Psyche from within: Three Case Studies
Semyon Ioffe, Sergey Yesin
DOI: 10.4236/psych.2010.14037   PDF    HTML     5,858 Downloads   10,498 Views   Citations


A comparative look at the psychological health and the physical health industries uncovers the need for measurable quantitative testing in order to bring the psychological health field into the 21st century. We are using a proven set of subconscious mind testing technologies which revolutionize the quality of services and results in the field of psychological health. These technologies decrease the cost and increase the accuracy and effectiveness of psychological help. We look at three patient case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new approach and familiarize psychological health practitioners and their patients with these technologies.

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Ioffe, S. & Yesin, S. (2010). Psyche from within: Three Case Studies. Psychology, 1, 282-294. doi: 10.4236/psych.2010.14037.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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