Migration, Sexual Behavior and Perceptions of Risk: Is the Place of Origin a Factor in HIV Infection?


Migration is an important process of change, especially for populations in developing countries. Just by moving to new places, migrants are different from those who do not migrate in terms of socio-demographic characteristics. This study focuses on migration in Kenya and its interaction with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) risk. Two main research questions are addressed: To what extend does the sexual behavior of migrants differ from non-migrants? Do migrants know more about HIV risk than non- migrants? The analysis is based on the 2003 Kenya Demographic and Health Survey data. The results show that migrants are significantly more likely to report fear of HIV infection than non-migrants. The perception of risky sexual behavior is significantly correlated with non-use of condoms for migrants than for non-migrants. Migrants who perceive themselves as being at risk of HIV infection are less likely to use a condom at their last non-marital sexual encounter. Also, migration is significantly correlated with multiple sexual partners. There is a remarkable difference in the mean age of migrants and non-migrants; migrants on average are significantly older and more likely to be married than non-migrants.

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Kimuna, S. and Djamba, Y. (2012) Migration, Sexual Behavior and Perceptions of Risk: Is the Place of Origin a Factor in HIV Infection?. Advances in Applied Sociology, 2, 167-178. doi: 10.4236/aasoci.2012.23023.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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