The Spirituality Questionnaire: Core Dimensions of Spirituality
Jochen Hardt, Sonja Schultz, Carola Xander, Gerhild Becker, Malgorzata Dragan
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2012.31017   PDF    HTML     19,603 Downloads   31,784 Views   Citations


Various approaches are used to assess spirituality via questionnaires, ranging from one-dimensional scales to highly multidimensional models. For the present investigation, an – in spirituality research unorthodox – factor analytic method was chosen: principal axis analysis with oblique rotation. An item collection was examinated and cross-validated via internet. The spirituality questionnaire contains four dimensions: belief in God, search for meaning, mindfulness, and feeling of security. They present with high internal consistencies. The factorial structure of the four dimensions was confirmed. Based on the better fit of this method of extraction the authors assume that these dimensions may depict the concept of spirituality more precisely than the previously used factor analytic methods, i.e. the principal component analysis (PCA) with orthogonal rotation.

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Hardt, J. , Schultz, S. , Xander, C. , Becker, G. & Dragan, M. (2012). The Spirituality Questionnaire: Core Dimensions of Spirituality. Psychology, 3, 116-122. doi: 10.4236/psych.2012.31017.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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