Gender-Differentiated Behaviour Traits of Elementary School Pupils in Identical Visual Arts Learning Situations


This exploratory qualitative research project comparatively observes the conduct of girls and boys—in their third year of elementary school—divided in same-gender dyads, participating successively in an identical visual arts project in Canada. Our goal is to improve knowledge of the differences and similarities between boys and girls in a learning situation and help to devise gender-differentiated teaching strategies in the visual arts, a curricular subject for which boys typically show limited interest. We categorize the behaviour patterns of our research subjects according to a behavioural indicators table we designed after reviewing literature on female/male brain, personality types, gender and gender role. We observe notable gender differences in behaviour among the pupils, with “male indicators” overwhelming identified in the boys and, surprisingly, in one girl, while the “female indicators” are clearly dominant in the other girls.

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Savoie, A. and St-Pierre, S. (2012) Gender-Differentiated Behaviour Traits of Elementary School Pupils in Identical Visual Arts Learning Situations. Creative Education, 3, 1205-1211. doi: 10.4236/ce.2012.37179.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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