Vol.2, No.4, 381-389 (2010) Health
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Influence of production processes in quality of
fermented milk “Laban” in Lebanon
Zeineddine Mayssoun1, Nassif Nadine2
1National Beverage Company, Quality Department, Choueifat, Lebanon; misso_zd@hotmail.com
2Lebanese University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Department, Dekwaneh, Lebanon; nadinenassif3@hotmail.com
Received 6 December 2009; revised 20 January 2010; accepted 25 January 2010.
Yoghurt (Laban) is one of the most consumed
food products in Lebanon. Thus its quality has
given a concern. In this study, the sensory,
chemical and rheological properties of com-
mercial and traditional samples were investi-
gated in order to characterize this fermented
milk. Hence, Laban samples were collected from
14 areas in Lebanon; especially from moun-
tainous regions and from the capital Beirut.
Forty-two samples were prov ided by processing
industry whether at small, medium, or large
scale. A statistical analysis was carried out, and
thus sensory and physicochemical properties
were subjected to two approaches of variance
analysis. Pearson correlation coefficients be-
tween attributes were also calculated. Both, the
analyses of variance and correlations were
conducted using SPSS 3. The physicochemical
analysis and the microbiological analysis ex-
hibit a significant effect of the date, and the
manufacturing process. Also, the instrumental
data showed no significant correlation between
physicochemical and microbiological parame-
ters, which indicates that they are completely
independent. Moreover, the general apprecia-
tion of descriptive sensory analysis of products
display that this appreciation is not dependant
on the production process. It is also noticed
that some sensory characteristics can be dread
by instrumental measures. This research en-
dorses the essential role of quality control for
the manufacturing of yoghurt in Lebanon.
Keywords: Laban; Rheology; Manufacturing
Process; Sensory Analysis; Lebanon
Yoghurt (Laban) is one of the most consumed prod-
ucts in Lebanon. It is obtained through lactic acid fer-
mentation of heat-treated milk by Streptococcus ther-
mophillus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus at 40-45 [1].
The annual consumption of Laban is approximately 20
Kg per capita in Lebanon [2]. Laban may be prepared
from full fat milk or low fat milk, but it must conform
to the different standards set by the government re-
garding its fat and total solids content [3].
The possibility of using some artisanal strains as
starter for the development of fermented milks with
characteristics similar to traditional products, at an in-
dustrial scale, is very promising. However their potential
use depends on further assessment of their aptitude to be
reproduced by fermentation and preserved by freezing
and/or by freeze drying. Moreover, these strains should
first be tested in mixed cultures, in order to obtain fer-
mented milks with rheological and flavor characteristics
similar to those of artisanal products.
In Lebanon, Laban is manufactured by both industrial
and small traditional producers. Lately in Lebanon, a
number of yoghurt factories have been developed. There
is an obvious competition between these factories con-
sidering mainly, in addition to production rate, the qual-
ity control. Quality and reproducibility of fermented
milks and processes are ensured by using industrial
starters. Nevertheless, consumers prefer traditional fer-
mented milks since artisanal starters give these products
more typical flavors [4], where small producers inocu-
late the milk with an artisanal starter obtained from the
previous day’s preparation.
The production of yoghurt is a very classical proce-
dure that does not necessitate variations. However, post
fermentation handling is a very critical to induce desir-
able properties to the product. Indeed, the Laban, being a
highly consumed product in Lebanon, its need to have
produced under hygienic conditions to be more widely
available to the consumer, prior to becoming too acidic
and to avoid any texture modification.
Milk testing and quality control is an essential com-
ponent of any milk processing industry whether small,
medium or large scale. Milk being made up of 87% wa-
ter is prone to adulteration by unscrupulous middlemen
Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
and unfaithful farm workers. Moreover, its high nutritive
value makes it an ideal medium for the rapid multiplica-
tion of bacteria, particularly under unhygienic produc-
tion and storage at ambient temperatures. We know that,
in order for any processor to make good dairy products,
good quality raw materials are essential “Quality, it
starts at the farm”. Different technological and microbi-
ological parameters have been reported to influence yo-
ghurt quality: composition, heat treatment of milk, con-
ditions of incubation (temperature and pH) and storage
(temperature and duration) [5-7].
Yoghourt is a very prominent media for yeast. Even
though pasteurization eliminates them from raw milk,
they appear again when they are subjected to handling
and manufacture. Heat treatment of yoghurt was effi-
cient in improving its shelf life and its microbial count.
In September 1971, the milk committee had agreed that
the future standard on yoghurt should not be considered
as “yoghurt” even with a qualifying term. The excuse for
this that the appellation “yoghurt” must denote a product
with specific bacteria in viable form and in abundance
this did not conform to the heated yoghurt [8]. In this
way the Lebanese standard precise that these bacteria
should be stay alive in finished product.
The addition of stabilizers was shown to be necessary.
Regarding preservation alone, different yeasts had differ-
ent reactions to sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate.
For instance Trichosporon cutaneum was most sensitive to
potassium sorbate. Indeed 100 mg/Kg was enough to en-
sure less than 105 cfu g-1 for a 14 days storage period,
whereas 200 mg/Kg limited the count to less than 105 cfu
g-1 for a 21 days storage period [9]. Potassium sorbate was
shown to be more effective than sodium benzoate. Thus,
as we see, preservation of yoghurt requires more than 100
mg/Kg of preservatives. The latter could have an identical
effect than heat treatment at 65. Indeed, the yeast and
mold count was limited to less than 10 cfu g-1 after 12
months of storage at 20. This showed the efficiency of
the preservatives and their very delicate usage. Indeed if
extra amounts were used some off-flavors, health prob-
lems and extra costs might occur [9]. According to Leba-
nese standard [10], the maximal content in sorbic acid and
its salts must be never exceed 50 mg/Kg and the use of
benzoic acid are forbidden.
The efficient production of milk under good hygienic
conditions is the key to successful dairying. The princi-
pal constraints in Lebanese smallholder systems are in-
adequate feeding, low genetic potential in animals and
the major farms don’t have a milking room. If milking
doesn’t take place manually, mostly, it takes places with
movable milking machine for larger herds with the pos-
sibility of transmission of many germs leading the prod-
uct to spoilage before reaching the market. The trans-
portation of milk from the producer to the processor and
finally to the consumer take place by the producer itself
or through a conveyor. Generally, milk was collected in
plastic or aluminum containers and transported to the
processor via refrigerating car or no according to the
distance covered [11].
Therefore, The objective of the current study is to
compare the quality of Laban sample collected from 2
representative regions (Mount Lebanon and Beirut) in
Lebanon with the International Standards in order to as-
sess the suitability of this nutritious material for health.
2.1. Laban samples
Laban samples were collected from 14 areas distributed
throughout the Lebanese territory especially from Mount
Lebanon and Beirut regions (see Table 1). Forty-two
samples were provided by processing industry whether
small, medium or large scale. Samples were collected
during 3 periods for 1 month. A replication of the de-
scriptive sensory evaluation, coupled with instrumental
measurements, was done for each sample.
2.2. Physicochemical An alysis
Titratable acidity was determined by titrating Laban
samples with 0,1N NaOH using phenolphthalein as an
indicator as outlined by AFNOR [12]. Results were ex-
pressed in g of lactic acid per Kg of sample. The fat con-
tent was determined by Gerber method [13]. The dry
solids content by drying method as outlined by the As-
sociation of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) [14].
All analyses were performed in duplicate. Apparent vis-
cosity (η), expressed in Pa.s, was determined by using a
Brookfield viscosimeter mod DV-II (Brookfield Eng.
Lab., Middleborro, MA, U.S.A.), operating at 20. A
LV4 spindle was used at different shear rates: 2, 5, 10,
20, 50 and 100 rpm.e.
2.3. Microbiological Analyses
The Total and Faecal coliform bacteria were isolated by
plating the diluted samples (dilution of 1 g of sample in
sterile distilled water with 0,8% NaCl) on Maconkey
Agar incubated for 24 h at 37 for Total coliform [15],
and at 44 for Faecal coliform [16]. Salmonella spp.
was isolated after enrichment in selenit broth at 37 for
24 h, than plating on SS Agar incubated at 37 for
24-48 h [17]. Staphylococcus aureus were isolated by
plating the diluted samples on Chapman Agar at 37
for 24 h [18]. Yeasts and molds are also isolated using
“Chloramphenical yeast Agar” at 30 for 5 days [19].
Bacteria counts were expressed as colony-forming units
(cfu) per 1 g of sample. All tests were duplicated for
each isolate.
Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 1. Distribution of Laban samples throughout the Lebanese territory.
N° Code Date of fondation origin Scale
1 LMO 1961 ELGHOBEIRI (Mount Lebanon) ٍSmall
2 ER 2000 ELJAHLIEH (Mount Lebanon) Small
3 LKA 2005 ELCHOUWEIFAT (Mount Lebanon ) Small
4 LW 2002 KABER CHMOUN (Mount Lebanon ) Small
5 LR 1992 ALLAY (Mount Lebanon ) Small
6 LD 1992 BORJ EL BARAJNI (Beirut) Medium
7 GD 1994 ELAMROUSAYEH (Mount Lebanon ) Medium
8 LG 1960 HARET HREIK (Mount Lebanon ) Medium
9 LK 1990 JISER EL BACHA (Beirut) Medium
10 ES 1976 DMIT (Mount Lebanon ) Medium
11 LM 2005 DEKWANEH (Mount Lebanon ) Medium
12 PR 1991 SIN EL FIL (Beirut) Medium
13 DD 1857 KFARCHIMA (Mount Lebanon ) Large
14 Dk 1978 AIN EL SINDIYANA (Mount Lebanon ) Large
2.4. Descriptive Sensory Analysis
Sensory analysis was carried out in Lebanon with the
collaboration of a panel of 16 volunteer members. Two
hours were conducted to train the panelists in the good
use of the intensity scale and to compare their perception.
The 4 characteristics tested are given in Figure 1. Sam-
ples were classified for each descriptor according to a
5-category intensity scale (scale 1 denoting an absence
of the considered perception and scale 5 denoting a very
intense perception).
Each product was coded randomly by 1 letter and 2
digits. Samples, stored at 4 for 4 days, were presented
in a simultaneous way. Extrinsic factors such as tem-
perature, quantity presented, and container were homo-
geneous for all the products. Spring water was provided
for mouth rinsing between samples. In order to control
the sort out of samples, the distribution of samples to
panelists is realized according to “latin square plane of
Sensory and physicochemical properties were subjected
to two-way analysis of variance. It allowed studying the
variability between samples, by taking into account the
variability between subjects. Pearson correlation coeffi-
cients between attributes were also calculated. Analyses
of variance and correlations were conducted using Soft-
ware Statgraphics Plus version 3,0 (Stastical Graphics
Corp., Rockville, MD, U.S.A.).
Figure 1. Attributes used in the sensory evaluation of Laban.
4.1. Physicochemical Analyses
Results of physicochemical analyses are shown in Fig-
ure 2. Significant differences (α < 0,05) in titratable
acidity (see Table 2), total solid content, and fat content
were found between samples collected from different
origins. In plus, a significant effect of date was observed.
A typical yoghurt sample was described by the Lebanese
Institut of Normalisation (LIBNOR) [10], should contain
3% milk fat and, not less than 8,5% milk solids non-fat
with a titrable acidity of no high than 1,5%. The total
solid content of Laban samples varied between 6,78 and
Therefore, almost 31% of samples were conformed to
Lebanese Standard. However Toufeili and others [20],
showed that the composition varied according of feeding,
milk production period, and the race. Concerning fat
content, the mean value obtained deviate widely with
minimum of 2,3% and maximum of 8,4%. Results
showed that 86% are conformed to Lebanese standard.
Two industries are under standard (GD “medium scale”
Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
and DD “large scale”). These lower values can result
from 2 causes: milk in its original composition, is poor
in fat content or due to fraud practice on behalf of indus-
trialist be possible during the moment of reception of
milk or during obtaining finished product.
% o f total s olid
selected laban samples
Date 2
Date 3
% of fat c onten t
Selected laban samples
Date 1
Date 2
Date 3
Titra ble acid it
g / l
Selected laban samples
Date 1
Date 2
Date 3
Figure 2. Physicochemical characteristics of selected Laban
samples. (a) percentage of total solid content during 3 dates in
the 2 regions, (b) percentage of fat content during 3 dates in the
2 regions, and titratable acidity (g/l) (c).
Table 2. Two way analysis of variance for titratable acidity.
Test of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: RDT
Type III
Sum of
df Mean
Square F Sig.
Model 1.758a 15 .117 11.915 .000
Intercept 43.513 1 43.513 4423.361.000
DATE .166 2 8.295E-02 8.432 .002
USINE 1.592 13 .122 12.451 .000
Error .256 26 9.837E-03
Total 45.527 42
Total 2.014 41
aR Squared= .873 (Adjusted R Squared = 800)
Finally, lactic acid content varied between 0,63% for
PR industry (medium scale) and 1,37% for DD industry
(large scale). Consequently, the values of lactic acid con-
tent obtained for the Laban samples were in agreement
with those described by Lebanese Standard. In previous
researches, fresh yoghurts had lower titratable acidity.
The apparent viscosities of traditional samples (see
Figure 3) were lower than that of the commercial product
Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Figure 3. Evolution of cisaillement speed according to the
applicated constrainte during the second date in the 2 regions.
(DD and DK). These observations are in agreement with
the results of Guizani and others [21], who found that
commercial fermented milk samples had higher viscosi-
ties than home made products. Owning to additional
solids in the formulation of the commercial products. In
lack for any reference that described the normal viscos-
ity of yoghurt, these higher values probably explained by
homogenization of milk with milk powder or casein
without proportional addition of water content.
4.2. Microbiological Analyses
Considering the microbiological part of the study,
Analysis of variance showed significant differences (α
<0,05) between industries for those of 6 parameters (see
Table 3). As described by the Lebanese and French
Standards, the Total and Faecal coliform count must be
lower than 100 cfu per 1 g of Yoghurt [15,16, 22] the
absence of salmonella in 25 g of sample and not higher
than 10 cfu g-1 of Saphylococcus aureus [23]. Indeed, the
yeast and mold count must be lower than 103 cfu g-1
For years, Total and Faecal coliforms (FC) were
widely thought to be meaningful indicators. FC, also
called Thermotolerant coliforms, have been used
throughout this study as fecal indicators to evaluate the
levels and sources of microbiological contamination of
yoghurt produced in Mount Lebanon and Beirut re-
gions. Table 4 shows that Total coliforms concentra-
tions exceeded the Lebanese and French standards in
GD and LG industry (medium scale) and FC concen-
trations in GD and LK (medium scale). Therefore 14%
are none conforms. These Higher values can be results
from the non respect of good hygienic practices (GHPs)
in farms, insufficient heat treatment of milk during
manufacturing, and keeping out the milk without re-
As can be seen in Table 4, they are 2 traditional fac-
tory (ER and LKA), who that exceed the standard of
Staphylococcus aureus count. The importance of
Staphylococcus aureus in yoghurt may be result from
bad hygiene or high contamination of dairy product
[24]. Taken the hygienic quality of containers into ac-
count [25,26], and the absence of refrigeration, Staphy-
lococcus aureus is responsible for alimentary intoxica-
Concerning salmonella count, the mean values var-
ied between 40 and 95 cfu g-1 for these 4 industry: LKA,
GD, LG and LK (See Figure 4). But these suspected
germs are present only in 1 date among the 3 dates.
It’s prove that it is necessary to be a casual contamina-
tion and may be result from poor hygiene of farms,
personnel, utensils, the starter used, and insufficient
heat treatment. Further tests should be done to confirm
the presence of salmonella species other than plating.
There is also possible examination of pathogenic or-
ganisms, but what is more significant is the examina-
tion of yeasts and molds as these are capable of spoil-
ing yoghurt well within an anticipated sell-by-date [1].
They reproduce by “budding”. Indeed no growth of
yeast was observed in commercial fermented milk
samples (DD and DK). However, a higher count was
observed in the others Laban samples were manufac-
turing according to traditional methods (inoculation
with an artisanal starter culture obtained from the pre-
vious day’s preparation). Therefore 71% are none con-
forms (see Table 4). This high count can be influenced
moreover by the age of product than the containers
used and the method of transformations [27]. These
lower values can be explained by usage of preserva-
tives such sorbic acid who have a anti-fungic effect. It
has been suggested that a limitation in the count to less
than 100 viable yeast cell/ml should be put. Indeed a
count of 1000 cells/ml could imply a serious risk of
deterioration [1]. Low fat yoghurts appear to be less
suitable as a growth medium than full fat but the reason
is not known yet. Oxidative yeasts are also important
spoilage organisms. They could be limited by the
availability of oxygen. They may develop moist flat
colonies. They usually grow on the walls of the con-
tainer whereas the fermentative yeasts dominate in the
4.3. Correlation between Technological
As can be seen in Table 5, the high correlation was ob-
served between Total coliforms and Faecal coliforms
(r=0,995). Fat content was correlated to total solids con
tent (r=0,635). Significant but poor correlations were
observed between yeasts and the presence of salmonella
Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
Table 3. Two way analysis for Faecal coliforms.
Test of Between-Subjects Effects
Dependent Variable: RDT
Type III Sum
of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Intercept Hypothesis 3221458.333 1 3221458.333 12026.778 .006
Error 267.857 1 267.857a
REP Hypothesis 267.857 1 267.857 .001 .976
Error 19868660.7 67 296547.175b
USINE Hypothesis 35425625.0 13 2725048.077 9.189 .000
Error 19868660.7 67 296547.175b
DATE Hypothesis 1046488.095 2 523244.048 1.764 .179
Error 19868660.7 67 296547.175b
a. MS(REP)
b. MS(Error)
Table 4. Microbiological characteristics of selected Laban samples.
Mean of 6 repetitions (cfu g-1)
Codea Total
Faecal coli-
Shigella Yeasts Molds
1 LM 0 0 0 0 1100 48
2 ER 0 0 50 0 467 12
3 LKA 50 0 33 40 1147 0
4 LW 0 0 0 0 350 0
5 LR 0 0 0 0 46 0
6 LD 0 0 0 0 275 2
7 GD 1733 2533 0 42 1008 18
8 LG 150 75 0 67 1400 5
9 LK 0 133 0 95 7833 0
10 ES 0 0 0 0 6667 148
11 LM 0 0 0 0 1267 2
12 PR 83 0 0 0 78 2
13 DD 67 0 0 0 75 0
14 DK 18 0 0 0 33 2
(r= 0,547). This result are in according to the study carry
out in Bekaa region [28]. It’s proving that there are no
correlations between physicochemical parameters and
microbiological parameters and that they are completely
4.4. Descriptive Sensory Analysis
ANOVA univarietes results, taking into account the effects
of both laban samples and subjects, showed no significant
difference (α <0,05) between the 14 laban samples tested
Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
ufc / g
Date 1
Date 3
selected industr y
Date 1
Date 2
Date 3
Figure 4. Salmonella count during the 3 dates in the 2 regions.
for the 4 characteristics: texture, taste, acidity and, general
appreciation. As an illustration, Figure 5 shows the score
obtained for 4 selected attributes.
A general appreciation of descriptive sensory analysis
of products display that this appreciation does not de-
pend on the production process. In Table 6, general ap-
preciation of products were correlated with taste (r = 1),
and acidity (r = 0,901). Correlation results revealed that
there were 2 groups of attributes for the flavor of Laban.
No correlation was observed between general apprecia-
tion and texture in our study. Pearson correlation coeffi-
cients were highly significant between acidity and taste
(r = 0,904), it’s indicate that these criteria are very im-
portant in the evaluation of Laban.
4.5. Relationships between Sensory Data
and Physicochemical Measurements
The statistical relationship between sensory and instru-
mental data was examinated using Pearson’s correlation
procedure. Some sensory characteristics can be dread by
instrumental measures (see Table 6). The sensory values
for viscosity were correlated with the viscosity measured
with a viscosimeter type Brookfield (r = 0,789).
These correlations were also observed by Marshall
and Rawson [29], indicated that texture measurement
were correlated with sensory evaluation of viscosity. In
the same way, fat content was negatively correlated with
the acidity (r = –0,855).
Table 5. Correlation analysis between instrumental parameters of Laban samples for 3 dates.
TC FC Staph. Salmo. Yeast Molds T.S.C. Fat C. Acidity
TC 1 0,995b. –0,118 0,258 –0,012 –0,084 –0,377 –0,34 –0,447
FC 0,995 1 –0,12 0,277 0,001 –0,026 –0,428 –0,355 –0,418
Staph. –0,118 –0,12 1 –0,018 –0,103 –0,136 –0,075 0,03 0,041
Salmo. 0,258 0,277 –0,018 1 –0,188
0,547 –0,152 –0,198 0,072
Yeast –0,012 0,001 –0,0103 –0,188 1 0,55 –0,28 –0,199 0,002
Molds –0,084 –0,026 –0,136 0,547 0,55 1 –0,387 –0,118 0,159
T.S.C. –0,377 –0,428 –0,075 –0,152 –0,28 –0,387 1 0,635 –0,221
Fat C. –0,34 –0,355 0,03 –0,198 –0,199 –0,118 0,635 1 –0,508
Acidity –0,447 –0,418 0,041 0,072 0,002 0,159 –0,221 –0,508 1
bIn bold, significant values at the level of significance alpha= 0,05 (two-tailed test). Abbreviations: Total coliform (TC), Faecal coliform (FC),
Staphylococcus aureus (Staph.), Salmonella (Salmo.), Total solid Content (T.S.C.), and Fat content (Fat C.).
Table 6. Relationships between sensory data and physicochemical measurements.
T.S.C Fat C. Acidity Visco. S.Acidity Taste Texture G.A.
T.S.C 1 0.628 –0.695 0.515 –0.522 –0.394 0.361 –0.392
Fat C. 0.628 1 –0.855 c 0.728 –0.514 –0.456 0.4 –0.45
Acidity –0.695
–0.855 1 –0.535 0.74 0.533 –0.17 0.525
Visco. 0.515 0.728 –0.535 1 –0.057 –0.041
0.789 –0.046
S.Acidity –0.522 –0.514 0.74 –0.057 1 0.904 0.445 0.901
Taste –0.394 –0.456 0.533 –0.041 0.904 1 0.525 1
Texture 0.361 0.4 –0.17 0.789 0.445 0.525 1 0.522
G.A. –0.392 –0.45 0.525 –0.046 0.901 1
0.522 1
Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
M e a n o f scores / 5
Mean of scores / 5
Mean of scores / 5
M ean of scores /
Figure 5. (a) Determination of viscosity, (b) Determination of
taste, (c) Determination of acidity, and (d) General appreciation
of products during the second date.
Both instrumental and sensory data distinguished large
differences between laban samples collected from Mount
Lebanon and Beirut. Faecal coliforms have been used
throughout this study as fecal indicators to evaluate the
levels and sources of microbiological contamination of
yoghurt produced in Mount Lebanon and Beirut regions.
Significant differences in titratable acidity, total solid
content, and fat content were found between samples
collected from different origins. In plus, a significant
effect of date was observed. The instrumental data
showed no significant correlation between physico-
chemical and microbiological parameters. It’s proving
that they are completely independent.
A general appreciation of descriptive sensory analysis
of products display that this appreciation does not de-
pend on the production process. Pearson correlation co-
efficients were highly significant between acidity and
taste, it’s indicate that these criteria are very important in
the evaluation of Laban. Some sensory characteristics
can be dread by instrumental measures. The texture
measurement was correlated with sensory evaluation of
Nevertheless, results were based on a limited number
of industries, and further testing with larger numbers
may be necessary to confirm current results. However,
over the coming years other stabilizers must be tried in a
quest for having an even more desirable body and tex-
ture as well as taste. The possibility of using some ar-
tisanal strains as starter for the development of fer-
mented milks with characteristics similar to traditional
products, at an industrial scale, is very promising. A fu-
ture identification of the different yeast species con-
taminating yoghurt over the time from different com-
mercial sources could be done. This is to help in in-
crimination of the final products once contaminated by a
tolerant yeast organism.
The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support of the Lebanese
University, Faculty of agricultural sciences. We wish to express our ap-
preciation for the panelists for their participation in the sensory assess-
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Z. Mayssoun et al. / Health 2 (2010) 381-389
Copyright © 2010 SciRes. Openly accessible at http://www.scirp.org/journal/HEALTH/
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