hand-off proce-
dure is carried out to compute the accordance relation-
ships of the targets in the overlapping area for
ti-camera long-term trac king. As depicted in Figure 5,
targets in the overlapping area are successfully tracked
and hand-off and marked in their unique tracking color.
In Figure 6, experiments results for hybrid
multi-camera tracking including stationary CCTV
camera and moving PTZ camera is disp la yed . Fig ure 6
(a) shows the tracking result from a stationary CCTV
camera and accordingly Fig ure 6 (b) demonstrates the
result for moving PTZ camera tracking. As can be seen,
the target is tracked successfull y in bounding boxes with
a same color.
Full demo video for our proposed embedded hybrid
multi-camera tracking system is provided [10].
(a) (b) (c) (d)
Figure 5. Experiment results for dual camera-tracking in an outdoor environment around our campus
(a) (b)
Figure 6. Snapshot of our experiment devices and results in general view
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we represented the hybrid multi-camera
tracking system using stationary CCTV cameras and
moving PTZ cameras to addr ess the problem of
wid e-area surveillance with close-up capture for detailed
and clear visual cues. Our system is implemented on the
e mbedded platform TI dual-core TMS320DM6446
(ARM+DSP). In our proposed system, a traditional
tracking paradigm for single stationary camera tracking
based on GMM, Mean-shift and Kalman filter is utilized
to detect and track multiple targets. After that, when the
target enters the overlapping area between adjacent cam-
eras including stationary camera and PTZ camera, a ho-
mography based target hand-off procedure is performed
for multi-camera tracking. Then, to obtain the close-up
capture of the clear and detailed feature information from
the target, large-scale long-term automate survei llanc e is
achieved by utilizing a template-matching based PTZ
camera tracking algorithm. However, the computation
complexity for multi-camera system is huge especially
for embedded processor based sys tem . Therefore, to
conquer the challenging problems in low-cost, reliable
and efficient way, we proposed a novel hierarchical op-
timization method. The overall experimental results
demonstrate the robustness and real-time efficiency and
the stability of the embedded platform in dynamic
Copyright © 2013 SciRes. OJAppS
real-wo rld environments and the co mputational burden is
significantly reduced by 98.84%.
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