Relationship between sense of coherence and lifestyle in middle-aged workers in Japan
Ryuji Ochiai, Syunichi Daitou, Kiyoshi Aoki
DOI: 10.4236/health.2012.41005   PDF    HTML   XML   5,148 Downloads   8,507 Views   Citations


Metabolic syndrome has recently become a concern in Japan. It is commonly believed that lifestyle quality must be improved and main- tained for optimum health. A cross-sectional survey of middle-aged workers was performed to examine the relationship between a sense of coherence (SOC) and health status. The study further aimed to determine the quality of life necessary to maintain physical and psychologi- cal health. An anonymous online survey was conducted with a panel of respondents regis- tered with an Internet research service. The survey items addressed SOC and awareness of lifestyle habits, specifically lifestyle factors of self-rated health, level of satisfaction, and level of stress. Responses were obtained from 412 women and 206 men. The approximately equal high and low SOC results indicated that self- rated health and level of satisfaction were signi- ficantly higher in both sexes with a high SOC, and such participants also experienced signifi- cantly lower levels of daily stress. With regard to the association between lifestyle factors and health, women with a high SOC tended to have shorter commutes, and a higher percentage ate breakfast daily compared with women with a low SOC. Men with a high SOC worked significantly longer hours, and a higher percentage were ei- ther married or resided with family. No sex dif- ferences in SOC were observed for health be- havior in daily life, and 50% of both women and men reported positive health behavior. Health behavior differed, however, according to SOC and sex. These findings suggest that health pre- servation in daily life of middle-aged worker’s women is possible through sustaining and en- hancing SOC

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Ochiai, R. , Daitou, S. and Aoki, K. (2012) Relationship between sense of coherence and lifestyle in middle-aged workers in Japan. Health, 4, 20-25. doi: 10.4236/health.2012.41005.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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