Language Used in Social Networks: Creativity and Self-Expression


This theoretical article aims to discuss the language used in social networks as an instrument of creativity and self-expression. Internet has permitted an increase in interpersonal relations, as never before, increasing communication mediated by computer technologies. As a result, computers and mobile media have occupied a large place in people’s daily lives causing changes in habits, and by the way users’ interact. Images, sounds and videos are some of the resources that enrich the linguistic code, forming the basis of an interaction that enables the exchange of ideas, mainly demands of esteem, acceptance and affection.

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Pimentel, A. & Diniz, C. (2014). Language Used in Social Networks: Creativity and Self-Expression. Psychology, 5, 2131-2137. doi: 10.4236/psych.2014.519215.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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