Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Static Step Topology under Distributed Environment


During the past years, the distributed computing approach has become very popular due to various advantages over centralized approach. In the distributed approach, the execution of a process has reduced and also it requires low cost for installation. Many of the researchers are using the modeling approach for solution of the software and hardware architecture research problems. The most popular approach of modeling is known as Unified Modeling Language based on the object-oriented technology. In the present work, a method of deadlock detection is explained for the newly proposed static step topology for the distributed network. In the step topology, the processes are taken as a task, sub task, macro, subroutine, etc which are executed in reflexive and symmetric manners when the systems are interconnected to each other under distributed environment and avoidance technique is also presented for the same. The deadlock detection technique is presented through a UML class model.

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Zaidi, T. and Saxena, V. (2013) Deadlock Detection and Avoidance in Static Step Topology under Distributed Environment. Journal of Software Engineering and Applications, 6, 48-52. doi: 10.4236/jsea.2013.62008.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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