Creat ive Educati on
2012. Vol.3, Supplement, 52-56
Published Online December 2012 in SciRes ( DO I:10.4236/ce.2012.38b012
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
Research on College Tennis Intensive Courses Online
Teaching Design*
Taking Jia ngxi N ormal Universi ty as an Example
Kaiq ia ng Guo , Juan P u, Zhidao Chen
Physical Education Institute of Jiangxi Normal University, Nanchang, Jiangxi, China
Email: guokaiqia
Received 20 1 2
Physical intensive course construction is an important component of the teaching quality and teaching
refor m in c oll eges and uni versi t ies . In this stud y, a fter reviewi ngl it era t ure a nd app l ying comput er networ k
technology, PPT, Authorware, Flash, Windows movie maker, dartfish, super king and other educational
softwares, taking J iangxi Nor mal Universi ty college t ennis int ensive cour ses as an exa mple, we res earch
on how to design an online platform for the college tennis intensive course in a university. In tennis
prof essiona l i ntensi ve courses onlin e tea ching des ign, w e must fi rst r ecognize t hat t ennis is a sports skills
curriculum based on body movements as the carrier , commonly kn own as technol ogy class” . Secondly,
teachers should effectively use information equipment and information resources, so that they can have
the abilities to process information, create new information, and do research. They should also focus on
teac hi ng obj ect ives. Networ k instructional designrequi res students to actively participate in the interaction
and for m thei r own cha ra cteri stics and st yle. Thi rdly, maki ng an int erac tive pla tf orm of the s tude nts' skill
level evaluation and diagnosis can avoid studentscognitive performance remaining at an only digital
cinema demo viewing stage, thus achieving scientificalness, consistency, and effectiveness in the tennis
teaching evaluation. In the future, the construction of the university physical intensive courses,
applications and practice of online teaching design requires constantly integration and innovation from
teaching concepts, theoretical models and change in methods.
Key words: Tennis ; Intensi ve Courses; Instructional Desi gn
Research Pur p oses
Physical intensive course construction is an important compo-
nent of the teaching quali ty and teachin g reform in col leges and
universities. In China, the college tennis program is the main
course of the physical discipline and a core curriculum and also
the main content of personnel training in Higher Normal Insti-
tute of Physical Education, Department of Physical Education,
Physical Education and Training.
Research on theory and practice effects of tennis intensive
course construction, it requires constantly integration and in-
novation from teaching concepts, models and methods. The main
significance is to improve the theoretical level and practical
skills of PE students, and to promote the development of the
construction discipline of the physical intensive courses. The
expected value of this study will be a breakthrough in the fol-
lowing aspects:
1) It can promote the improvement of theoretical and practi-
cal level of instructional design of college physical education
technical intensive courses. It has strong practicability and
guidance, and also has certain use of reference to all levels of
the affiliated secondary disciplines of physical education.
2) It can improve the educational informationization abilities,
and form good teaching and scientific research capacities of PE
3) It can help shaping PE students’ tennis skills, enhance stu-
dentscapacites in problem analysing and solving skills.
4) It can continuously improve the PE students’ capacities in
cooperative learning and autonomous learning in the educa-
tional informa tionization.
In China, the academic research of teaching design and
application effect on PE skills courses is at the stage of the
development and innovation, the main representatives are:
The effectiveness of the network information platform in sports
technology teaching. (Dong, C. H., Zhang, M. L., 2011) By use
of questionnaires and other research methods, it investigated
and analyzed the current status of network information platform
in sports technolo gy teachi ng. The results showed the good use
of network information platform in the sports technology teaching.
Core research index of network information platform in the
sports technology teaching are used for the technical action
learning, extracurricular learning and the use of information
platform. It is a linear relationship between the two dimensions
of technical action learning and extracurricular l earning with
effectiveness of the use of information platform. It suggests
that the traditional sports technology teaching methods should
combine with modern technology teaching methods, to achieve
rational organization of sports technology teaching information
resou rces .
Research of the current situation of national, provincial and
city sports intensive courses network construction (A, Y. G.,
Sun, Y. L., 2009). In this paper, the current situation of national,
provincial and city sports intensive courses network construction
*Construction Fund Programme of Exquisite Course of Jiangxi Nor
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were analyzed. It was found that most of our existing websites
of national, provincial and city sports intensive courses are running
well. It had made cer t ain pr ogress in teach in g sou rces n et wor ked.
The problem is that the vast majority of websites’ contents
presentation does not have the guiding functions for the learners.
and not able to meet the needs of learners’ research learning
and autonomous learning. Networking of feedback approach of
teachin g and learnin g activities needs t o be further enh anced. It
is mainly manifested in two aspects: First, there is few website
provide online conmunicat ion for teach ers an d stud ent s. Second,
in all of the intensive courses, evaluation of teaching results is
not able to be completed online. Overall, the networking of
sports intensive courses has not yet reached the required level
of network teaching. Networking of teaching resources and
evaluation is still in the stage of assistant teaching.
Innovation and practice of basketball network tutorial (Wang,
S. H. etc. 2009) n this paper, supporte d by the methods of computer
and multi-disciplinary theories, using information network as a
platform, adopting the comprehensive research methods, it
made an overall design and planning of basketball network
courses. It also proceeded various forms of network coursework
producing and developing and built a more comprehensive
database, provided a good reference for the teaching reform in
the age of information.
The above studies indicate that the networking instructional
design of physical education skills intensive courses lack
interact i ve communicat io n o f teac hers and students, also pointing
out the single teaching evaluation and other deficiencies. However,
we need to do further exploration on how to improve, design
and use it.
Research Methods
Literat ure: 11 relevant literature.
Designed and produced the network platform of tennis intensive
courses of Jiangxi normal university adopting intensive courses
learning platform V2.0 software developed by China Hubei
Hua Qin Edu cational Software Technology Co., Ltd.
V2.0 software can achieve the centralize management and
publishing of website teaching resources and can fully reflect
the strength and characteristics of various courses. Meanwhile,
V2. 0 softwar e system provides enormous autonomy to columns
and function settings of course website. The comprehensive
management of the columns, templ ates, and functions of course
website are with the following process:
A: Enter course website management
B: Course website columns settings: add, delete or edit the
columns of the course website
C: Course template comprehensive settings: select and set the
cours e website templates and home page module.
D: Curriculum links management : add, delete or edit the
course website poin ting to an external s ite link
Design and product courseware by application of PPT,
Authorware, flash, Windows mo vie maker, d artfish, super king
and other educational softwares and import it to network
platform of the tennis intensive curriculum.
Research Results and Analysis
Since the release of Notice on th e start of the Course
Construction in Colleges a nd universities Teaching Quality and
Teaching Reform Project by Ministry of Education, the
construction of PE intensive courses is developing comprehen-
sively in wide field and multi-level. Through browsing 36 na-
tional PE Department and College Course Websites, the re-
search team has found that PE technical intensive course con-
struction includes 11 national level curriculums, 47 provincial
level curriculums, 48 university level curriculums. The main
projects are most traditional projects, like track and field,
gymnastics, martial arts, aerobics, basketball, volleyball, and
footb all. These are all the main courses and core courses of the
discipline of PE.
Through browsing 36 national PE Department and College
Cour se Websites, it is found th ere are man y inadequacies in the
network instructional design of college PE technical intensive
cours es.
1) PE teachers lack the concepts of positioning. They just
simply imitate instead of thinking it over and be more creative
during the implementation process.
2) It is Lack of technique courseprofessional teaching
charac te r isti c s . It is s pec if ica lly performed in the c urr ic ul um book
imprinting, imitation of teaching design and simple demonstration
of digital cinema. It is ornamental, but lacks teacher-student
interaction platform. It does not integrate with the teaching
objectives using body movement as the carrier, and students’
participation is rarely seen. Studentscognitive performance
remains at an only digital cinema demo viewing stage. How to
improve the level of students’ skill levels does not reflect. No
innovation in the teachin g level of professional features has
3) It is difficult to a c hieve thethree basesteaching objectives.
It is lack of network interactions explore teaching. Interactive
use of multimedia networks is not enough. It is difficult for
teachers and students to have further and more effective
communication outside the classroom. It did not show the
effective e xt ension of physical professional techniqu e courses.
4) Physical “technology class” with modern educational
technology as counseling tools enables students to have the
opportunities to access to excellent software. It has a positive
meaning in counseling type teaching and personalized learning.
Meanwhile, teachers can use the network platform of intensive
courses as a way to pay constant attention to students’ learning
progress, their skill learning difficulties, and provide them timely
counseling and correction. However, researchers learned that
there is only few college has physical professional technique
intensive courses which are designed to improve sports skills
Concepts of instructional design of tennis intensive courses:
In this design, we must first recognize that tennis is a sports
skill curriculum based on body movements as the carrier,
commonly known as technology class” and must focus on the
integration of the teaching objectives. It requires students to
actively participate in the interaction and form their own
characteristics and style. IT literacy and ability of PE teachers
are basis and necessary conditions in curriculum integration and
design. Secondly, the network teaching design of tennis
intensive course including the interaction platform for students
skill level evaluation and diagnosis should be built. It is the
main solution to solve the differences between the instructional
design theory and practical teaching of PE majors. It is one of
the key elements to improve teaching effectiveness. It is the
main way of the bottlenecks to address the effect of teaching
and learning. Thirdly, through innovation in network instructional
design of tennis professional skills intensive courses, it can
enhance studentscollaborative learning; promote advanced
Copyright © 2012 SciRes.
cognitive development of the students, help to culture PE students’
sens e of ex plor a ti on, s k i ll proficiency, t eac hi ng pra c t ice and ot he r
Intensive courses of Jiangxi Normal University, network
instructional design of tennis tutorial
When processing the intensive courses of Jiangxi Normal
Univer sit y, we made network instructional design of tennis tutorial
by use of Huatai intensive courses learning platform V2.0 soft-
In Figures 1 framework diagram, it includes introduction of
the curriculums, teachers, tennis techniques, tactics of CAI,
tennis rules, examination and assessment, assessment and
diagnosis of students’ skills, Nick tennis online teaching video,
online Q & A, and other related Tennis Links. It meets the
network design requirements and standards of national intensive
cours es.
Introduction of the curriculums and teachers. It makes brief
introductions on tennis curriculums, including tennis teaching
obj ectives, syllabu s, exa minati on meth o ds, teach ing resu lt s, etc.
From this introduction, the students get to know about tennis
teaching contents and requirements first in order to help them
learn and proficient tennis technology extracurr icular.
Tennis techniques, tactics of CAI: Make CAI courseware to
import the intensive courses like making action video of elite
athletes by use of PPT, Authorware, flash, the Windows movie
maker, dartfish, super king and other educational softwares. So
we can perform interactive teaching and learning. See Figures 2.
Figure 1.
Framework diagram of tennis intensive courses instructional design.
Figures 3 This courseware mainly uses computer technology,
Authorware, Flash and other softwares to integrate and produce
tennis serve technical analysis and teaching courseware, we tr y
to find out the main feature of outstanding tennis athletes and
analyze th e rational ity and effectiven ess of the ad vantages fro m
the theory and practi ce as pects.
Figure 2.
Demonstration courseware of technical movements by
elite athletes.
Figure 3.
Tennis serve technical analysis and courseware.
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Tennis rules, contents’ teaching of examinations and assess-
ments. With main application of computer technology, we
achieved two effects of network instructional design. The first
is pap erless assessment, online learnin g and answers. Second is
making CAI Co urseware to reso lve the key points and difficult
points in the teaching of tennis rules, such as CAI teaching
design and development of tennis match referee scorecard. As
shown in Figures 4, the interaction of teaching and learning is
demonstrated in th e CAI courseware.
Setting the instructional design of students’ technology assess-
ment and diagnosis is the core content of network teaching
design in tennis intensive course. Modern educational technology
theory has proved that network courses instructional design
should focus on integration of teaching content and teaching
methods. It should follow three principles: achieve mutual
interaction of teachers and students; provide students operational
interactive services; content designed for serving students
interactive thinking. In making students’ technology assessment
and diagnosis platform of tennis intensive courses network
instructional design, the major design implementation process
1) Teachers should make multimedia courseware to assist
teaching by using elite athletes’ technology as materials. It can
facilitate students’ understanding and perception of the technology
and promote their learning effects.
Figure 4.
CAI instructional design demonstration of tennis match referee
2) Record the studentstechnical action video regularly
based on the teaching programs and learning progresses.
3) Making diagnosis and evaluations of the physical skills of
students by use of computer software and modern educational
technology, and make a PPT demonstration courseware. Upload
it to the students’ evaluation an d diagnostic platform of
inten sive co ur ses. Achieve on li ne self-assess men t, evaluat io n in
between students, and inspection of teaching eff ectiveness.
4) Guide students to make self-diagnosis. Through video
playback software, show students their own technical actions,
so they can format their initial self-diagnosis in conjunction with
their action experience. From cognition of the teacher’s diagnosis,
students ca n improve the abilities of problem analysis a nd problem-
sol ving.
Two aspects o f teachin g effectiven ess have been ach ieved by
the application of network instructional design. The first is that
the visualization and graphical of the evaluation of the students’
tennis technical movements is fully achieved, thus getting a
more ob jecti ve and accur ate ev aluati on o f teachin g effe ctiven ess.
Second is the successful use of the double subject education
design principle. It resolved the difficult and key issues in the
tennis teaching. Thirdly, it avoided the teachers’ unscientific
subjective and experienced evaluations on tennis actions.
Design advantages of students’ technology learning effects’
diagnosis and evaluations: In the multimedia computer assisted
teaching, the problem design is essential to diagnostic e valuation
of teaching practice. This is also the core content of using net-
work and CAI assisted teaching in PE t echnical class. Thro ugh
teachin g practi ce, one can fin d out student s’ techni cal prob lems.
(Wrong technical actions of individuals and all) Record technical
problems as digital movies and put them into coursewa re. Make
it as problem materials for students. Meanwhile, make analysis
and comparison by application of CAI software and sports
analysis software. This kind of timely feedback by application
of media can help students to knowledge and correct their
technical movements in the course of practice. Whether it is
remedial feedback or encouraging feedback, each of them can
help students’ to have further understandings and disciplinary
memories of the correct sports skills formation. These theories
are compatible with sports skills formation principles. This
innovative method optimizes teaching link. (Figure 5)
1) It can solv e some differences between the instructional design
theory and professional teaching practice. It can continuously
improve the students’ abilities of cooperative learning and
Figure 5.
Design flow chart of student technology assessment and
diag nostic teaching.
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independent study in the age of educational informationization.
2) It can increase PE students’ interests in learning sports
skills. PE students can improve their sports skills after master
the aided way. It meet s the need s of PE students ’ r es ear ch stud y
and independent study. Learning can be more effective.
3) It can enhance students’ collaborative learning, promote
higher cognitive abilities’ development of the students, help to
culture PE students’ sense of exploration, skill proficiency,
teaching practice an d other abil ities.
Utilization and integration of online learning resources. Tennis
intensive courses had established the instructional design and
application with Nick tennis online teaching video, online Q &
A and other related links. It expands the online teaching resources
of tennis intensive courses and promotes the improvement of
teaching quality.
The function of network teaching platform of tennis intensive
course of Jiangxi Normal University achieved fully affirmation
of PE major students after 4 years teaching practices. In 2011,
Jiangxi Nor mal Universit y pe rformed a competition of curriculum
reform evaluation in the whole university and in this competition
tennis intensive course was rated as three-star course. (Files of
Jiangxi Normal University, school published 2011, 166)
1) Network teaching platform of tennis intensive course
made a good integration of teaching resources. Teaching design
meets the characteristics of the physical technology professional
courses. It achieved online communication and interaction of
teachers and students. It can provide students with operational
interactive services. In addition, students can download most of
the teaching resources for self-learning.
2) Made an objective, fair and equitable reform in the methods
and means of technology evaluation on studentslevel. It made
innovation and change in teaching evaluation methods. It can
timely and effectively solve the teaching key and difficult
issues and promote the formation of motor skills. It also achieved
a multidimensional and scientific evaluation on students’ assess-
3) It is able to meet th e need o f d ual and in ter active n atu re o f
teachin g and lear ning so that each st uden t can learn b y analo gy.
It can improve studentsindependent thinking and problem-
solving skills.
4) In the future, in order to promote and intensify the work of
the tennis intensive teaching reform and construction, and to
improve the standard and quality of teaching of the tennis pro-
fession al co u rses co mprehensively, we should make reform and
innovation in evaluation of teaching effectiveness, network
instructional design and integration of teaching resources.
Main Conclusions
In tennis professional intensive courses online teaching design,
we must first recognize that tennis is a sports skills curriculum
based on body movements as the carrier, commonly known as
technology class”. Secondly, teachers should effectively use
information equipment, and have the abilities of processing
information resources, create new information, do scientific
researches, and must focus on the integration of the courses’
teaching objectives. In network instructional design, it requires
students to actively participate in the interaction and form their
own characteristics and style. Thirdly, making the teaching design
of an interactive platform of the studentsskill level evaluation
and diagnos is ca n av oi d stude nts’ cogni tive performance remaining
at an only digital cinema demo viewing stage, thus achieving
scientific, consistency, effectiveness in the tennis teaching
evaluation. In the future, the construction of the university
physical intensive courses, applications and practice of online
teaching design requires constantly integration and innovation
from teaching concepts, theoretical models and change in
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