Statistical Theory of Turbulence by the Late Lamented Dr. Shunichi Tsugé Case Study on Flow through a Grid in Wind Tunnel


This paper is concerned with statistical theory of turbulence by the late lamented Dr. Shunichi Tsugé.  The theory has been applied to the primary flow through a grid fixed vertically with respect to the horizontal axis of the wind tunnel. The first analytical solution has been obtained and explained the well-known “the inverse-linear decay law” of the turbulent intensity.  It is believed that the present result is the first exact solution in the theory of turbulence.

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Nakagawa, T. and Iida, H. (2012) Statistical Theory of Turbulence by the Late Lamented Dr. Shunichi Tsugé Case Study on Flow through a Grid in Wind Tunnel. Open Journal of Applied Sciences, 2, 18-21. doi: 10.4236/ojapps.2012.24B005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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