Reducing Stigma Barriers to Help-Seeking Behaviors among College Students
Emily Reichert
Penn State University, USA.
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2012.310134   PDF    HTML     6,743 Downloads   11,239 Views   Citations


College students suffer disproportionately from depression, an illness with significant consequences that, untreated, escalates in severity. A review of literature reveals that seeking help for this health issue is often stigmatized, reducing the likelihood of treatment. While the literature identifies the types of stigma, less is known about the communicative processes involved in stigma coping. This paper applies Meisenbach’s (2010) Theory of Stigma Management Communication (SMC) to this issue, suggested strategies researching depression stigma coping as well as new and promising intervention strategies to increase help seeking rates among college students.

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Reichert, E. (2012). Reducing Stigma Barriers to Help-Seeking Behaviors among College Students. Psychology, 3, 892-898. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.310134.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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