Adaptive Collaboration Model for Organizational Change


In order to survive and develop effectively in an increasingly dynamic and uncertain environment, an organization should have the capacity for continuous and adaptive changes. Change can only occur through the collaboration of participants of this process. Collaboration should be adaptive. Adaptability of collaboration is expressed by its adjustment to dynamic organizational changes. Adaptive collaboration (AC) is an organizational capacity needed for coping with adaptive changes. The goal of the developed model is to shape AC, which provides stimulation and facilitation of collaborative interaction so as to face the challenges of conducting adaptive changes. The suggested DOCA (Determining, Organizing, Creating, Assigning) model includes these components: Determining an infrastructure of AC; Organizing AC; Creating AC groups; Assigning collaborative group members to perform the tasks required to conduct adaptive changes. Determining AC infrastructure consists in building an adaptive organizational structure, and forming dynamic change and task structures. Organizing AC consists in defining the conditions that provide creation of suitable AC groups. Creating AC groups is meant to encourage facilitation of adaptive collaboration. Assigning the group members tasks allows stimulation for collaborative interactions.

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Essawi, M. and Tilchin, O. (2012) Adaptive Collaboration Model for Organizational Change. American Journal of Industrial and Business Management, 2, 145-152. doi: 10.4236/ajibm.2012.24019.

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The authors declare no conflicts of interest.


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