Some Remarks to Numerical Solutions of the Equations of Mathematical Physics


The equations of mathematical physics, which describe some actual processes, are defined on manifolds (tangent, a companying or others) that are not integrable. The derivatives on such manifolds turn out to be inconsistent, i.e. they don’t form a differential. Therefore, the solutions to equations obtained in numerical modelling the derivatives on such manifolds are not functions. They will depend on the commutator made up by noncommutative mixed derivatives, and this fact relates to inconsistence of derivatives. (As it will be shown, such solutions have a physical meaning). The exact solutions (functions) to the equations of mathematical physics are obtained only in the case when the integrable structures are realized. So called generalized solutions are solutions on integrable structures. They are functions (depend only on variables) but are defined only on integrable structure, and, hence, the derivatives of functions or the functions themselves have discontinuities in the direction normal to integrable structure. In numerical simulation of the derivatives of differential equations, one cannot obtain such generalized solutions by continuous way, since this is connected with going from initial nonintegrable manifold to integrable structures. In numerical solving the equations of mathematical physics, it is possible to obtain exact solutions to differential equations only with the help of additional methods. The analysis of the solutions to differential equations with the help of skew-symmetric forms [1,2] can give certain recommendations for numerical solving the differential equations.

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Petrova, L. (2013) Some Remarks to Numerical Solutions of the Equations of Mathematical Physics. American Journal of Computational Mathematics, 3, 205-210. doi: 10.4236/ajcm.2013.33029.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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