Prebiotic-Like Effects of SweetPearl® Maltitol through Changes in Caecal and Fecal Parameters


Prebiotic-like effects of maltitol were investigated supplementing two groups of rats with either 5% maltodextrin (control group) or 5% maltitol (maltitol group). A third group was supplemented with 5% maltitol at first and then with 5% maltodextrin (maltitol/maltodextrin group). Faecal parameters were monitored throughout the experiment and caecal parameters at the end. The weights of caecal content and caecal wall were significantly higher in the maltitol group than in the control group, but not in the maltitol/maltodextrin group. Propionic acid concentration was significantly higher in the maltitol group compared to both control and maltitol/maltodextrin group. Faecal parameters were also influenced by the dietary supplementation with maltitol: the amount of dry matter in feces decreased and alpha-glucosidase activity increased. These effects lasted 28 days in the maltitol only group, whereas they stopped some days after the switch to maltodextrin in the maltitol/maltodextrin group. Maltitol could induce prebiotic-like effects.

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C. Thabuis, A. Herbomez, F. Desailly, F. Ringard, D. Wils and L. Guérin-Deremaux, "Prebiotic-Like Effects of SweetPearl® Maltitol through Changes in Caecal and Fecal Parameters," Food and Nutrition Sciences, Vol. 3 No. 10, 2012, pp. 1375-1381. doi: 10.4236/fns.2012.310180.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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