Creativity in and between Collaborative Peer Assessment Processes in Higher Distance Education


The study investigates in what ways the combination of self-assessment and collaborative peer assessment can support students’ creative-and critical-abilities, as well as providing opportunities for meta-cognitive learning. The study is informed by sociocultural theories research traditions and computer supported collaborative learning, CSCL. Data were collected from 22 student teachers peer assessment processes, including peer feedback and self-assessment during two consecutive 15 credit web-based courses. The analytical framework was based on Toulmin’s argument model (1958) and Hattie and Timperley’s (2007) feedback model. The results provide a broader perspective on collaborative peer assessment processes by distinguishing, identifying and describing the meaning content in the students’ peer feedback and self-assessment, and the relationships between these. Quality of content and creativity in formulating the responses can be linked to creativity as “higher order thinking skills”. Peer assessment processes can thus function as creative exercises or as a tool to support such skills.

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Amhag, L. (2013). Creativity in and between Collaborative Peer Assessment Processes in Higher Distance Education. Creative Education, 4, 94-104. doi: 10.4236/ce.2013.47A2011.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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