The Multipath Approach to Personality: Towards a Unified Model of Self
Jonathan Appel, Dohee Kim-Appel
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2010.14036   PDF    HTML     11,424 Downloads   20,845 Views   Citations


Human beings exist in multiple substrates or dimensions. But we still need more comprehensive and integrative theories of self-identity and personality. Most personality and developmental theories fail to adequately address the interaction among the psychological, interpersonal, environmental, and biological aspects of self and personality development. This paper presents a larger framework in which to examine prior models of personality as well as future integrative models. A Multipath Approach to Personality (MAP) is proposed and consists of the following dimensions or levels of analysis of self: 1) the Neuropersonal; 2) the Intrapersonal; 3) the Interpersonal; 4) the Exopersonal; 5) the Ecopersonal; and 6) the Transpersonal. The MAP approach to personality also suggests a multi-modal practice in assessment and research.

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Appel, J. & Kim-Appel, D. (2010). The Multipath Approach to Personality: Towards a Unified Model of Self. Psychology, 1, 273-281. doi: 10.4236/psych.2010.14036.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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