Effective Dose Levels from Computed Tomography of the Head during Contrast Studies in Nigeria


Background: Diagnostic reference levels for a number of common diagnostic radiological examinations against which individual centres could compare their performance have been recommended by relevant international agencies. Due to variations in different populations globally, local and national diagnostic reference levels are more reliable. To the best of our knowledge, no centre-specific study has been carried out and national surveys are not available. Objective: To establish a preliminary local and national diagnostic reference level in Nigeria. Methods: A pro-spective and cross-sectional study involving 30 conscious paediatrics and adult patients referred for head computed tomography scan. They were positioned supine and scanned according to the standard protocol for head computed tomography with manual mA selection. The total dose-length products were recorded at the end of the pre-contrast and post-contrast sequences respectively. The pre-contrast dose was taken into cognizance in the determination of the post-contrast value. The effective dose was established by multiplying the dose-length product by 0.0023 mSv.mGy-1.cm-1, a conversion coefficient for brain tissue adopted from the European Commission. Statistical Package for Social Sciences version 17.0 was used to analyze the data. Results: 30 paediatrics and adult patients of mixed gender participated in the study. Their ages ranged from 1 to 74 years with a mean age of 41.47 ± 23.30 years. The pre-contrast effective dose ranged from 1.93 mSv to 3.32 mSv with mean of 2.56 ± 0.51 mSv and 75th percentile of 3.11 mSv while the post-contrast effective dose ranged from 4.06 mSv to 6.97 mSv with mean of 5.27 ± 0.97 mSv and 75th percentile of 6.13 mSv. The mean effective dose from this work and two other isolated studies was 3.0 mSv. Conclusion: Although our quantified doses are below threshold limits for occupational exposures they are higher than the recommended level for the public. A further optimization of scanning protocols by the radiographers could lower the effective dose for patients undergoing contrast head computed tomography in our centre and in the country.

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Adejoh, T. , Christian, N. , Nkubli, F. and Dlama, J. (2015) Effective Dose Levels from Computed Tomography of the Head during Contrast Studies in Nigeria. Health, 7, 915-919. doi: 10.4236/health.2015.78108.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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