Integration of Commercial Microbiological Products into Soil Fertility Practices as a Potential Option for Acclimatization and Growth of TC Banana in Kenya


Tissue culture (TC) banana plantlets at the in vitro stage are delicate and devoid of microbes and nutrients that are essential for establishment and subsequent growth. Some microbes are known for function best under certain soil threshold levels of macro and micronutrients and have been associated with growth and performance of TC banana. A green house and field study was conducted to evaluate the effect of combining two commercial biological products [Rhizatech and ECO-T (mycorrhiza and Trichoderma based products, respectively)] with various sources of nitrogen and phosphorous including Mavuno, Minjingu phosphate rock, Calcium Ammonium Nitrate (CAN), manure and diammonium phosphate (DAP) on growth and performance of TC banana in Vertisol and Rhodic Ferralsol soil conditions. Tissue culture plants were initially inoculated with Rhizatech and ECO-T at the acclimatization stage and subsequently at the beginning of the potting stage and field establishment. Addition of nutrient sources was also done at the same stages of plant growth by mixing with the soil substrates prior to planting. The performance of plants was significantly (at p ≤ 0.05) affected by the combinations of nutrient sources depending on the soil type and stage of plant development. The growth of plants in the Vertisol increased with Trichoderma combined with either organic manure, DAP or combined with a macro and micro nutrient source (Mavuno) as compared to the sole application of Trichoderma. Performance of plants treated with combination of mycorrhiza and either Mavuno and minjigu rock phosphate was consistently higher in the Rhodic Ferralsol than either mycorrhiza alone or fertilizer alone. This indicates that TC plants could highly benefit from combined application of microbiological products and inorganic and organic fertilizers. However, a prior knowledge of the product’s microbial formulation and prevailing soil conditions is essential for optimizing the potential benefits of integrating microbe-based product with inorganic and organic fertilizers.

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Kavoo-Mwangi, A. , Kahangi, E. , Ateka, E. , Onguso, J. and Jefwa, J. (2014) Integration of Commercial Microbiological Products into Soil Fertility Practices as a Potential Option for Acclimatization and Growth of TC Banana in Kenya. Open Journal of Soil Science, 4, 259-271. doi: 10.4236/ojss.2014.48028.

1. Introduction

Tissue culture banana plantlets offer an excellent means for providing pestand disease-free planting material to farmers [1] [2] . However, tissue culture (TC) plants are fragile, devoid of food reserves and therefore more prone to shock, which may lead to loss of plantlets at establishment. With decline in soil fertility and increase in soilborne pests and diseases, TC plants are likely to succumb to disease and roots may not establish well in low fertility soil environments [3] .

Banana requires large amounts of nitrogen and potassium followed by phosphorus, calcium and magnesium to maintain high yields [4] [5] . To fulfill the plant demand for nutritional attributes, it is essential to apply those elements in the soil which mostly come from inorganic chemical sources. The increased use of chemical fertilizer is undesirable because its production is an energetically costly process and considerable pollution is caused through both the production and use of mineral N-fertilizers. This is exacerbated by the relatively low efficiency of their uptake by the plants due to non-extensive root system and may also delete soil organic matter in the long term [6] -[8] . Inoculant biofertilizers are more environmentally sound and their introduction in agricultural production systems could be one of the means to mitigate the onset of global warming as well as the reduction in fertilizer input costs, prevent depletion of organic matter and increase crop yields [9] -[11] .

Inoculation of tissue culture banana with biofertilizers such as mycorrhiza (AMF) and Trichoderma has been reported to stimulate root growth, nutrient uptake, enhance plant establishment and increase growth, yield and protection against disease and pest infestation [12] -[16] . The growth vigor acquired by biologically inoculated TC banana plants under nursery conditions is expected to give the plants an advantage during field establishment especially in nutritionally and disease challenged soils. However, the functionality of some of the rhizospheric microbes used for constituting biofertilizers such as mycorrhiza (AMF) and Trichoderma is greatly influenced by the prevailing soil conditions. Nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P) and other nutrients such as zinc, copper and sulphur levels in the soil affect the functioning of these microorganisms [17] -[21] . Mycorrhizal symbiosis benefits, for example, have been suggested to be optimal at P levels of 50 mg∙kg−1 [21] .

Organic and inorganic fertilizers are used primarily to increase nutrient availability and the type or amount of fertilizer added to soil could directly affect the function performed by the various microbial groups in the soil [22] . Mineral nutrition is essential for growth, sporulation and stimulation of fungal secondary metabolism [18] and combining of mineral and bio fertilizers could greatly benefit both the added microbes and inoculated plant as well as improve soil quality [11] [23] -[25] .

Previous studies have focused on the effect of long term fertilization on indigenous microbial diversity and efficiency [26] [27] but little is reported on the effect of combining commercial microbiological strains with fertilizers in nutrient poor soils that have little or no history of fertilization.

Although several formulations of mycorrhiza and Trichoderma are available in the market, their efficacy on plant growth is variable depending on the soil nutrient levels. It is therefore essential to add these nutrients in levels that enable optimal functioning of the micro-organisms and consequent promotion of nutrient uptake and plant growth. The integration of microbiological products with fertilizers could address the soil fertility constraint faced by TC banana plantlets, especially under field conditions. This study focused on evaluating the potential of integrating microbiological products with inorganic and organic fertilizers on growth and performance of tissue cultured banana in Vertisol and Rhodic Ferralsol soil conditions under nursery and field conditions.

2. Materials and Methods

2.1. Source of Tissue Cultured Materials, Soil Properties and Inoculation Process

Tissue culture banana plantlets cv. Gros Michel, were obtained from Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) Biotechnology laboratory.

The experimental soils (Vertisol and Rhodic Ferralsol) were sampled from two banana growing regions in Kenya namely, Western Kenya (Bondo) and Coastal Kenya (Kilifi) (Table 1) at a depth of 0 - 20 cm and used for hardening and potting of tissue culture plantlets. Soil nutrient composition (Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Carbon, Magnesium, Calcium, Sodium), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), pH and soil texture composition (% Clay, % Sand and % Silt) were determined according to standard procedures [28] [29] . The initial soil characteristics are described in Table2

2.2. Green House Experiment

A 2 × 2 × 3 factorial experiment comprising of 1) two microbiological products a) Rhizatech b) ECO-T; 2) soil substrates a) Vertisol (sampled from Western Kenya-Bondo) b) Rhodic Ferralsol (sampled from coastal Kenya-Kilifi) and; 3) Fertilizers a) Minjingu phosphate rock (MPR) and CAN as sources of phosphorous (P), Mg, Ca and eight more essential micronutrients (Mwaluko, 1996) and nitrogen (N), b) Mavuno as a source of N, P, potassium (K) and micronutrients such as calcium Ca, Mg, sulphur (S) and other essential micronutrients including boron (B), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), molybdate (Mo) and copper (Cu) c) manure and diammonium phosphate (DAP) as a source of P, N and carbon (C). Three replicates consisting of 16 plants per replicate were considered per treatment. Control experimental units (without product addition) were also included with three replicates per soil. The experimental units were arranged in a completely randomized design under greenhouse conditions. The microbiological products are described in Table3 Application of products was done as recom

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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