Following the Leader: Examining Leadership Characteristics, Alcohol Use, and Hooking Up among College Students
Rose Marie Ward, Judith L. Weiner
Miami University, Oxford, USA.
DOI: 10.4236/ojl.2012.12002   PDF    HTML     5,865 Downloads   10,172 Views   Citations


Although it is generally assumed that leadership traits are linked to positive outcomes, it is unclear how they might be related to less desirable health behaviors. In a sample of 623 undergraduate students, a series of structural equation models examined the relationship between transformational leadership traits and risky health behaviors (i.e., alcohol consumption and hooking up). The models fit the data well and indicated that higher levels of transformational leadership traits were related to higher levels of alcohol consumption and risky sexual behaviors. It seems that those students who endorse higher transformational leadership characteristics are also embracing negative health behaviors.

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Ward, R. & Weiner, J. (2012). Following the Leader: Examining Leadership Characteristics, Alcohol Use, and Hooking Up among College Students. Open Journal of Leadership, 1, 5-11. doi: 10.4236/ojl.2012.12002.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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