Romantic Relationship Status and Gender Differences in Sun Tanning Attitudes and Behaviors of U.S. College Students
Terry F. Pettijohn II, Terry F. Pettijohn, Alexandra G. Gilbert
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2011.22012   PDF    HTML     7,569 Downloads   13,706 Views   Citations


Male and female college students (n = 353) involved in varying degrees of romantic relationships responded to a questionnaire investigating sun tanning attitudes and behaviors. Females were predicted to engage in sun tanning more frequently and have more positive attitudes about sun tanning than males. Those students who were dating were also predicted to engage in more sun tanning behaviors and have more positive attitudes regarding tanning compared to students who were not dating, in committed romantic relationships, or married. Results supported these predictions overall. Females, and college students who were dating, engaged in more risky sun tanning behaviors and are therefore especially at risk for health related consequences of sun tanning.

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Pettijohn II, T. , Pettijohn, T. & Gilbert, A. (2011). Romantic Relationship Status and Gender Differences in Sun Tanning Attitudes and Behaviors of U.S. College Students. Psychology, 2, 71-77. doi: 10.4236/psych.2011.22012.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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