Study Protocol to Investigate the Efficacy of Participation in Qi-Gong by Breast Cancer Survivors
Shing Yee Lee, Siew Yim Loh, Liam Murray
DOI: 10.4236/jct.2011.25097   PDF    HTML     4,471 Downloads   7,804 Views   Citations


Background: Physical activity improves quality of life and reduces the risks of breast cancer up to 30 - 40 percent. Qi-Gong is a form of exercise widely acknowledged by Asian survivors as health promoting, despite a lack of research evidence. This study aimed to investigate the efficacy of Qi-Gong on the Quality of Life (QOL) of survivors. Methods/ Design: A total of 114 women who had been treated for stage I or II breast cancer at least 12 months previously were randomly assigned to supervised aerobic exercise (n = 38), Qi-Gong exercise (n = 38), or usual care (n = 38). Supervised 1.5 hour exercise sessions took place three times per week for 8 weeks (face to face—once a week and home follow up twice a week). Outcomes included QoL (FACT-G), Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Breast (FACT-B)], distress [Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS)] assessed at baseline and at the 8-week follow-up. Secondary measures included exercise Self Efficacy Scale (ESS), Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-Fatigue (FACT-F) and exercise behavior (log) Two way (group × time) repeated measures ANOVA will examine differences between groups over time. Discussion: This research will provide insights on the efficacy of a 8 weeks structured Qi-Gong program designed for quality of life. The details of the Qi-Gong and the placebo (line dancing) over 8 weeks are delineated, with the study protocol for researcher’s replication. The result of the study can contribute towards understanding how Qi-Gong over other physical activity can be used for self managing physical health for people with breast cancer, an increasingly acknowledged chronic condition. Conclusion: Women with breast cancer need to start engaging in physically healthy-active living on a day-to-day basis for prevention of recurrence, mortality and wellbeing. However, many requires professional support with a structured intervention. This design of this study provides a protocol for 8 weeks Qi-Gong with implications on healthy survivorship, and a possible reduction on healthcare costs related to long-term effects and co morbidities that can be prevented via physical activity.

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S. Lee, S. Loh and L. Murray, "Study Protocol to Investigate the Efficacy of Participation in Qi-Gong by Breast Cancer Survivors," Journal of Cancer Therapy, Vol. 2 No. 5, 2011, pp. 715-724. doi: 10.4236/jct.2011.25097.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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