What Is the Effect of Parents’ Involvement on the Students’ Educational Attainment in Mathematics and Their Value System at School from the Teachers’ Perspective?
Wafiq Hibiorcid, Nabil Assadiorcid
Sakhnin College, Sakhnin, Israel.
DOI: 10.4236/ce.2021.125083   PDF    HTML   XML   265 Downloads   1,353 Views   Citations


This study aims to find out the parents’ involvement on their children’s’ educational attainment in mathematics from the teachers’ perspective in particular. The qualitative approach was actively employed. Besides, a sample of experienced teachers and educators was taken. The sample consists of 13 male and female teachers with whom the notion of parents’ involvement was discussed, challenges of parents’ involvement, to what extent it might be effective, the purpose of parents’ involvement and how parents could be helpful to the academic staff throughout the educational process, and the impact of such involvement on the value system. In accordance with the research results; all teachers were in favour of parents’ involvement. Parents’ involvement, according to the interviewed teachers, is vital for the success of the educational process. Some teachers, however, viewed parents’ involvement as a threat to the school staff, i.e. they prefer a controlled level of involvement that does not preach the teacher’s own work space and freedom. Some teachers expressed the problem with parents’ involvement in the fact that some parents lack the necessary level of awareness. Based on the research findings; I recommend a broader parents’ involvement. The prior is in favour of children’s educational attainment. Besides, specialized courses for parents should be seriously considered in order to raise their awareness. In the Negev region, for instance, parents’ involvement is extremely limited due to polygamy, work burden and other social problems.

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Hibi, W. and Assadi, N. (2021) What Is the Effect of Parents’ Involvement on the Students’ Educational Attainment in Mathematics and Their Value System at School from the Teachers’ Perspective?. Creative Education, 12, 1118-1139. doi: 10.4236/ce.2021.125083.

1. Introduction

Supremacy of human life and the sense of its significance is closely associated with the supremacy of the moral code and the values that people would normally resort to, whether individually or collectively. Or, through the correlation of a particular human society with other societies. Here, each and every individual holds a personal responsibility towards the continuity of human life, which cannot be achieved without utmost cooperation.

Research by Halgunseth, Peterson, Stark, & Moodie (2009), indicates that parents’ active involvement leads to better educational attainment and to the acquisition of higher morals on their children’s behalf. New studies focus on parents’ involvement in the educational process and to what extent it might contribute to its success.

One of the major objectives of teaching is increasing the students’ educational attainment. As the prior is the only criterion with which a student’s educational growth and the possibility joining higher education institutions are measured. Today, we are in a dire need for more versatile educational programmes and methods which may contribute to a notably better educational attainment. Without cooperation, integration and coordination between the society as a whole, parents and schools, the prior is unachievable. In order for education to be a continuous process, and to, manifest into a behaviour, parents’ active involvement should be present as a foundation stone for the support of their children’s educational attainment and for the entrenchment of the value system.

In this study, I will tackle the teachers’ perspective on the parent’s involvement’s effect on educational attainment and the value system of their children.

The study asks a very important question that relates to the students’ achievements, the school environment, and the educational process at large: What is the effect of parents' involvement on the students' educational attainment and their value system at school?

2. Parents’ Involvement

Parents’ involvement in the educational process is of extreme importance. It certainly has a positive influence on the children’s educational attainment and value system. Numerous researchers have conducted several studies on the prior topic, and this phenomenon has found its way to educational research “parents” involvement in the educational process is a social pattern that is rapidly increasing and expanding. After being a matter of assessment and treatment, parents’ involvement has become an integral educational value (General Manager’s Periodical, 2011) .

Parents’ involvement has a positive influence on the student’s mental and cognitive capabilities as the parents’ behaviour and abilities reflect directly on their children. “Parents” involvement in the scholastic work affects the mental, behavioural, and cognitive aspects of the student greatly. It also contributes to his/her mental development and progress. It also contributes to the creation of a positive scholastic atmosphere and the construction of cooperative relationships which enforce the sense of commitment, belonging and work” (Badarneh, 2015).

According to accounts of MOE officials and the ministry’s official statement; within the ministry itself, there has been a shifting in awareness, throughout the last decade, concerning the role of parents in education and the nature of dialogue which needs to occur between parents and teachers. Once children are integrated into the educational institution, a shared responsibility between the parents on the one hand and the institution on the other hand. Partnership is a must between the various educational frameworks based on equality and partnership (Busharian & Shechtman, 2015).

Halgnest et al., have reviewed previously existing literature, based on which a paradigm was established which suggests that parents’ participation and involvement is integral for the enhancement of primary education and to the development of healthy relationships within the family. This involvement is especially effective when it’s a reciprocal, positive and continuous one between home and school.

Parents’ involvement in the educational process positively influences the positive growth of students. According to Dr. Edward Obeid, quoting Henderson, writer of “The proofs,” when parents give enough attention to their children’s schools, the children’s performance will subsequently improve, which will result in them attending better schools. Three decades of studies have unquestionably proved that parents’ active involvement will definitely, and via various routes, lead to better results and higher educational attainment. The results remained true despite the differences that occurred within the family structure during that period of time. Despite the fact that the family’s involvement has risen to an acceptable standard, and has resulted in a notable enhancement in the nature of the schools, still, there is much to be done; cooperation between the family, the local community, and the school will enhance the children’s educational experience.

A significant portion of the education process occurs within the house and is influenced by the whole family. We have the liberty here to say that here is where success of the process is determined. Several other researchers urge that the parents should be active participants in the process which will ultimately lead to higher attainment, and individual skills acquisition. The prior, will in part treat other problems within the school (Hewison & Tizard, 1980).

According to Arar et al. (2018) purpose of the research was to study the Arab teachers’ perspective on parents’ involvement. Participants were 317 Arab teachers within the Arab education system. Participants answered the surveys which tested their perspective in the parents’ involvement in methodology, resources, and classroom control. Generally speaking, school subjects regard parents’ involvement as more correlated to resources and less to the classroom control. Newly-assigned teachers and younger teachers in general, who aren’t a part of the administrative staff are in favour of deeper parental involvement than their older and more experienced counterparts. The results contribute to a better understanding of the various components which influence the natural growth and development of their children. According to a study conducted by Moshe Levy (1999) the objective was to find the correlation between the professional image of the teacher and his attitude on parents’ involvement, there were 211 participants teaching in both primary and secondary schools. A positive correlation between the teacher’s image and the attitude towards the parents’ involvement was detected. At primary school, teachers reported an increase in parents’ involvement as three areas of activity were noticed: material, organizational, educational, and general policy. Teachers’ years of service and their attitude towards parents’ involvement were not related. Teachers with the highest level of education were less satisfied with the principal’s performance and commented that parents need more specialized training in order to be involved.

When cooperation occurs between parents and teachers, they greatly contribute to the student’s development, cognitively, emotionally, and socially. On the other hand, the absence of cooperation between the two previously mentioned frameworks might negatively affect their functions individually (Angelherd, 2012).

Integrating the parents is essential to the success of the school’s endeavours. Still, a fear from the teachers’ side from intrusive involvement might be a wrong start. Thus, they might resort to not establishing relationship or encouraging involvement at all. Parents, especially those who had had less than perfect relationships with the schools, might have a relationship based on the philosophy “doubtful respect” (Angelherd, 2012).

Thus, it is extremely important for teachers to make parents feel respected and appreciated and that their efforts are desired and needed. Here, it’s important to mention that overly stressing the importance of involvement to some parents might generate pressure and lead to negative outcome. An experiment that was conducted in the UK revealed that despite the fact that educators stress the notion that parents’ involvement is needed and recommended, they still want the process to occur in compliance with their own terms. Whereas a genuine partnership requires an exchange of experience and openness (Goodall & Varhaus, 2011).

2.1. Significance of Involvement

Reciprocation between home and school has become a need. As both the family and the educators are partners in the process of the child’s growth and development. Parents’ role is characterized by centrality as it goes beyond the provision of the basic needs to a deeper comprehension of the child’s behaviour. Parents are the party responsible for providing the kindergarten with the most accurate information on their child, bestowing discipline in the child’s life, and raising a child with a moral code (It is the beginning, 2015).

Teachers need to be tentative listeners when asked about their students. Whether the questions were about their talents, capabilities, behaviour, or academics. They should accept the inquiries and provide honest answers. Teachers should also maintain good relationships with the parents and create a friendly environment between them, which will reflect positively on the child’s development.

Parents’ involvement is a non-negligible phenomenon as it’s notably gaining more power and thus the confrontations between schools and parents are becoming more and more severe as schools might show less enthusiasm as desired. The previously mentioned gap needs more focus on the subject in order to be bridged.

Friedman and Fischer were the first to tackle the subject of parents’ involvement. They sensed that there are pre-existing conditions according to which it is possible to tell whether the parents’ desire is present. Like Friedman, Noah (1992) differentiates between the concepts of involvement and interference. According to Noah, involvement is a specific concept that must do more with the responsibilities agreed upon between the school and the parents. For instance: fund-raising, school trips, class-renovation, parents-teachers association meetings, festivals and visits. Whereas interference is a comprehensive concept that expresses the relationship between schools and parents. The prior is expressed when parents exhibit a wish to participate in the creation of school policies and decision making. In the prior case, it is more of interference than merely participation. It has been found that parents prefer schools where they are allowed to participation in all aspects of the educational process. Friedman, Noah (1992) In addition to the prior, parents are concerned that if they actively interfere with the educational process, such behaviour might be harmful to their children.

In a study conducted by the Israeli centre for research and humanities, the relationship between parents and the educational framework in kindergarten was tested. The study revealed that changes to the educational system need to be carried out in order for the relationship to improve (Greenbaum & Fred, 2011). Ministry of education had assigned the teachers themselves the task of support and change in order to enhance the existing relationship between the teachers and the parents, especially during the early years of childhood (Ministry of Education & Arab Knowledge Department, 2005).

2.2. Research Question

What is the effect of parents’ involvement on the student’s academic attainment in mathematics according to the teachers’ perspective?

2.3. Hypothesis

Values play an indispensable role in controlling individual and collective behaviour. Parents’ involvement is important for communication with the school, it’s essential that they participate in the making of the various educational programmes that the school depends on.

The study, thereby, aspires to answer the following questions:

1) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment?

2) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s value system, according to the teachers?

Boundaries of the study:

1) Human aspect: the teachers sample involved in the study. Teachers of all levels who work in different schools in Israel.

2) Timeline: First semester of the scholastic year 2020/2021.

3) Area involved: Arab elementary and secondary schools within the Negev region.

4) Academic boundaries: Only first and second title teachers were involved.

Significance of the study:

This particular study acquires its significance from the significance of the subject itself. Education, morals, ethics, and values are among the most important criteria for measuring social development. Superiority and advancement of human life are closely related to how superior people’s ethics and values are, either individually or collectively. And via this society’s relationship with its counterparts.

Each and every individual has an obligation to the continuity and prosperity of human life. The prior requires cooperation on all level. How prosperous life is, is closely related to the human values and ethics.

Parents’ involvement has become an integral part of the educational process as they are, in fact, genuine partners in it. Pedagogues and education scientists are very concerned about values in general due to their connection with the major objectives of education. Education, in any human society, is based on the provision of human expertise to other individuals through social upbringing which itself is based on values. Therefore, desired values must be entrenched in the educational process. Values play a vital role in preserving the student’s cultural identity which ultimately leads to social development.

In today’s world, we are in a dire need for pedagogies and methods which provide us with variant and comprehensive educational perspectives that, ultimately, lead to a notable improvement in the student’s overall educational attainment. The prior cannot really be fulfilled without the parents’ active involvement in the educational process.

2.4. Research Jargon

2.4.1. Educational Attainment

A student’s educational attainment is considered one of the most important milestones upon which his/her future is dependent. Some specialists believe that examinations are the only channel through which a student’s overall comprehension is measured.

Educational attainment and defined by many is the student’s ability to coordinate between his/her mental capacities on the one hand and their various talents on the other hand in regards to the level of educational attainment that they are able to achieve. It is also “the student’s ability to achieve the highest grades possible which determines his/her position among the other students in the same class or at school at large.”

According to Glenn (Glenn, 2012) the notion of educational attainment involves numerous educational and psychological indications which define the meaning of educational attainment as a basic criterion for judging the student’s abilities in a specific curriculum. An important indicator to the level of reinforcement, advantages, and social roles that students deserve, and a major source for feedback on the level of achievement of the educational objectives. And finally, it helps decide the scale of academic assistance that should be rendered to each student depending on the specific liabilities that they face.

2.4.2. Parents’ Involvement

Despite the fact that the interest in parents’ involvement is rising, it is still, however, an ambiguous concept. Numerous definitions and terms that are similar to it actually exist. And they might all agree or disagree on certain specifications. Participation, engagement, and involvement are among the commonly used ones. Involvement, for instance, relates to various activities that are carried out by parents and through which they support their children at school and outside the school’s walls. The prior is supervised by the teachers. Helping the students with their homework or attending open days are common examples.

Participation, in this context, refers to parents’ involvement in the decision-making process at school through parents’ councils. Here, authority and control are shared, and responsibilities are clearly distributed between home and school.

According to Abu Jadou “it is an interest, a choice, an option or a judgement made in accordance with certain principles and criteria created by the society, which determines what’s desired and what’s rejected” (Abu-Jadou, 1998: p316).

Based on the prior definition, we could conclude that values are in fact a form of balance between opinions or a judgement made by an individual in accordance with certain social regulations.

Zaher defines them as “a set of standardized judgements that are connected with realistic connotations that an individual acquires through interaction with various attitudes and experiences that must be socially acceptable by a certain group if individuals that are also manifested in the individual’s behavioural and verbal contexts and his/her attitudes and interests” (Merton, 1968).

We could notice, in this context, that the prior definitions aren’t very different as according to Zaher: values are a set of standardized judgements connected to realities that acquired by the individual through actual practice and interaction with what is deemed acceptable by the group of individuals that he/she is a part of.

In this definition, we could also notice that values are considered guideline standards that are procured from a particular group of people, thus they are powerful and influential.

2.4.3. Value System

A value system is a set of elements that combine to create a certain reality. An individual is thereby required to select his/her own value system which will certainly result in the outcome of this individual’s life. Any value system, in its simple composition, should include particular elements upon which the overall manifestation of this system is constructed. Among the previously mentioned elements are: work, which is the value upon which the primary realty of life is constructed, whether materialistically or morally. Justice, which is one of the basic components of the absolute human value which is a divine creation. When those two values, work and justice, are combined, most of the higher human values, such as: honesty, discipline, acceptance of others, and care for others are all procured.

2.4.4. Mathematics as a Subject

Mathematics is the study of calculus, geometry, statistics and algebra. It also includes the study of dimensions, structure, variables, and space. Mathematics could also be defined as the science that’s based on a vast and comprehensive study of all abstract structures through the employment of numerous mathematical proofs. The study of logic and mathematical notation are also integral parts of mathematics. Mathematical notation is the study of all numbers with their various patterns. Mathematics could basically be divided into a variety of specialities branching from pure mathematics into a variety of sub-specialities and disciplines.

3. Methodology

3.1. Research Type

This research was conducted in accordance with the quantitative method. Thus, it is not expected to answer a question that stems from a specific hypothesis. Still, it takes on a phenomenon of great significance that has not been tackled and researched adequately. The method here is a collection of interviews in which teachers are asked relevant questioned.

3.2. Research Sample

Participants are teachers working within the governmental schools of the Arab community in Israel. 13 teachers working in different schools were chosen randomly for credibility and transparency to be met.

3.3. Tools of the Research

The primary tool of the research is basically a set of interviews conducted with teachers where teachers were asked specific questions in order to review their perspectives on parents’ involvement and how vital this notion is to the improvement of their children’s educational attainment and the value system. Interview were conducted individually so that teachers’ privacy to be protected.

4. Results

4.1. Analysis of the Interviews

Results of the interviews vary in accordance with the dominant culture of the society where they were conducted. They also depend on the culture of the interviewed teachers and the scientific experience of the school itself. Perspectives regarding the topic are not identical.

All teachers, regardless of their differences, are in favour of parents’ involvement, but the responses varied.

Parents’ involvement is, according to most teachers, of high priority education in general is based on the parents, student, and school triangle. The overall objective of the three is achieving the best for the student. Thus, any malfunctioning in one of the three will inevitably affect the student in the first place. An active involvement from the parents will ultimately encourage the student’s creativity and attainment, besides the vital role of the parents in the entrenchment of their children’s value system.

Parents’ active involvement has a major positive influence on the students’ value system. It consolidates the concept of confidence within the student’s personality and among the involved parties. Parents’ involvement will certainly improve the student’s educational and behavioural status and create a genuine sense of belonging to the institution. It will also provide a sense of safety within the school. More importantly, parents’ involvement will enable the parents to identify their children’s liabilities and consequently thrive to deal with them.

The overall educational attainment of the students will be notably enhanced due to their parents’ active involvement, and the detected liabilities will be overcome. Besides liabilities, areas of advantage could also be identified in a student’s personality due to his/her parents’ involvement.

Parents’ active involvement is not always easy to be achieved and can truly be hindered my numerous factors. Work duties for instance, a student’s negative attitudes and less than perfect attainment can be a liability that might discourage his/her parents from being actively involved. And finally, lack of awareness from some parents that might cause intrusion instead of positive involvement might make some teachers less encourage to deal with parents.

To utterly cancel out involvement is not recommended. It might even be harmful to students themselves. However, parents’ involvement should be always closely monitored in order to prevent positive involvement from turning into harmful intrusion.

4.2. Recommendations

1) Raising parents’ awareness on the importance of their active involvement in the educational process through specialized courses. The prior should be applicable especially in the Negev region as the parents’ involvement is at its lowest due to polygamy and work burden.

2) Parents’ involvement should be monitored can regulated in order to avoid harming the teachers’ performance.

3) More studies on the subject need to be conducted in order to obtain a broader perspective on the notion of parents’ involvement.

4) School staff is highly encouraged to respect parents’ involvement.

5. Discussion

It is obvious that parents’ involvement in the education process can affect their children’s educational attainment. Therefore, involvement should be of effective nature as the educational process is an integrative one that happens at home and at school simultaneously.

Students are the society’s foundation, as in few years they will take responsibility for the prosperity of their societies. Therefore, parents’ involvement is a vital need. Still, it is one that should be closely monitored and regulated. As far as teachers are concerned, they are required to treat parents with respect and accept their involvement which will ultimately benefit their own children.

This research has tackled the importance of parents’ involvement and its influence on the educational process from the teachers’ perspective. All the interviewed stressed the importance of such involvement and they were anonymously in favour of it.

Parents’ influence on their children and their value system is of great significance. Thus, this influence must maintain positivity in all aspects.

To sum up, a concept of high priority was tackled. Teachers who were interviewed shared their attitudes, concerns, perspectives, expertise, and personal experiences. Both the importance of the phenomenon and the liabilities, especially over-involvement from some parents, were discussed. Most teacher interviewed had 15 - 30 years of experience and they were males in majority. I highly support upcoming research on the same topics, especially those whose samples are female teachers.

Interview 1:

Mr. Soleiman Al-Assad,

Math teacher at Liqya elementary school,

27 years of experience.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I believe that parents’ role is one of great importance that they are a constituent of the parents, student, school triangle. Thus, I am for their involvement.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

It certainly benefits the educational process greatly and consolidates mutual trust between the involved parties.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

It is an especially important role in the process at large. It also strengthens mutual trust and creates reciprocation between all involved parties.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

It will certainly increase motivation which will reflect positively upon other aspects.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

Parents are in fact the teacher’s partners. Thus, they will be able to identifies their children’s weaknesses and help tackle them.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

A continuous connection between parents and school staff and routine visits to school should be a continuum and not only a matter of emergency.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Lack of awareness to the importance of the notion, work burdens, and polygamy.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I absolutely object such approach. Research has shown that parents’ involvement is indispensable. Still, it should be closely monitored and regulated.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

Parents’ have effect on this particular aspect is huge. Throughout humanity, values have been the foundation stone and any damage to this system is a damage to the civilization at large. Take the story of Thomas Adison for instance, whose success was a result of a consolidated system of values.

Interview 2:

Mr. Minwer Hajouj,

Math teacher,

20 years of experience.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I am for such notion and I consider it extremely important.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Improving students behaviourally and educationally.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

The pros here are numerous. For example, improving the student’s educational and behavioural status, creating a sense of discipline, and consolidating the sense of belonging.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

It is enough for the student to feel cared about.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

When the student genuinely feels cared about, he/she will actively try harder and more seriously in all aspects.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

It is normal for people to place a great emphasis upon their children’s success; both academically and behaviourally.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Some parents are aware of the fact that their child is educationally challenged, which might reduce their desire to be part his school life.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

Schools cannot function without involved parents, just like a society cannot function without schools.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

When a troublesome student takes notice of their parents’ constant presence at school, they will definitely try to be better. And this is where the educator should come in.

Interview 3:

Mr. Soleiman Abu Jabir,

CS teacher,

10 years of experience.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I am for such notion and I consider it extremely important. Both parents and teacher do their best to improve students’ educational attainment which means that both parties have the same objective.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Improving students school attitude and achievement. And, enhancing the nature of the relationship between the students themselves and the students and the school staff.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Improving the student’s overall behaviour and creating a sense of safe environment for the students.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

It’s definitely a positive influence. It consolidates the sense of belonging and respect.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

A positive influence as well. It is important for student to know that their parental presence is genuine which will increase the student’s motivation and sense of responsibility.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

Parents should take on their role in building their children’s skills and ability. They should be aware of the fact that the school isn’t in fact the only source of education.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Lack of awareness is a major point here. The fact that positive and active involvement might turn into a form of blatant intrusion is another liability. Some parents might not recognize the fact that their child has made a mistake or was the cause behind a certain problem or liability. They would only blame the school for everything.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

Parents’ involvement should be a part of school life. Parents who don’t have full awareness of their role should be guided. Their contributions need to be real and effective instead of blaming the school at every possible occasion.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

I do not have any.

Interview 4:

Mr. Ahmed Abu Ratyoush,

Math teacher,

30 years of experience.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

The educational process has three pillars: parents, students, and school. If any of the three is missing, the process is defected. So, yes, I strongly believe in the importance of parents’ involvement.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Parents are one of the pillars. They should be involved in just about every aspect of the school life.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Parents are able to identify their children’s challenges and liabilities, which will benefit their children on the long run.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

Parents’ involvement can help identify their children’s values and objective. The prior has a major positive influence on the students.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

When parents are aware of their children’s level of attainment, facing difficulties becomes easier for educators.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

It is basically their sense of responsibility towards their own children. besides, it is the parents’ genuine desire to have children with superior ethical and academic achievement.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Work burden in the first place. Some parents don’t really have faith in the educational system, which might be a real liability.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I disagree. Parents’ involvement is of substantial position and it cannot be dismissed.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

Value system could be affected here. For instance, if a student keeps showing up late to school or doesn’t treat the school staff with respect, well, with the father’s presence, that might just change.

Interview 5:

Mr. Nayef Niyarri,

Math/CS teacher.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I am strongly for. Parents, students, and school cannot be separated, and through their cooperation a lot can be achieved.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Firstly, their involvement supports teachers and encourages them greatly. And secondly, it is greatly beneficial for their own children.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

When a student takes notice of his father’s presence, this will definitely encourage the student to perform better and consolidate a sense of belonging.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

In addition to the answer to the previous question, this could help create discipline, respect, and caring for others in the student’s personality.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

Again, the father’s constant presence at school will drive the student forward. A student’s performance will naturally improve when he/she feel that they are monitored and cared about by their parents.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

It is normally out of caring for their own children, being up to date when it comes to their attainment and rectifying a particular behaviour if necessary.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Some parents cannot actually differentiate between positive and active involvement on one end, and blatant and harmful intrusion on the other.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I disagree. Parents’ involvement is of substantial position and it cannot be dismissed. With constant involvement comes constant improvement in the student’s academic and behavioural aspects

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

The value of belonging to school and preserving its premises.

Interview 6:

Mrs. Noura Abu Obeid.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I am for parents’ involvement. I believe it is essential for the success of the educational process at large.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

The objective is obtaining a successful educational process and involving the parents in decision-making process at school.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

It helps create a sense of discipline and enhance the student’s behaviour.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

The students will exhibit more interest when he/she observes the parents’ involvement.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

When student are aware of the fact that their parents are wee-informed on their performance, they will certainly try harder and do better.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

Parents are generally concerned with the scholastic performance of their children; others might be motivated by a wish to participate in the school’s decision-making process.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Being intrusive and only criticizing the staff.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I disagree. Parents’ involvement is of substantial position and it cannot be dismissed. With constant involvement comes constant improvement in the student’s academic and behavioural aspects.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

When parents are informed of their child’s unacceptable behaviour, we almost immediately notice an improvement in that behaviour.

Interview 7:

Mr. Ahmed Watad.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I am for parents’ involvement. They are an integral part of the three pillars on which education is based upon. Their involvement is essential for the creation of their children’s value system.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Closely observing the school environment, providing their children with the necessary motivation, and even making demands to official institutions of what the school needs.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Values and education are inseparable. Thus, parents’ involvement is indispensable. Parents are obligated to play their role in the creation of the value system of their children. The prior are the same values that their children will exhibit at home, school, and the society at large.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

Parents are the compass for their children in this vast world. They are the power behind the creation a value system compatible with the society and with what their children will actually grow up to believe in.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

A student’s educational attainment could be greatly enhanced through parents’ close monitoring and proper guidance.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

Children should be closely monitored, both ethically and educationally. Parents should be present when, for instance invited to a certain activity at school, or when a problem, that calls for their intervention occurs.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Differences in beliefs and orientations, difficulties in achieving the desired scale of cooperation, interference with the school’s internal policy.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I disagree. Parents’ involvement is of substantial position and it cannot be dismissed. A student normally spends a substantial amount of time at school. Thus, school is considered the primary source of education and value acquisition. What is really needed is common grounds and understanding between the parent and the educator.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

School uniform is a priority. Urging students to be committed to wearing their uniform can actually create a sense of responsibility and discipline.

Interview 8:

Mr. Mohammed Abu Gllioun.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in school work?

I am for parents’ involvement. Still, boundaries need to be will defined. The final word should always belong to the school administration with a consideration of the parents’ suggestions and idea made be a parents’ council elected by the parents’ themselves.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Guidance and supervision of the students’ educational attainment and the school’s general performance.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Having the parents’ immersed into the educational process will contribute to its progress and development.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

A channel of communication between the staff and the parents should be established. Parents, in this context, need to be deeply involved in their children’s self-development as well.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

When students take notice of their parents’ involvement, they will be motivated to perform better in all aspects.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

For the benefit and the well-being of their own children.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement ?

Some parents might intrude by interfering in administrative decision that do not concern them. Appointing a certain teacher to teach a certain class for instance.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

Eliminating the parents’ role at school will ultimately demolish an important channel of communication and positive feedback.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

Parents’ participation in students’ graduation ceremonies.

Interview 9:

Mr. Khaled,

Math/CS teacher.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I strongly support parents’ involvement. They can accurately provide the staff of the needs of their children. More importantly, they could establish common purposes with the teachers which are ultimately for the benefit of their children.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Parents could me suggestions to curriculum adjustments. Laws allow for up to 25% involvement in the syllabus. Parents are also an accurate source of information on their children’s social, psychological, and physical conditions.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Parents and teachers complete each other’s role in the educational process. They can work hand-in-hand, in a cooperative and harmonious atmosphere which ultimately results to the creation of a unified value system.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

Parents and teacher should have common objectives and should most definitely work on the same value system. When the priors are taken into account, harmony will be present, and no collision will occur.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

When students take notice of their parents’ involvement, they will be motivated to perform better in all aspects.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

For the benefit and the well-being of their own children in the first place. Trying to have a clear picture of their children’s educational status, tackling their children’s pressing issues, and interfering when necessary. Parents’ involvement will enhance the student’s self-image, help them gain confidence, and urge them to do better and work harder.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Over involvement might turn into a form of harassment to the staff. Not all parents are educationally are culturally equipped to discuss educational matters. Misunderstanding and collision might occur when some parents do not accept the school system, regulations, or decisions.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

Parents’ involvement has more pros than cons. Therefore, I do not think that cancelling it out is a good idea.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

Fights and arguments might occur between students. When parents are summoned as a result of one of the priors, the way they react and handle the situation, if proper, will inspire their children to have more tolerance and forgiveness.

Interview 10:

Mrs. Asmahan Nasasra.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I agree. Parents need to be up to date on their children’s performance.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Parents are also a part of the school structure. The objective is to achieve utmost cooperation and coordination.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Parents are the teacher’s first line of support. Their role is essential and is highly appreciated.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

Parent’s help and support could contribute greatly to a child’s permanent value system.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

The teacher’s job will be easier, and the student’s level of achievement will definitely rise.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

Parents, as mentioned earlier, are an integral part of the school structure. Their children’s well-being and benefit will absolutely motivate them to be actively involved.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Interfering in school matters that do not really concern them.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

You cannot cancel out an integral part of any school structure.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

Helping create a permanent value system for their children.

Interview 11:

Mrs. Maliha.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

It should be actively present.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Giving enough educational and behavioural attention to their children.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Teachers’ respect will rise in the school environment and school requirement will be better met.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

It has a notable positive effect.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

It will push the process forward in the right direction. As I said earlier, they is a serious problem of respect.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

The fierce competion between top students.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

There are no significant difficulties.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I disagree. Parents’ involvement is indispensable.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

Active participation in the school’s extra-curricular activities.

Interview 12:

Mrs. Rahma.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

I strongly support the notion. Parents, teachers, and students need to work hand-in-hand in order for the educational process to be a success.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

Better social relationship and more channels of communication and understanding will be established.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

Parents should convey to their children a sense of belonging, security, and safety. They also affect the student’s school image positively.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

Their active involvement enhances their children’s self-image and reduce behavioural and moral problems significantly.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

The more connected parents and teacher are, the better the student’s performance will be.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

The school should take the initiative in encouraging the the parents to be actively involved in the school environment and the educational process.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Involvement might, in some cases, be seen by the teachers as intrusion and thus hinder the educational process at large.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I disagree. Parents’ involvement is indispensable. Still, it must be monitored and regulation. It must remain active and positive rather than turn into decapacitating intrusion.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

When a parent takes the student’s side in a certain argument or problem, it will negative affect the student in the first place.

Interview 13:

Mr. Waleed.

1) What is your stance on parents’ involvement in schoolwork?

It is important. Certain problems cannot possibly be dealt with without parents’ involvement.

2) What do you think is the objective behind such involvement?

It aims to assisting the staff in the first place.

3) What do you think are the pros of parents’ involvement? And how beneficial could that be?

It’s very important for dealing with certain educational problems within the school.

4) How do you think parents’ involvement influence their children’s value system?

Students will definitely be affected, both behaviourally and educationally.

5) How does parents’ involvement affect their children’s educational attainment in mathematics?

Students’ overall achievement will be greatly influenced. Constant communication is of extreme importance.

6) Why do you think parents should be motivated to be involved?

In the great majority of cases the reasons are mainly behavioural.

7) What do you think might hinder parents’ active involvement?

Work burdens are a major reason that might make parents unable to have a steady and constant channel of communication with the school.

8) What is your stance on cancelling out the notion of parents’ involvement? And why?

I disagree. Parents’ involvement is indispensable.

9) Give us an example on the effect on parents’ involvement on the value system of their children.

I have none in this context.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.


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