Public Policy Making in the Coastal Zone of the Venice Lagoon: Is There a Good Balance between Economic Development, the Social Dimension and Environmental Protection?
Maria Sabrina De Gobbi
University of London, London, UK.
DOI: 10.4236/ojps.2013.34019   PDF    HTML     4,053 Downloads   7,213 Views   Citations


This paper shows how much citizens’ views are taken into account in local policy decision-making concerning the management of the coastal area of the Venice Lagoon. Through the application of a somewhat innovative version of the contingent valuation method (CVM), it is possible to understand how to set a good balance among economic development, the social dimension and environmental protection in a coastal zone. The methodology allows for a clear assessment of the economic value of non-use values. In 2010, an online survey was conducted in the Venice area to find out how local much citizens value two protected areas in the Venice Lagoon. Four hypotheses were tested to find out whether the age of respondents, the municipality where they live, their income level, and the visited and protected sites are factors determining a different willingness to pay for environmental protection. The economic, social and environmental situation of the coastal zone of the Venice Lagoon in 2010 was then compared to that of 2012 to try to draw conclusions on the level of sustainability of the management of the Venice coastal area. The comparison indicates that there have been some improvements in citizens’ participation in decision-making processes through political events.


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De Gobbi, M. (2013) Public Policy Making in the Coastal Zone of the Venice Lagoon: Is There a Good Balance between Economic Development, the Social Dimension and Environmental Protection?. Open Journal of Political Science, 3, 134-142. doi: 10.4236/ojps.2013.34019.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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