Local Application of Alendronate on β-Tricalcium Phosphate Accelerated Induction of Osteogenesis with Formation of Giant Osteoclast-Like Cell


Intrinsic osteoinductivity—the ability to induce bone formation in ectopic sites without addition of osteogenic factors has been reported in various porous materials. Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive osteoclast-like cells are thought to play an important role in material-induced osteoinduction. To investigate the influence of osteoclastic activity on intrinsic osteoinduction, we loaded alendronate (10–2 , 10–4 , and 10–6 M) onto porous β-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) blocks to inhibit osteoclastic activity, and evaluated osteoinductivity by implantation of the blocks into the dorsal muscles of adult beagle dogs. Alendronate-loaded porous β-TCP blocks increased both speed and amount of osteoinduction, as measured 4 weeks after implantation, with the 10–4 M alendronate-loaded β-TCP being especially active. This finding indicates that β-TCP loaded with 10–4 M alendronate might prove crucial in providing the desirable balance between the degradation rate of bone scaffolds and their osteoinductive replacement. Thus, material-induced osteoinduction may be controlled by local application of alendronate, establishing alendronate loading as a promising therapeutic approach.

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C. Fukuda, N. Akiyama, M. Takemoto, S. Fujibayashi, M. Neo and T. Nakamura, "Local Application of Alendronate on β-Tricalcium Phosphate Accelerated Induction of Osteogenesis with Formation of Giant Osteoclast-Like Cell," Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology, Vol. 3 No. 2, 2012, pp. 169-177. doi: 10.4236/jbnb.2012.32023.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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