Bianchi type-VIo Universe with wet dark fluid
Raghavendra Chaubey
DOI: 10.4236/ns.2011.310107   PDF    HTML     4,019 Downloads   7,846 Views   Citations


The Bianchi type- VIo universe filled with dark energy from a wet dark fluid has been considered. A new equation of state for the dark energy component of the universe has been used. It is modeled on the equation of state p=γ(ρ-ρ) which can describe a liquid, for example water. The exact solutions to the corresponding field equations are obtained in quadrature form. The solution for constant deceleration parameter have been studied in detail for power-law and exponential forms both. The case γ=0, γ=1, and γ=1/3 have been also analysed.

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Chaubey, R. (2011) Bianchi type-VIo Universe with wet dark fluid. Natural Science, 3, 817-826. doi: 10.4236/ns.2011.310107.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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