Analyzing Students’ Cognitive Load to Prioritize English Public Speaking Training


This paper applies the Hierarchy Grey Relational Analysis (HGRA) for data analysis obtained from the EFL students’ cognitive load in English public speaking. Thirty-one EFL students in a class of English Presentation Training participated in the experiment and the teacher familiarized them with nine criteria of abilities in public speaking training. The participants were then asked to reflect on their own confidences in the same criteria. A framework employing HGRA was developed to analyze the data. The results show that from the easiest to the most difficult, the cognitive confidence in sequence of the participants is S(21)→S(27)→S(25)→S(16)→S(12),…,→S(2), and in sequenc eof criteria is C(1) Posture→C(5) Preparing effective visual aids→C(2) Eye contact→C(3) Gestures→C(6) Explaining visual aids→C(4) Voice variation→C(9) Closing the speech→C(7) Opening the speech→C(8) Organizing & outlining the speech body. Based on the findings, in order to tailor to students’ cognitive load for best training results, the teacher should start from easier, more concrete techniques such as motor skills and preparing effective visual aids, and finally proceed to the abstract, logical organization of the main points. Additionally, the teacher can even offer differentiated practices to those whose cognitive load level in speech skills are different.

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Y. Lee, "Analyzing Students’ Cognitive Load to Prioritize English Public Speaking Training," Journal of Data Analysis and Information Processing, Vol. 1 No. 3, 2013, pp. 35-45. doi: 10.4236/jdaip.2013.13006.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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