Japanese New Patent Law: Lessons for China


In this paper, I systematically analyze the new Japanese Patent Law and make a comparative study on Chinese and Japanese Patent Law to shed a new light on the improvement of the legal system of intellectual property in China. To begin with, I review the historical development of Japanese Patent Law and the modern patent legal system in Japan. Next, the aim and contents of the latest revision of Japanese Patent Law are described. I also pay close attention to the issues remaining unresolved. Regarding the problems faced by Chinese Patent Law, I identify the lessons that China could learn from Japanese New Patent Law. Finally, I suggest that there are still some unresolved issues in Chinese Patent Law even after learning from the new Japanese Patent Law.

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Guo, M. (2012) Japanese New Patent Law: Lessons for China. Beijing Law Review, 3, 133-136. doi: 10.4236/blr.2012.33018.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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