Hypercompetitiveness and Relationships: Further Implications for Romantic, Family, and Peer Relationships
Bill Thornton, Richard M. Ryckman, Joel A. Gold
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.24043   PDF    HTML     8,503 Downloads   16,048 Views   Citations


Romantic relationships of hypercompetitive individuals are much more problematic with greater conflict compared to those not so hypercompetitive; however, relationship satisfaction and commitment do not covary with hypercompetitiveness (Ryckman et al., 2002). Study 1 considered whether the type of commitment matters in a romantic relationship. Indeed, hypercompetitiveness was associated positively with constraint commitment (i.e., maintaining a relationship out of concern for one’s investment and other social-psychological costs associated with leaving), and was associated negatively with personal dedication commitment (i.e., interest in the relationship based on concerns for mutual benefit). Not only may the romantic relationships of hypercompetitive individuals be more problematic, other interpersonal relationships may be negatively impacted as well. Study 2 noted that hypercompetitiveness was associated positively with relationship problems involving both family members and peers; however, relationship closeness with family and friends did not vary with hypercompetitiveness. Implications of findings in both studies are considered.

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Thornton, B. , Ryckman, R. & Gold, J. (2011). Hypercompetitiveness and Relationships: Further Implications for Romantic, Family, and Peer Relationships. Psychology, 2, 269-274. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.24043.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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