A Formative Study of an E-book Instructional Model in Early Literacy


The electronic book is a rapidly growing alternative to the conventional book even for very young children; however, empirical studies on e-books as curricular tools in early literacy development and instruction are rare. Few instructional designs have been developed and tested. This formative study investigates the potential functionality and usability of a prototype 4-component e-book instructional model in a small sample of preschool classrooms. Using qualitative analytic strategies, observational data of its components were examined to identify salient indicators and design features, and to assess its feasibility. Results yielded design information on each component: (1) e-book as a quality technology-mediated environment; (2) physical place criteria; (3) engagement indicators; and (4) instructional potential. Strengths and weaknesses of the four-component model design were identified for purposes of revision and stabilizing the model for further testing in a larger classroom sample.

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Roskos, K. , Burstein, K. , You, B. , Brueck, J. & Brien, C. (2011). A Formative Study of an E-book Instructional Model in Early Literacy. Creative Education, 2, 10-17. doi: 10.4236/ce.2011.21002.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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