J. Software Engineering & Applications, 2010, 3: 364-373
doi:10.4236/jsea.2010.34041 Published Online April 2010 (http://www.SciRP.org/journal/jsea)
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index
in Technology Variant Business Application
Development through Fault Injection Patterns
Paloli Mohammed Shareef1, Midthe Vijayaraghavan Srinath2, Subbiah Balasubramanian3
1Trimentus Technologies, Chennai, India; 2Mahendra Engineering College, Namakkal, India; 3Anna University, Coimbatore, India.
Email: pmsha reef@gmail.c om, {sri_induja, s_ba lasubramanian}@rediffma il.com
Received December 26th, 2009; revised January 14th, 2010; accepted January 26th, 2010.
Software reliab ility for bu siness a pplica tions is be coming a topic of interest in th e IT community. An effective metho d to
validate and understand defect behaviour in a software application is Fault Injection. Fault injection involves the de-
liberate insertion of faults or errors into software in order to determine its response and to study its behaviour. Fault
Injection Modeling has demonstrated to be an effective method for study and analysis of defect response, validating
fault-tolerant systems, and understanding systems behaviour in the presence of injected faults. The objectives of this
study are to measure and analyze defect leakage; Amplification Index (AI) of errors and examine “Domino” effect of
defects leaked into subsequent Software Development Life Cycle phases in a business application. The approach en-
deavour to demonstrate the phasewise impact of leaked defects, through causal analysis and quantitative analysis of
defects leakage and amplifica tion index patterns in system built using technology variants (C#, VB 6.0, Java).
Keywords: Fault Injection, Amplification Index (AI), Domino Effect, Defect Leakage
1. Introduction
Formulating reliable and fault tolerant software is difficult
and requires discipline both in specifying system function-
ality and in implementing systems correctly. Approaches
for developing highly reliable software include the use of
formal methods [1-3], and ri gorous te sti ng methods [4].
Testing cannot guarantee that commercial and busi-
ness software is correct [5], and verification requires
enormous human effort and is subject to errors [6]. Au-
tomated support is necessary to help ensure software
correctness and fault tolerance.
Fault injection modelling involves the deliberate in ser-
tion of faults or errors into a computer system in order to
determine its response. It has proven to be an effective
method for measuring and studying response of defects,
validating fault-tolerant systems, and observing how
systems behave in the presence of faults. In this study,
faults are injected in key phases of software development
of business application following a typical water fall
software life cycle viz., SRS, Design and Source code.
2. Literature Review
The literature review consolidates the understanding on
fault injection, associated topics and subsequent studies
to emphasis the need to fault injections in business soft-
ware application. It also crystallizes the need for aware-
ness, tools and analyzes defect leakage/amplification.
Even after 20 year s of ex istence th e awarene ss of fa ult
injection and associated modelling with tools are very
rarely used and understood in the commercial software
industry and used. The us efuln ess in the defect mod elling
and building fault tolerant software systems are not
properly preach ed and/or practiced. Added, the av ailabil-
ity of appropriate literature and software tools is very few
and not used in commercial and business application
design and testing.
After a detailed review of literature by the researcher it
was concluded that there is an industrious interest soft-
ware fault injection in the software industry to develop
commercially reliable software.
3. Approach
In recent years there has been much interest in the field of
software reliability and fault tolerance of systems and
commercial software. This in tu rn has resulted in a wealth
of literature being p ublished around the topic, such as th e
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application 365
Development through Fault Injection Patterns
Fault Injection in the form of the ‘Marrying Software
Fault Injection Technology Results with Software Reli-
ability’ by Jeffrey Voas, Cigital Norman Schneidewind.
Many critical business computer applications require
“fault tolerance,” the ability to recover from errors or
exceptional conditions. Error free software is very diffi-
cult to create and creating fault tolerant software is an
even greater challenge. Fault tolerant software must suc-
cessfully recover from a multitude of error conditions to
prevent harmful system failures.
Software testing cannot demonstrate that a software
system is completely correct. An enormous number of
possible executions that must be examined in any
real-world sized software system. Fault tolerance ex-
pands the number of states (and thus execution histories)
that must be tested, because inconsistent or erroneous
states must also be tested.
Mailing lists, websites, research and forums have been
created in which all aspects of this fresh new niche soft-
ware engineering area are discussed. People are inter-
ested, partly because it is a new area but also because the
whole field of commercial software reliability is in itself
so interesting; as it holds so many wide ranging disci-
plines, perspectives and logic at its core. Software reli-
ability engineering is uniting professionals in disciplines
that previously had little to do with one anoth er, it is cre-
ating more opportunities for employment in the online
environment, and it is changing the face and structure of
all information that we seek out on the web. In the era of
economic recession, customer demands reliable, certified
and fault tolerant commercial and business software ap-
In this research, the focus is on software testing tech-
niques that use fault injection. Several potentially pow-
erful existing systems have drawbacks for practical ap-
plication in business application development environ-
ment. We first examine existing fault injection tech-
niques and evaluate their potential for practical applica-
tion for commercial and business software applications.
Available and accessible literature infrastructure includ-
ing premium subscribed IEEE and ACM resources were
studied and summarized for literature review from 1986
(20 years).
4. Fault Injection Modelling
Fault Injection Modelling (FIM) involves the deliberate
insertion of faults or errors into a computer system in
order to determine its response. It has proven to be an
effective method for measuring and studying response of
defects, validating fault-tolerant systems, and observing
how systems behave in the presence of faults. In this
study, faults are injected in all phases of software devel-
opment life cycle viz., Requirements, Design and Source
4.1 Objectives
The objectives of conducting these experiments are to
measure process efficiencies, statistically study, analysis
and report defect amplification of defects (Domino’s
effect) across software development phases with a simi-
lar system constructed with technological variation.
The goal of this research is to understand the behav-
iour of faults and defects pattern in commercial and
business software application and defect leakage in each
phase of application devel opment .
Throughout the literature certain questions reoccur,
which one would anticipate when a new field emerges in
commercial software fault tolerance? People are inter-
ested, and want to understand and define commercial
software reliability and fault tolerance since the work on
most fault injections and software reliability is found in
life critical and mission critical application, so we try to
answer the following questions;
Why study Fault Injection Modelling?
Why study business software fault tolerance re-
Why are they called ‘Fault Injection & Error Seed-
Why review Software Implemented Fault Injection
What work was performed, current status and work
These questions will be expanded upon throughout th e
research, and seek to bring clarity to those who want to
find the answers to the above, or to see if there truly are
any answers!
4.2 Background Concepts
A fault is a hardware or software defect, inconsistency,
transient electrical field, or other abnormal circumstance.
An error is an invalid internal state, which may or may
not be detected by the system.
A failure is an invalid output. Thus a fault or error be-
comes a failure when it propagates to the output. There is
a natural progression from fault to error to failure. Re-
covery code is the part of a program that is designed to
respond to error states. Recovery code executes after the
program recognizes that some erroneous or abnormal
state has been entered. This code should gracefully re-
store the system to a valid state before a failure occurs.
Figure 1 shows the progression from faults to errors
and finally to failures. The recovery code should serve as
a safety net to prevent the progression from error to fail-
ure. A fault tolerant system should never fail, even if it
has faults.
Testing recovery code requires the modeling of bad
states that accurately simulate exceptional situations. As
much as 50% of a fault tolerant program can consist of
recovery code. Although testing might include invalid
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application
366 Development through Fault Injection Patterns
data that executes some of the recovery code, often much
of this code is never executed during normal testing.
Any recovery code testing technique must be based
upon an assumed fault model [7]. We assume that all
faults will behave according to some specific rules. Any
fault model can only consider a subset of all possible
For example, a common debugging practice is to insert
a series of print statements in key positions. This debug-
ging practice assumes a particular fault model.
Faults will cause the program to execute in the incor-
rect order and will be demonstrated
Figure 2 illustrates the taxonomy of Fault Injection
Techniques in the printed output. Clearly, not all faults
will adhere to this model.
No one fault model will fit all faults. However, a fault
model can be very effective in detecting faults that fit th e
Fault Injection technique of fault injection dates back
to the 1970s when it was first used to induce faults at a
hardware level. This type of fault injection is called
Hardware Implemented Fault Injection (HWIFI) and
attempts to simulate hardware failures within a system.
The first experiments in hardware fault injection in-
volved nothing more than shorting connections on circuit
boards and observing the effect on the system (bridging
faults). It was used primarily as a test of the dependabil-
ity of the hardware system. Later specialised hardware
was developed to extend this technique, such as devices
to bombard specific areas of a circuit board with heavy
Figure 1. Fault tolerance terms
Figure 2. Taxonomy of fault injection techniques
radiation. It was soon found that faults could be induced
by software techniques and that aspects of this technique
could be useful for assessing software systems. Collec-
tively these techniques are known as Software Imple-
mented Fault Inj ection (SWIFI) [8].
Martin defines software fault injections as faults which
are injected at the software level by corrupting code or
data. So faults are applicable at the implemen tation pha se
when the code of the system is available, and it can be
applied on an application to simulate either internal or
external faults.
Internal faults represent design and implementation
faults, such as variables/parameters that are wrong or no t
initialized, incorrect assignments or condition checks.
External faults represent all external factors that are not
related to faults in the code itself but that alter the sys-
tem’s state.
The injection of failures can discover errors that nor-
mal procedures cannot. First, it tests the mechanisms of
exception and treatment of failures that in normal cir-
cumstances are not sufficiently proven an d, helps to ev a-
luate the risk, verifying how much defective can be the
system behavior in presence of errors. All of the injection
failures methods are based on concrete hardware or
software characteristics associated to systems which are
applied, then, to realize generalizations is a very compli-
cated task.
4.3 Prior Work on Fault Injection
Fault injection can be used to modify either a program’s
source code text or the machine state of an executing
program. Figure 2 shows taxonomy of the key methods
of fault injection. Fault injection techniques based on
static analysisprogram source modificationare mod-
eled by the left subtree.
The most common static fault injection is mutation
testing. The right subtree in Figure 2 models dynamic
fault injection techniques where changes are made to an
actively running program’s state. Much of the recent fault
injection research is concer ne d wi t h dy namic injection.
4.4 Domino’s Effect
Domino’s effect is the cascading effect of defects from
the initial stages of the pro ject to all the subsequent stag-
es of the software life cycle. Errors undetected in one
work product are ‘leaked’ to the child work product and
amplifies defects in the child work product. This chain
reaction causes an exponential defect leakage. E.g.: un-
detected errors in requirements leak and cause a signifi-
cant number of defects in design which, in turn, causes
more defects in the source code. The result of this study
is to arrive at an “Amplification Index” which will char-
acterize the extent of impact or damage of phase-wise
defects in subsequent Software Development Life Cycle
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Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application 367
Development through Fault Injection Patterns
(SDLC) phases.
The defect components in a work product and leakage
into subsequent phases are illustrated in Figure 3 below:
4.5 Trimentus Approach for Fault Injection
Defects were deliberately injected into each phase (work
product) in the software development life cycle of a typ-
ical application development project and the effect of the
defects injected was studied subsequently. The injected
defects are typical defects that are characteristic of the
software systems of a commercial application on Library
Management System (LMS) and were chosen from the
organizati onal defect dat abase.
An approach was adopted towards stud ying the impact
of defect amplification in a software system was causal
analysis of the defects occurring in subsequent phases
caused due to injected defects.
Fault injection can occur in several ways:
Additional code can be linked to the target program
and executed synchronously with the program flow.
A separate process can perform the injection asyn-
chronously with the flow of the target process.
Separate hardware can directly access the memory to
modify the state, thus not affecting the timing char-
acteristics of the target process.
Overlay faults occur when a program writes into an
incorrect location due to a faulty destination operand.
Chillarege and Bowen claim that overlay faults account
for 34% of the errors in systems programs. The experi-
ment involved the use of failure acceleration, decreasing
fault and error latency and increasing the prob ability that
a fault will cause an error. The experiment applied failure
acceleration by corrupting a large region of memory in a
single injection. To inject an overlay fault, all bits in an
entire page of physical memory are set to one. Because
the page is in physical memory, the probability that the
latency will be short is further increased. About 16% of
the faults immediately crashed the system; about 14%
caused a partial loss of service, which was usually re-
covered from soon after.
Half of the faults did not cause failures. These poten-
tial hazards are failures waiting to occur. The injection
Figure 3. Fault injection pattern
process used was manual and only 70 faults were in-
jected during the entire experiment.
Software faults introduced include:
Initialization faults: incorrectly or uninitialized vari-
ables. They are modeled by dynamically replacing
the initializing assembly instructions with incorrect
values or no-ops.
Assignment faults: incorrect assignment statements.
Variable names on the right hand side are changed
by dynamically mutating the assembly code.
Condition check faults: missing condition checks,
for example, failure to verify return values. Condi-
tion checks are either entirely overwritten with
no-ops, or replac ed a n incorrect condition check.
Function faults: Invalid functions. The assembly
code for a function is dynamically replaced with the
assembly code from a manually rewritten alternate
Initialization fau lts can be caught statically w ith a good
compiler. The assignment and condition check faults are
clearly relevant to the testing of recovery code, since an
incorrect assignment or condition can be a condition that
should force the execution of recovery code. Function
faults are also relevant, especially if they could be auto-
matically generated. Unfortunately, manual rewriting of
sections of code is prohibitive in a large system.
4.6 Why Study Fault Injection Modelling?
Fault Injection Modelling has gradually crept into prom-
inence over the last decade as one of the new buzz words
in software design. However, as Martin observes:
“The main characteristic of fault injection software is
that it is capable of injecting failures into any functional
addressing unit by means of software, such as memory,
registers, and peripherals. The goal of the fault injection
software is to reproduce, in the logical scope, the errors
that are reproduced after failures in the hardware. A good
characterization of failure model should be allowed that
this one was as versatile as possible, allowing a major
number of combinations among the location, trigger con-
ditions, kind of fault and duration, so that the coverage
was maximum. Recent days, the Fault Injection tech-
nique has been considered as a very useful tool to moni-
tor and evaluate the behavior of computing systems in
the presence of faults. It’s because the tool tries to pro-
duce or simulate faults during an execution of the system
under test, and then the behavior of the system is de-
Figure 4 illustrates the relative cost factor in the defect
resolution as the work product elaborates in the Software
Development Life Cycle phases;
The Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute1
1Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute, the Business Case fo
Requirements Engineering, RE’ 2003, 12 Septem be r 2 0 03 .
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application
368 Development through Fault Injection Patterns
reports that at least 42-50 percent of software defects
originate in the requirements phase.
The Defense Acquisition University Program Man-
ager Magazine2 reports that a Department of Defense
study that over 50 percent of all software errors originate
in the requirem ent s phase.
1) MSDN (November, 2005) “Leveraging the Role of
Testing and Quality across the Lifecycle to Cut Costs and
Drive IT/Business Responsiveness”.
2) Direct Return on Investment of Software Inde-
pendent Verification and Validation: Methodology and
Initial Case Studies, James B. Dabney and Gary Barber,
Assurance Technology Symposium, 5 June 2003.
5. Description of Software System
A Library Management System (LMS) help in automat-
ing functions of the library. It helps in reducing the time
spent in record keeping and management effectively. The
management information system application was used to
conduct the fault injection experiments. The same appli-
cation was developed in the following technologies in 3G
languages as listed in Table 1 below.
LMS was simultaneously developed by independent
project team and were made mutually exclusive. The ap-
plication development for the projects followed the same
process as described in the quality management system
for software development of Trimentus. LMS was chosen
to FIM because common MIS Domain knowledge for the
application was high; it can be independently managed
Figure 4. Relative cost to fix defects vs. development phases
Table 1. Library management system (LMS) experiment
technology variants
Id Programming
Language RAD Tool Database
LMS 1 C#.Net Visual Studio
2005 SQL Server
LMS 2 Visual Basic 6.0 Visual Studio
6.0 Ms Access
LMS 3 Java (jdk1.5) NetBeans IDE
5.0 SQL Server
and developed; it covers the entire development life cy-
cle; and the technology used is typical of current com-
mercial application s and technologies in vogue.
SDLC, technology, exclusiveness allows different
types of faults to be injected at various phases without
bias and enables direct comparison.
In this paper, the system contains injected defects
common across all projects. The same count of defects (5
numbers ) we re introduced in each pha s e o f SD LC.
6. Results of the Experiments
The results from the independent experiments are derived
at each stage of the Software Life Development Cycle
Phase. The following section describes the detailed ac-
tivities and step-by-step process followed in the intro-
duction of defects in each software work product with
results output.
6.1 Requirement Review
SRS (Software Requirement Specification) document
was prepared and used as the basis for development of
for all the experiments. SRS is identified as requirements
documents. However, after the review of SRS, defects
were injected into the same document. The SRS contain-
ing the defects were baselined by independent project
team respectively to be used as basis for the Design.
The defects injected into the Requirement document
are given in Table 2. The requirements defects are ana-
lyzed through causal analysis techniques to be classified
and categorized.
6.2 Design Phase Analysis
Design document is prepared with (fault injected) SRS as
basis. There were several defects observed with “source”
Table 2. Definition of defect types – requirements
taken Defect Injected Defect
severity Defect Type
Deleted Reports based on clas-
sification by Type of
books High Missed Re-
Changed User Login to
Student ID
Changed the default
status of the books
given from “Pending”
to “Borrowed”
Add more records
option not given as part
of screen layout
Medium Incomplete,
Missed Re-
Added Obtaining the proposed
date for return o f b o o k s High Ambiguous
Deleted Set the type of fine High Missed Re-
Added Set the number of times
a books can be renewed
by the members Medium Incorrect
2Defense Acquisition University Program Manager Magazine, Nov-Dec
1999, Curing th e Software R equirements and Cost Estimating Blues
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application 369
Development through Fault Injection Patterns
as requirements. The Injected defects were major cause
for design defects.
6.2.1 Design Revi ew
Table 3 lists the number of defects injected independ-
ently in Requirements and inherent defects detected after
Requirements document review. Further, it lists the de-
fect leakage to the child work product (Design) with in-
herent defects detected after Design review for each ex-
6.2.2 Design Defect Amplificati on: Techn o l ogy
Figure 5 represents the comparison of Amplification
Index between the LMS developed on different tech-
nologies. The amplification of design defects caused due
to the injected requirement defects in LMS is evidenced
in all technologies and more prominent in VB Microsoft
6.2.3 Amplification Index (AI) for Requirements
Table 3 and Table 4 represent the methodology that was
used to calculate Requirement Amplification Index (i.e.
impact of requirements defects on Design).
6.2.4 Defects in Design
Table 5 lists the various types of known design defects
that were introduced after design review. The defects are
classified and categorized after causal analysis.
Table 3. Defects injectedrequirements to design
SRS Design
Injected Inherent Leaked Inherent
LMS 1 5 4 4 8
LMS 2 5 8 7 6
LMS 3 5 5 7 9
Table 4. Defects amplification index computationrequire-
ments to design
Application Formula AI (Requirements on
LMS1 No. of design defects
caused due to injected
Requirement Defects /
No. of injected Re-
quirement defects
2/5 = 0.5 (rounded)
One requirement
defect leaked causes
0.5 defect in design in
C # technology
LMS2 No. of design defects
caused due to injected
Requirement Defects /
No. of injected Re-
quirement defects
6/5 = 1.3 (rounded)
One requirement
defect leaked causes
1.3 defect in design in
VB technology
LMS3 No. of design defects
caused due to injected
Requirement Defects /
No. of injected Re-
quirement defects
4/5 = 0.8 (rounded)
One requirement
defect leaked causes
0.8 defect in design in
Java technology
Table 5. Definition of defect types – design
taken Defect Injected Defect
severity Defect Type
Removed Validation and au-
thentication of au-
thorized students High Interface,
Modified Data Type Changed Medium Database,
finding Editing of book type
by borrower High Incorrect
There is a possibility
to add null records
when no validations
are made or no ex-
ceptions are handled.
Medium Incorrect
Changed A datagrid displays
the content only when
the recordset is open. Low Database
6.2.5 Statistical Analysis and Validation
Based on the AI derived from the above requirement data
analysis, a statistical study was carried out to understand
and analyze the statistical significance and relationship of
AI across phases.
A hypothesis was formulated based on the conditions
of analysis as follows;
H0 : Requirements Amplification Index is same across tech-
H1 : Requirements Amplification Index is different between
Minitab tool was used to analyze the data set of Re-
quirement Amplification Index. A simple T-test was run
to validate the statistical significance of the requirement
AI data across technologies.
Minitab output on the Hypothesis Testing is listed in
Table 6 below.
The statistical rule of elimination is:
1) If the P- Value > 0.05, Then H0 is true and there is
no difference in the groups. = Accept H0
2) If the Value < 0.05, Then H0 is false and there is a
statistically significant difference. = Reject H0 and Ac-
cept H1
Figure 5. Amplification index trend – design
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application
370 Development through Fault Injection Patterns
Table 6. St a tistical analysis co mp utati on
One-Sample T:
Test of mu = 0 vs mu not = 0
Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean
AI 3 0.867 0.404 0.233
Variable 95.0% CI T P
AI (–0.137, 1.871) 3.71 0.065
This results in: 0.065 > 0.05; so by the rule, Accept the
To conclude that, “Requirements Amplification Index
is same across technologies and there is no statistical
significant difference on AI across technologies in the
Library Management System (LMS) developed in dif-
ferent technologies”.
6.3 Coding Phase Analysis
Coding was performed with (fault injected) design as ba-
sis. There were several defects observed with “source” as
Design and Requirements. The Injected defects were the
major cause for Code defects detected in Code revi ew.
6.3.1 Co de Review
Table 7 appends to Table 3 with the number of defects
injected independently with leaked defected in design
document. Further, it lists the defect leakage from Design
to Code with inherent defects detected after Code review
for each experiment.
6.3.2 Co de Defect Amp l ification: Technology Variant
Figure 6 represents the comparison of Amplification In-
dex between the LMS developed on different technolo-
The amplification of coding defects caused due to the
injected design defects in LMS is evidenced in all tech-
nologies and more prominent in VB M icrosoft technology .
6.3.3 Amplification Index for Design
Table 8 illustrates the methodology and computation
details used to calculate Design Amplification Index (i.e.
impact of Des ign defe cts on Code).
A I Tr end - Technology W i se
1. 6
Coding Pha se - Technology
Figure 6. Amplification index trendcoding
Table 7. Defects injecteddesign to code
SRS Design Code
Injected Inherent
Inherent Leaked Inherent
LMS 1 5 4 4 + 5 8 7 7
LMS 2 5 8 7 + 5 6 9 6
LMS 3 5 5 7 + 5 9 10 6
6.3.4 Statistical Analysis and Validation
Similarly, based on the AI derived from the above design
data analysis, a statistical study was carried out to under-
stand and analyze the statistical significance and rela-
tionship of AI acros s desi g n p hases.
A hypothesis was formulated based on the conditions
of analysis as follows;
H0 : Design Amplification Index is same across technologies
H1 : Design Amplification Index is different between technologies
Minitab tool was used to analyze the data set of design
Amplification Index. A simple T-test was run to validate
the statistical significance of the design AI data across
Minitab output on the Hypothesis Testing is listed in
Table 9 below.
The statistical rule of elimination is:
1) If the P- Value > 0.05, Then H0 is true and there is
no difference in the groups. = Accept H0
2) If the Value < 0.05, Then Ho is false and there is a
statistically significant difference. = Reject H0 and Ac-
cept H1
This results in: 0.038 < 0.05; so by the rule, Reject H0
and Accept H1.
To conclude that, “Design Amplification Index is dif-
ferent across technologies and there is a statistical sig-
nificant difference on design AI across technologies in
Table 8. Defects amplification index computationdesign
to code
ApplicationFormula AI (Design on Code)
No. of Code defects
caused due to injected
Design Defects / No. of
injected Design defects
4.9/5 = 0.9 (rounded)
One design defect
leaked causes 0.9
defect in code in C #
No. of Code defects
caused due to injected
Design Defects / No. of
injected Design defects
9/5 = 1.9 (rounded)
One design defect
leaked causes 1.9
defect in code in VB
No. of Code defects
caused due to injected
Design Defects / No. of
injected Design defects
8/5 = 1.6 (rounded)
One design defect
leaked causes 1.6
defect in code in Java
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Development through Fault Injection Patterns
Table 9. Statistical analysis computation
One-Sample T:
Test of mu = 0 vs mu not = 0
Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean
AI 3 1.467 0.513 0.296
Variable 95.0% CI T P
AI (0.192, 2.741) 4.95 0.038
the Library Management System (LMS) developed in
different technologies”.
6.4 Testing Phase Analysis
Testing was performed with (fault injected) code as basis.
There were several defects observed with “source” as
Coding, Design and Requirements. The injected defects
were the major cause for Code defects detected i n Testing.
6.4.1 Testing
Table 10 appends to Table 7 with the number of defects
injected independently with leaked defected in Code.
Further, it lists the defect leakage from Code to Test
Cases with inherent defects detected after Test Case re-
view for each experiment.
6.4.2 Test Defect Amplification: Technology Variant
Figure 7 represents the comparison of Amplification In-
dex between the LMS developed on different technologies.
The amplification of test defects caused due to the injected
code defects in LMS is evidenced in all technologies and
more prominent i n VB Microsoft t echnology .
6.4.3 Amplification Index for Code
Table 11 illustrates the methodology and computation
details used to calculate Test Amplification Index (i.e.
impact of Code defects on Test results).
6.4.4 Statistical Analysis and Validation
Similarly, based on the AI derived from the above code
data analysis, a statistical study was carried out to under-
stand and analyze the statistical significance and rela-
tionship of AI across test phase.
Table 10. Defects injectedcode to test
Design Code Testing
ent Leaked Inher-
LMS1 4 + 5 8 7 + 5 7 9 0
LMS2 7 + 5 6 9 + 5 6 14 4
LMS3 7 + 5 9 10 + 5 6 15 2
Table 11. Defects amplification index computationcode to
Application Formula AI (Code on Test
No. of Test results de-
fects caused due to in-
jected Code Defects / No.
of injected Code defects
9/5 = 1.9 (rounded)
One code defect leaked
causes 1.9 defect in
test results in C #
No. of Test results de-
fects caused due to in-
jected Code Defects / No.
of injected Code defects
11/5 = 2.1 (rounded)
One code defect
leaked causes 2.1
defect in test results in
VB technology
No. of Test results de-
fects caused due to in-
jected Code Defects / No.
of injected Code defects
7/5 = 1.5 (rounded)
One code defect leaked
causes 1.5 defect in
test results in Java
A hypothesis was formulated based on the conditions
of analysis as follows;
Ho : Code Amplifica t i on Index is same across technologies
H1 : Code Amplifi cation Index is differ ent between te chnologies
Minitab tool was used to analyze the data set of Code
Amplification Index. A simple T-test was run to validate
the statistical significance of the code AI data across
Minitab output on the Hypothesis Testing is listed in
Table 12 below.
The statistical rule of elimination is:
1) If the P- Value > 0.05, Then Ho is true and there is
no difference in the groups. = Accept Ho
2) If the Value < 0.05, Then Ho is false and there is a
statistically significant difference. = Reject Ho and Ac-
cept H1
This results in: 0.009 < 0.05; so by the rule, Reject Ho
and Accept H1.
To conclude that, “Code Amplification Index is dif-
ferent across technologies and there is a statistical sig-
nificant difference on design AI across technologies in
the LiBrary Management System (LMS) developed in
different technologies”.
AI Tre nd - Technology Wise
1.9 2.1
Testing Phase - Technology
Figure 7. Amplification index trendtesting
Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application
372 Development through Fault Injection Patterns
Table 12. Statistical analysis computation
One-Sample T:
Test of mu = 0 vs mu not = 0
Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean
AI 3 1.833 0.306 0.176
Variable 95.0% CI T P
AI ( 1.074, 2.592) 10.39 0.009
7. Conclusions
AI Trend Anal y sis
The Amplification Index indicates the extent of dam-
age caused by a defect in various phases of the project.
The index increases with every step in the life cycle of
the project. This is evident in th e case of Microsoft tech-
nologies (VB and C#.net) but AI in the case of open
source technologies such Java, the AI increases in re-
quirements and design but in code, it is found have mar-
ginal decrease compared to other technologies. It is also
seen that defects amplification in the VB Technology
show substantial increase in the amplification index
across phases compared to other selected technologies.
The relative growth of AI across phases in Java tech-
nology is less compared to Microsoft technology. This
indicates a better fault tolerance for Java technology.
It was concluded and validated statistically that;
Requirement defects amplification index across on
identified technologies remains are same.
Design and Code defects amplification index across
on technologies vary based on technologies for the
common application developed in the same domain.
Figure 8 illustrates the consolidated Amplification
Index trend across technologies classified under each
phase of SD LC;
The defect leakage analysis emphasizes the impor-
tance of thorough and systematic reviews in the early
stages of a software project with an emphasis on defect
prevention. The analysis indicates a high increase of cost
and effort to remove the defects at later stages. The
number of defects increases exponentially as a direct
result of defects leaked from previous stages.
Figure 9 consolidated the defect leakage pattern
across technologies distributed each SDLC phase.
8. Future Experiments
Currently, the study is being extended to analyze the ef-
fect of the defects and amplification index in the devel-
opment phases of the different domain based projects
developed with same technology.
Guidelines for review time and effort estimation are
being computed by analyzing and defining the review
and test stop criteria. Error seeding during testing can be
A I Tr e nd - Te chnology W ise
1.6 1.5
1.9 2.1
ReqDesign Coding
Figure 8. Amplification index trend – technology wise
Figure 9. Defect leakage
carried out to define the test stop criteria.
9. Limitations of Experiments
The following are the limitations of the experiments:
Causal analysis is relatively subjectiv e to understand
the cause of amplified defect. This required detailed
review and discussion with project team and techni-
cal/technology experts.
Defect removal efficiency percentage used for ex-
periments in different technologies are based on a
test in a sample requirement, design and code with
known defects provided to project members and re-
view efficiency percentage derived from the defects
It is verified that the skill set of the analysts and
programmers working in the projects are same
and/or similar across technologies.
The experiments do not consider specialized auto-
mated tools and techniques used in the development of
software work products which could have impact of the
work product output quality.
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Copyright © 2010 SciRes JSEA
Study and Analysis of Defect Amplification Index in Technology Variant Business Application
Development throug h Fault Injection Patterns
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